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Harley's Hard Hairbrush SpankingHarley has been punished at school and is well aware of how her evening will be spent at home. She knows that her mother will have been informed and she also knows the 'House Rules' that she should be waiting in her mother's bedroom, already dressed in her pajamas for bedtime. As a spanking at school equals at least another spanking at home! So we see Harley waiting nervously for her mother to return and it is not long after hearing the door opened downstairs, followed by the angry steps of mom stomping upstairs to the bedroom. Harley is so sorry and embarrassed but no amount of pleading with Mom is going to stop her getting another spanking over her mommy's lap. There is also a surprise for her, a nasty wooden hairbrush that needs to be used on a naughty girl's bare backside. So Harley is spanked and scolded, as only her mother knows how, before her PJ bottoms and then her tight cotton panties are removed for the final part of this humiliating discipline. Mom's hard hand and the hairbrush are used with force and a meaness that Harley had not felt before and it soon has her sobbing uncontrollably. A spanking at school always means a spanking at home! Mother comforts her crumpled crying girl in her arms as Harley promises to try to be better behaved in the future.
Strict NannyAfter getting caught stealing the car that belonged to her mother, Madison Swan learns that her mom hired a strict nanny, Yasmine Sinclair, who plans on using corporal punishment. Yasmine starts the punishment with the humiliation of having Madison put on dropseat PJs. Then she gives her a hard spanking over her knee and finishes the punishment using a hairbrush on that naughty bottom. Madison then stands in the corner, rubbing her sore red buns.
Lily's Humiliating PunishmentMothers instinctively know when their daughters are lying and Madame Samantha B is no different. When Lily is called to come down for breakfast, she feigns illness so mom comes up to see what is wrong. Of course, there is nothing the matter with Lily as she doesn't want to go to school that day. Mother assesses the situation quickly and mentions she will get the thermometer to check if Lily has a fever... the daughter is puzzled and discovers that Mom is serious, bring in a thermometer, vaseline, and wet wipes... 'what the deuce is going on?', she thinks! Mom explains temperatures are taken rectally... Lily protests, but caught in her own web of lies she reluctantly presents her bottom for inspection and having the thermometer inserted rectally. This proves to Mom that she is faking and she grabs the nearby hairbrush next to Lily's bed insisting her daughter be punished for lying to her. What follows is a hard-hitting, bottom reddening hairbrush spanking that has Lily yelping out in pain. Her PJ bottoms are pulled down to ensure that a bare bottom punishment hurts the most! The lying daughter is left to contemplate her foolish actions... and she is still going to school that day with a very sore reminder that 'Mom knows best!' This film features Lily's first-ever, and possibly only, rectal thermometer temperature taking scene!
Ten's Challenging DayTen has really gone and done it this time... she took her Dad's brand new Challenger and it got a bad scratch after she had parked it carelessly at the parking area of a local supermarket. This little shopping trip was about to cost a lot more than she bargained for, and she only had herself to blame. Mom (Miss Elizabeth) confronts her daughter about the issue as Dad is far too upset to deal with his little girl. Ten is scolded and reminded about how selfish she had been, this would result in a hard spanking punishment, over Mom's lap, and a bare bottom punishment, before being grounded and sent to bed early. Ten's pajama bottoms don't stay on for long and her reddening cheeks are further hand spanked by Miss Elizabeth who continues to chastise her girl. Ten doesn't seem to be all that sorry so a hairbrush is used to remind her about this dreadful poor behavior. It seems to have the desired effect as she struggles, squirms, and grimaces as the mean, stinging hairbrush repeatedly whack Ten's tender bottom. She is told to reflect in the corner and compose herself, bare bottom on full display, before being sent to bed early like the naughty little madam that she was!
Enough Is Enough, Helen!Daddy is at the end of his tether with his unruly girl, Helen. Try as he does, she treats him like the hired help... using him as a taxi service, a personal ATM, and of course... a doormat for her childish tantrums. To top it off, her attitude at school with worsening grades and late attendance reports has meant he finally puts his foot down! No more Mr. Nice Guy with this brat... 'enough is enough!' Helen knows the score and the embarrassing early bedtime (it's still a beautiful evening outside) is the least of her worries. Her concerns are valid as this means a spanking punishment, and not just any spanking... daddy really means it this time and gives her the tanning of her life with his hard hand. The pajama bottoms are unceremoniously pulled down and her bare bottom is mercilessly spanked as her quivering buttocks quickly turn a shameful hue of crimson. Then he swaps his mean hand for the stinging swats of the dreaded hairbrush. Her bottom is furiously paddled with the brush before Helen is left, fully ashamed, to collect herself and learn to be far more respectful to others... and especially to dad!
Aysel's Selfie SpankingAysel is the rebellious stepdaughter that never listens to her mother or her new dad! She's been getting into trouble at school, getting in with the wrong crowd, getting punished at school and now at home. Her stepdad receives a couple of sexting messages and images from Aysel, sent in error to him instead of her sleazy new boyfriend! Imagine the shock as her new father looks at the images. He is straight upstairs to confront her and decides to teach her a humiliating lesson. A first spanking punishment from him... and, it will be on her bare bottom! Aysel is embarrassed and ashamed but it is too late to worry about what he can or can not see 'down there' as her already sore bottom is given a further hand spanking, making her squirm and react (watch her face and bottom in this film). He also has a family strap... something she might have to get used to if her poor behavior continues. Aysel is bent over the bed, bottom high in the air, as her red cheeks are given plenty of stinging swats with extra hand spankings to ensure she remembers that there are real consequences! As a final act of humiliation, since she loves taking pictures, he takes a few snaps of her sore red bottom... a reminder to her of the dangers of sending indecent images to the wrong people. That will give her something to think about in the future!
My House My RulesMeet Red Little who makes her first appearance on our website. She made some great films with our company and this first alongside a very wicked Zoe Page. Once you see this, you will want to see more of this young lady. Red is the new sister of Zoe, thanks to her mother marrying Zoe's 3 times divorced father. Red has made every effort to get along with her new sibling but Zoe hates any attention that her doting daddy might give to his new family. What's worse for Zoe is that Red is living in Zoe's home... and she makes this quite clear with a confrontational meeting telling her that it is her place so Red must live with Zoe's 'My House My Rules' mantra. She threatens Red with all sorts of accidents around the house that she will be blamed for, making the new sister very unpopular unless she does exactly as she says. Zoe gives Red an example of how things will be from now on with a humiliating scolding before she spanks her new step-sibling. Red is in shock but doesn't want to appear bad in light of Zoe's blackmailing threats to her new father... so she does what Zoe says. This leads to a very embarrassing bare bottom spanking that gets Red's bottom living up to her name. It is followed by further humiliation as Zoe uses the hairbrush on Red's very sore backside as she continues to mock and ridicule the poor hapless girl! One wonders if the previous divorces were due, in part, to Zoe's appalling behavior making it uncomfortable for her previous new families... Red knows that she will need to steer clear of this mad psycho in the future. It's going to be hard living under the same roof... happy families, eh?
Liars Never ProsperViolet doesn't want to go to school since it is the day of the big Mathematics test and she failed to study properly. She tells Mommy she is not well and needs to stay home. Unfortunately for Violet, Mommy says that a rectal thermometer is the most accurate way to know if there is a fever. Violet is embarrassed and reluctantly agrees hoping that her temperature is high enough to have her avoid going to school. She is told to lie on her stomach as Mommy pulls down Violet's pajama bottoms and panties. The naughty girl must spread her bottom wide to stick the thermometer in her most private place! Violet is utterly humiliated as the thermometer sits inside her bottom with everything on display for her mother. Of course, Violet is healthy and she has been lying. Mother is upset and punishment with an old-fashioned spanking is the only way this miscreant will learn a proper lesson that, 'liars never prosper'. Violet is spanked right on the bare bottom and kicks and squirms as her cheeks turn a darker shade of crimson at the hands of her angry mother. After the hand spanking, Violet is told to fetch the hairbrush so Mommy can continue the punishment with a hard hairbrush smacking to her lying girl's bare bottom.
1940's Maternal Discipline - Scene 6Scene Six: The discipline of the two eldest girls, Rebecca and Caroline, continues later that evening. However, this time the shopkeeper (Miss Foster) is invited to participate. Both young ladies were told to write a letter of apology which they would read out aloud to her. The following punishment takes place as each miscreant is dealt with once more at the hands of their mothers, Miss Baker and Mrs. Ridley. They are both given a stern scolding before being taken back over the maternal lap for a spanking on their pajamas, knickers, and naturally on the bare bottom. Miss Foster looks on with satisfaction at the thorough punishment taking place. After each girl's spanking, they must then read their letters to Miss Foster before she spanks them, in turn, with the hairbrush across their already sore, throbbing bare bottoms. The miscreants are then sent off to an early bedtime with visibly, smarting red bottoms.
Real Spankings - Exclusive Updates - Part 49
Kajira's Pajamas PunishmentNaughty Kajira Bound is having trouble sitting down after getting punished at school, and the rule in her house is: 'A spanking at school means a spanking at home.' To make things worse for the leggy redhead, she lies about it, so earning 2 spankings. First, a hard OTK spanking on her thin pajamas, then embarrassing corner time. Then, Tubaman bends her over, drops her pants, and blisters her bare, red bottom with a paddle before sending her back to the corner.
New Resident Irelynn'Irelynn wake up it's Sunday morning.'Headmaster Tom has entered her room and he's there for a purpose. He's come to see if she has anything to report to him. She has been at Girls Boarding School for a week, surely she should have nothing to report. However, she has written the report up and she starts to read it to him. She was late for gym on Monday. He tells her that is not too serious, in fact she'd have got off with a warning, but more was to come. Wearing inappropriate clothing one day. Eating chocolate in bed. One of the house rules at GBS, beds are for sleeping in and only for sleeping in, not eating or drinking, not for watching TV and not for studying on. When she tells him how she threw a book after a teacher, he is not at all impressed with her. And finally, she accidentally lost her key. All that in a week. She must be punished, so it won't happen again. Putting her over his knee he gives her a hard hand spanking. That is only the beginning of her ordeal. She is asked to make an immediate decision, wooden or leather paddle? She chooses leather. So he brings the leather paddle down from its hook on the wall above her bed. Bending over the end of the bed, with her face in the mattress, her poor sore red bottom is made even more red and sore as the leather paddle makes contact with it. She then has to apologise for each broken rule and promise not to do it again. Still determined to really make her suffer, he strips her bedding off the bed. Now she must stay in bed for the next twelve hours. No going to the toilet, or eating. If there is an emergency she must call him. All she can do to pass the next twelve hours is to sleep.
Real Spankings - Exclusive Updates - Part 59
Clare Fonda Classics - A Mothers ConcernCasey Calvert has a friend over and when Veronica acts up while Clare arrives to give Casey her nightly spanking, Clare decides Veronica is in need of a long, hard spanking, with hand and hairbrush. Then Casey gets her turn to get spanked in her drop-seat pajamas. Clare even lets Casey give Veronica some spanks with the hairbrush.
Ash Spanked At BedtimeMommy is very disappointed with her precious girl as she has noticed money missing from her purse. When confronted, Ash finally admits that she took it to buy cigarettes. This is very naughty behavior and is told that it will be dealt with before bedtime. Ash knows that when she is called downstairs, she will be punished... and punished severely. Bedtime approaches... the call is made and Ash feels the dread of walking slowly down the stairs, one step closer each time to her deserved spanking. Another scolding is given by Mommy before she is spanked over her pajamas, and... of course on the bare bottom by Mommy's mean hand. As her cheeks turn red, the final part of the punishment is with a Mason & Pearson hairbrush, delivered without mercy across the thieving girl's sore backside. The walk of shame back up the stairs is watched by Mommy as Ash is sent to bed with a sore, aching bottom.
Bare Blistered Naughty List - Stevie Rose Bare Bottom PaddlingThe burn of the paddle has Stevie on the verge of tears. Hard and fast, the thick paddle punishes her naughty bottom as she whimpers and cries. She feels his fingers slide into the waistband of her pajamas, firmly pulling them down to her knees. The burn of the paddle is almost unbearable on her exposed cheeks. Hard firm swats have her bottom jiggling and throbbing. He wastes no time in pulling down her panties to properly blister her poor bare bottom. Counting twenty final swats through her cries, she gives his a hug before being sent to bed.
What Goes On Tour Stays On TourPaul is a sound engineer and has taken Bri on tour with the band he's working for. The first gig unfortunately was age limited so Bri was told to stay in the hotel. What she actually did was use a fake ID to attempt to get into the gig. Much to Paul's embarrassment he was summoned to collect Bri by security. Back at the hotel, a pajama'd Bri is about to receive a bedtime spanking for her duplicity and disobedience! No, Bri, it's not chill!
Slumber Party ShenanigansAdriana and her cousin, Ava decide to get together with their friend Mackenzie for a slumber party. She knows that her mom will be out for the evening so they raid her liquor cabinet as well as have boys over. When mom gets home she sees the boys leaving. She is livid. She goes to her daughter's room and find the empty bottles as well as three giggling girls. Well, after a scolding which leaves none of them smiling anymore, she takes each naughty girl over her lap for a hard hand spanking and then hairbrush spanking.
Northern Spanking Classics - Introducing Allyson BettieIt's time to introduce you to another new model, and we have another absolute beauty who is making her first appearance on a spanking site for you to meet! Allyson Bettie is perfectly curvy with a delightfully round bottom that was just made for spanking. Combine this with her girl-next-door look and her adorably naughty personality, and you have the kind of girl you want to put across your knee again, and again, and again! Ally and Alex look like a couple of sisters with their strawberry blonde hair and gorgeous bottoms, and in this photoset, they do exactly what a couple of mischevious sisters might get up to: they take turns putting one and other across their laps while wearing adorable printed onesies and the world's softest white cotton knickers. The two take turns giving out playful spankings and make sure that you get a good look at their reddened bottoms. Oh, but Ally, be careful! Spankings will not always be so fun, as you will see before too long!
Sassy Stepdaughter SpankedSarah is fed up with her new stepmother and refuses to clean up her room when she told. Not only is Sarah rude and sassy but she is being a complete bitch. Well, step-mommy Eris Martinet will have none of that and takes her naughty stepdaughter her her lap for a good dose of old fashioned discipline. Sarah is spanked over her tight pajamas pants, her panties, and then on her bare bottom.
Stevie's Strapping PunishmentStevie is staying with her strict uncle, played by Michael Masterson, for the summer and she is not contributing at all around the house. He meets her in her room just as she is waking up for the day. He throws three straps down on the bed, sits down, and asks her if she knows what they are for. She plays dumb and says she has been helping and is confused. Well lies will only make it worse. He is going to give her one hell of a strapping. He is sick of dirty dishes everywhere and constantly telling her to pick up after herself. It's time Stevie learned a hard lesson.
A Bedtime SpankingPandora is ready for bed and waiting for her bedtime spanking. She knows it's coming - and she knows she needs it. Her disciplinarian takes her over the knee until she's promising to be good tomorrow.
Don't Take Them Down MummyWillow & Holly are in trouble and know that one of them is going to be punished and punished hard. They have been very cheeky with the lady who lives next door but which girl is the guilty one? It's up to mummy to find out and so when they are in their pyjamas she goes to their room and has it out with them. Willow ends up over her knees getting her bottom spanked and then slippered but is she the guilty one. Willow has just been spanked and slippered for supposedly telling lies. Now the truth comes out and the trouble maker turns out to be Holly. Mummy is not best pleased with this and invites Willow to spank her step-sister's bottom. She proves to be not very good at this so mummy takes over and gives Holly one hell of a spanking before taking off her carpet slipper and beating the bare bottom of this very naughty teenager. Two girls with very red and sore bottoms.
Raven's Bedtime SpankingRaven has been very rude and disrespectful and Mom has had it. Raven has been told that evening she will get a very hard bedtime spanking and that she better be in her room waiting. A very nervous naughty girl awaits her deserved punishment. Mommy comes in and after a scolding, takes her naughty girl right over her lap for a very hard hand and hairbrush spanking. Raven is a very sorry and sad little girl who will try her best to behave from now on.
The Long GameIt seems the Kennedy household is very early to bed, (or they live in the Arctic!), so here we find Alex in silky black nightdress attempting to coral two un-sleepy girls into bed, these being Dorothy and her sleeping-over friend, Daizy. Clearly this is not the time of day to commence a game of Monopoly and, when Alex points this out, the girls are very disrespectful, Dorothy no doubt showing off in front of her friend who, of course, would never be spanked in her house. Well, the rules are different here, as Dorothy well knows and as Daizy soon realizes, when Alex returns with a hairbrush, which she soon puts to devastatingly effective use on Dorothy's cute little upturned bottom!
Five More MinutesWe are excited to welcome yet another new model to our network of sites, Ophelia Fox. In this debut performance, she doesn't want to get out of bed and Mother (Miss Matthews) becomes fed up trying to get her girl up for the 10th time hearing the same old 'five more minutes' uttered from her naughty lazy daughter's mouth. She takes Ophelia over her lap for a well-deserved spanking with the hard maternal hand. Ophelia squirms and complains as the stinging hand reddens her bottom before the naughty girl is told to fetch the hairbrush to the side of the bed. Now she finally promises to be a good girl but Mother knows the only lesson learned is to ensure that the dreaded hairbrush teaches her about laziness from now on and get out of bed when called!
Sent To Bed With A Sore BottomMommy is very upset to get a call from the babysitter that Violet has been very disobedient and refusing to go to bed when she was told. Mom comes home early from a nice evening out to discover her very nonchalant girl relaxing on the sofa. After a stern talking to, the only way to deal with such bratty disobedience is with an over-the-knee spanking. Violet is taken over the maternal lap and spanked over her pajama bottoms, and of course... on her bare, exposed bottom. Mommy feels that a hand spanking isn't going to teach her naughty girl a proper lesson, so she goes to fetch the leather paddle which is used for serious infractions. A far more contrite Violet is taken back over the lap and spanked hard with the stiff leather implement. She is then stood up against the wall for some more mean spankings with the paddle before she is sent upstairs to bed with an aching, sore red spanked bottom
Momma Dana Spanks LolaMomma Dana is very upset to receive a call from school that her daughter, Lola, has been strapped for misbehaving at school. Well, in this house, a spanking at school means a spanking at bedtime. So Momma is waiting for Lola upon her return from school. She scolds her daughter and tells her to go change into her PJs for an early bedtime... and she knows what that will mean an uncomfortable night's sleep ahead! Lola goes across her Momma's lap for a hard hand spanking done in her mean, methodical way; Over the panties then with them deliberately and slowly pulled down to shame her daughter further. It's not over by a longshot, poor Lola must also endure a hard, nasty hairbrush spanking that really has her squirming... only then is she sent to bed with a sore, throbbing bottom!
Sunday School - MiaAfter the tumult of the night before neither Mia or Lily could get up for church the next morning. When Aunt Skyler returned they both knew that they would likely regret this decision. After talking with her pastor it was agreed that she would follow the biblical teaching 'Spare the rod and spoil the offspring'. Soon Mia was over her Aunt's lap, PJ bottoms lowered and crying from the sting of her Aunt's powerful hand. Part 2: After having her bare bottom spanked by her Aunt's hand and even, for a brief period, the bible. Mia was walked to the wooden bench and was made to sit upon it's hard surface. When Mia's well punished bottom touched the hard surface she let out a loud cry. Now Skyler's attention turned to a very fearful Lily.
The ButtflapDorothy is a very badly behaved high schooler, so her parents had to hire Alex, only a few years older, to babysit her when they go out. When Dorothy is a naughty brat, Alex sends her to bed, but not without giving her a good, bare bottom spanking over her knee. She then reminds Dorothy of what a naughty little girl she is by stripping her nude and dressing her for bed in a pair of embarrassingly childish one piece, dropseat pajamas. But Dorothy threw a tantrum when it was time to change, so it's back across babysitter's lap for another hard spanking that leaves Dorothy sore, sorry and humiliated.
Violet Haze - Spanked And DiaperedLovely young Violet is accused of bed wetting but so are you! Now who is the guilty party and will they own up. It seems not, so It is Violet who will be punished. She is dressed in her little girl pyjamas and she has to go over Mommy's knee for a good hard bare bottom spanking. But that's not all. As she may have been the one to wet the bed she is going to have to be put into a diaper. This she finds very embarrassing and pleads with Mommy Sarah to let her off this humiliation but she will not be excused. Naughty girls have to be punished. She has to lay on the bed whilst Mommy Sarah puts her into a full diaper and further humiliates her by making her show this off to you. This is a great POV film.
Ungrateful GirlWe introduce Victoria to SMB, who being given charge of Rosaleen tried her best to ensure a healthy diet , as Victoria felt Rosaleen was prone to putting on the pounds. An ungrateful attitude from Rosaleen backed up with verbal cheek that infuriated Victoria meant the situation had to brought under control, And quickly! Victoria does not take kindly to talk back from anyone, especially Rosaleen, as you will see!
Razor Strop SnapIt's time for school, but Rebecca is still sat on her bed in her PJs messing around on her phone. Her mother Kelley has been more than patient, but enough is enough - and when it transpires that this isn't the first time the wayward teen has been late, there's really only one possible solution. At her mother's instruction, Rebecca reluctantly stretches out over her narrow bed with her bottom high in the air. Kelley fetches the leather strap that hangs on a downstairs wall, and gives the girl a thorough bottom warming through her chequered pyjamas. Will that be enough, though? To make sure the message truly hits home, Kelley pulls her daughter's pyjama trousers down and exposes Rebecca's bare backside before counting out more hard strokes of the strop. Rebecca kicks, squirms and whimpers, still trying to talk her way out of the punishment - and when she gets to school, she'll be remembering this lesson all day long.
A Wakeup Call For SunflowerSunflower has been sent to stay with her Step Aunt and Step Uncle. When she arrives the rules are explained to her, she listens and then promptly decides to totally ignore them! Unfortunately for Sunflower both Step Aunt and Uncle believe in the use of corporal punishment for wayward young ladies. Sunflower is dragged down the stairs in her pyjamas when her Step Auntie finds her playing with her vibrator. Step Uncle watches as Sunflower gets her first ever spanking over the knee before being stood up, legs spread to receive a good hard dose of the nasty leather paddle. Sunflower is soon regretting misbehaving at her Step Aunt's and Uncle's house. She has already been spanked and paddled and now she is going to be strapped and caned. Poor Sunflower has little choice but to comply and this is made all the more embarrassing by the fact that her punishment is to be given in the nude whilst her Step Uncle looks on. Legs spread as wide as possible, the heavy strap bites her tender skin before a good hard caning is given. She is left welted and sore and made to use her vibrio whilst her Guardians look on.
Kami's Dropseat SpankingAnother rare chance for fans of Kami Robertson to see a new movie! She was dressed in a stunning outfit of red and white dropseat pajamas. In this short sharp shock film, Kami decided that she didn't want to get up for school and made every excuse possible refusing to get out of bed in the morning. Her legal guardian didn't have the time or inclination to argue and talk this nonsense out of her and threatened the brat with a temperature taking and a spanking. Her shame and guilt were confirmed so he gave her a quick, hard and humiliating spanking on her bed, pulling down the dropseats to reveal her peachy bottom which fans of Miss Robertson will find most appealing! This film comes with a bonus HD1080 MOV version.
Spanking Teen Stevie - Bedtime Belt WhippingStevie is sent to her room to get dressed for bed. butterflies fill her stomach, knowing her Stepdaddy is not finished dealing with her behavior. Dressing and her pajama top, white lace bikini panties and tube socks, She waits nervously. As soon as he enters the room, she begins to plead, promising to be a good girl. Just got slides through the loops, Stevie is ordered to push her bottom up for Discipline. His belt cracks down on her already sore bottom. Continuing to scold her behavior, determined to set her straight. The licks fall hard and nonstop, Stevie kicks her legs and grips the bedspread.
Naughty Little AngelicaBreakfast is ready and Angelica is nowhere to be found. She is in her bedroom eating a cereal bar instead. She has been warned not to eat in bed but decided to break the rules anyway. Mommy comes in and is very upset with her naughty girl for being so disobedient by not coming downstairs when asked to. After scolding her, she takes the naughty little girl over her lap for a deserved spanking. Angelica is spanked over her PJs, then on the bare, exposed bottom with the firm maternal hand. Next, she is told to ask Mommy to spank her with the hairbrush and Angelica finds this so embarrassing! The sore buttocks glow red with shame from the hard brush spanking and Mommy leaves her to rub her aching bottom better before getting ready to come downstairs.
Cherry Blossom in Herd MentalityElizabeth has been summoned to collect Cherry from the local Mall. Reports of disruptive behavior by a group of girls, of which Cherry was part, do not sit well with Elizabeth and she is determined to teach Cherry a lasting lesson. First made to wear the far-too-small dropseat pajamas she worse years earlier, Elizabeth gives Cherry a very well-smacked bottom indeed before applying her hairbrush to Cherry's un-flapped backside. Hopefully this exemplary spanking will ensure there is no repeat of this behavior in the future.
Workshy AleeshaAleesha & Her mistress, Zoe Page, had an unusual relationship. She was Zoe's property to do with as she wished. Zoe had arranged several spanking session assignments for Aleesha earlier that day so was keen to find out how much she had earned for them both. So imagine Zoe's disappointment when she handed over not very much and was asked to show off her bottom. It wasn't particularly marked suggesting that she had gone lightly, taken less money or even taken a bit for herself! Mistress was rather disappointed with this deceitful behaviour and decided that Aleesha needed a reminder of what it was she was sent out to do. These girls had great chemistry together and it shows in this often humorous and extremely watchable spanking film which saw Zoe use the hairbrush on Aleesha's amazing bubble butt!
Lola's Bedtime SpankingLola had been spanked earlier in the day for being a naughty girl to her Momma. She had been talking back and not doing as she was told. Well, as she knows full well... 'a spanking in the day means a spanking at bedtime' in this house. Sure enough, at 9 pm that evening, Lola waits for mom in the living room for the awaited punishment on her already spanked and sore bottom. She goes over Mommy's lap for a spanking over her pajamas which offers too much protection so they are quickly pulled down revealing her bare, exposed bottom. Mommy goes to town on her bare bottom with her hard hand and the Mason & Pearson hairbrush until it is a shameful crimson, all swollen and sore. She leaves Lola to reflect on her misdeeds before being sent to bed early. Lola slowly rubs and soothes her spanked bottom... it is obvious that she has learned her lesson and is one very sorry little girl.
Misty's Bedtime PunishmentMisty was sent away from the dinner table and told to go and put her pajamas on and wait in her room for mommy to come and have a 'discussion' with her. Misty awaits very nervously. Mommy sits to talk with her about how her behavior was at dinner. She was very rude to and made fun of her little brother and this behavior won't be tolerated. After a short telling off, she is taken over the maternal lap for a much deserved spanking with mom's hard hand and with the hairbrush.
Hairbrush At BedtimeOn their day out together, Syrena has not been the world's best behaved niece and Aunt Kelly decides the flirty little madam needs to go to bed with a sore bottom.
Ava The Bacon ThiefNaughty Ava Nyx keeps stealing realize Daddy Dom Tubaman's bacon and gets caught and soundly spanked. Then, you know the rule: 'A spanking during the day means a spanking at bedtime.' So Little Miss Bacon Thief goes to bed sleeping on her tummy.
Truth Or Dare - A Game With Pain - HQ Photos PreviewTamsin has her friend Alora for a sleep over and they are both in their night clothes supposed to be getting to sleep. Alora however is a bit of a bully and teases Tamsin about her cuddly toys and then gets her to play a game of truth or dare. This leads to Tamsin having to show her small breasts to Alora who then shows her larger ones. It's not long before Alora exerts her authority over Tamsin and starts to play with her breasts and then starts humping her and kissing her. Tamsin is not happy with this and then in comes Mommy Sarah. There is going to be trouble and both girls are going to get a spanking. They have to get on hands and knees and put their bottoms in the air for their smacks and then into the humiliating diaper position where they get a very hard spanking followed by a taste of Mommy Sarah's slipper.
The School ReportAs the title suggests poor Rosaleen has had her school report in. If we say it was 'worse than she expected' that would be an understatement. Elizabeth is nothing short of furious and no amount of pleading from Rosaleen will avert what is about to befall Rosaleen and her backside. Download gentlemen and lament Rosaleen's failure :(
The Trainee Teacher RegretsLily is a new teacher at a private all girls' school. A lot of the pupils are over 18 but have had to stay in full time education because they have failed their exams. Lily has a unique way of disciplining these girls and has found her ways to be most successful. Unfortunately, one of the Board of Governors does not agree. Lily is confronted and as all her implements are on full view on her desk, she cannot deny what she has been doing. She is given a choice of being treated the same way as these pupils or being dismissed. She reluctantly agrees to take some of the same punishment. She immediately goes over the knee and gets spanked just like the naughty teens she has been in control of. She is then told to stand in the corner and wait for her Boss to return. Lily decides that she isn't going to put up with this and that if she takes some photos of her bright red bum, she can avoid any further spankings. Her bluff is called and not only is she punished more but she is made to wear a school uniform including big gym knickers whilst it is happening. She is bent over her own desk and paddled hard. Unbelievably her Boss makes her refer to her as Step Mommy and then tells her she will be coming home with her for some more punishment. This includes another hard hand spanking before being made to put on some pyjamas and given 24 hard strokes of the cane.
Bullies Get The HairbrushPlease welcome Mila Rae, making her debut performance with us at AAA. Mila has been bullying her younger brother, Rupert... and her tearful mother confronted her over this but reserved the real punishment closer to bedtime when dad would be home. He is furious and sets up the spanking chair in the Living Room, calling down Mila who is dressed in her pajamas and ready for bed. She is very quiet and contrite as she spies the spanking chair and knows this means she is about to endure a painful lesson across her bare bottom. Mila is embarrassed when he pulls down her PJ bottoms as she isn't wearing any panties and so the hand spankings feel harder as she kicks and squirms over his lap from the stinging smacks. For upsetting her mom, she is told to get up and bring him the Mason & Pearson hairbrush he was holding earlier. She is told to ask dad to use it across her already sore red buttocks. How humiliating! She hates this implement as it stings so much and now she is beginning to realize that there are real consequences for her bullying. Mila is left to contemplate her actions, and then go make a sincere apology to her tearful mother and her younger brother before spending an uncomfortable night unable to sleep on her back!
Lying Daughters Get SpankedMackenzie tells mom she is not feeling well and can't go to school. Mom agrees and tells her she will bring some soup home for her later. As soon as mom leaves, Kenzie calls Justin, her boyfriend, to tell him that mom fell for it and he can come over. Well, mom forgot one of the files she needed for work and comes back just as they are settling into a horror movie. She is livid to find a boy in bed with her daughter, in fact a daughter she thought was sick. She rushes him out of the house and has quite the punishment in store for poor Mackenzie. First she must take her temperature to verify if she really is sick...but as added punishment and humiliation it is taken the way it was when she was younger, rectally. Mackenzie is humiliated! When it is confirmed that her daughter was lying and she is in fact not sick at all, it is right over mom's lap for a very hard hand and wooden hairbrush spanking. It isn't over until Kenzie is crying real tears and promising to always be a good girl!
Cleo's Bedtime SpankingCleo had been spanked at school and in her house a spanking at school means a spanking at home that evening. Mommy scolds her daughter and then takes her over the lap for a much deserved hard spanking over her pajamas and then on the bare bottom. She finishes with a hard bath brush spanking which makes Cleo kick and squirm in pain as she promises to be a good girl from now on.
Hiding The Report 1 – The Hand SpankingSally is messing with Honey after her bad school report. She is threatening to tell Aunty the news. Sally proposes an alternative which is to spank her instead of getting it from her Aunty. Honey finally says OK out of fear since her Aunty spanks a lot harder than her sister.
Bedtime TroubleVanessa earning herself a severe corporal punishment on her bare bottom, every evening on 3 consecutive days before she goes to bed, with the strap, the leather paddle, the tawse and the bath brush. Severe stuff!
Real Spankings - Exclusive Updates - Part 43
Bedtime Trouble Day 33rd day - 3rd punishment, and obviously the worst one! Vanessa is shivering with fear when Headmaster Tom enters her bedroom with the big heavy scrubbing brush in his hand, for turning her naked buttocks into the most miserable condition they have ever been? Taken into diaper position Vanessa is receiving the drubbing of her life! A relentless fast beating on her bared bottom will finally ram obedience and respect into this spoiled brat!
Ana's 200 Plus 12 PunishmentsNaughty Dutch girl Ana L is spanked 200 spanks, then given twelve swats with a wooden paddle in tight jeans, then in thin spandex, and finally in her skimpy panties. A long and painful procedure for poor Ana. Shot at the Lone Star Spanking Party.
Spanked by DaddyThis is part of the 'Spanked by Mother, Spanked by Father' series. Part One can be found at our sister site Momma Spankings when Belle is spanked by her Mom for coming home from school after getting punished there. In this house, a spanking from her Mother also means a spanking from Daddy when he gets home. We see some introductory footage from the earlier spanking of her in traditional school uniform then watch Belle rubbing her sore bottom over her regulation panties as she is sent upstairs to bed early to wait for Dad. He is none too pleased and takes her over his lap for a long hand spanking. She is spanked first over her pajama bottoms then on her sore red bottom. He isn't finished there, he rarely uses his belt but this time Belle's behavior was so poor at school that she gets 27 licks with the heavy leather belt including a hard final 6! This is Belle Calder's debut appearance, watch out for more memorable videos of her coming soon!
Lucy Lauren's Pert, Creamy Bottom Is Spanked Scarlet For OversleepingFor Lucy Lauren, being spanked is part of life! In her fantasy series, Spanked in Uniform, she's found asleep instead of at work, so her PJ's are swiftly pulled down to bare her pert bottom for a spanking - first with Mr Johnson's hand, then a stinging hairbrush. Awesome reaction cam shots and slow-motion delights show just how much punishment Lucy needs.
Cruel IntentionsPeace reigns in the cell Prisoners Sascha Harvey and Leia Ann Woods share in Bars and Stripes Prison. Well what's Leia up to? She lets herself down quietly from the top bunk and puts something on her sleeping cellmate's pillow. Prison Officer Stephen Lewis wakes up the two girls - he's all sweetness and light - it's obvious to everyone how much he enjoys his job. Then his beady eye sees something on Sascha's pillow and when he realises it's a packet of some drug substance, he comes to the conclusion that as it is on Sascha's pillow - therefore it follows that it must be hers. Poor Sascha denies it emphatically and suggests that Leia must have planted it there and Leia also denies having any knowledge of how it got there. As Officer Lewis doesn't know who to believe he thrashes both the girls - going from one bottom to the other. Both girls kept up a barrage of verbal abuse at each other. After a long hard thrashing he grabs both girls by their arms and drags them into the shower.
Babysitter Spanks SunnySunny has been grounded and sent to her bedroom even though it is still light outside, as it is a punishment after all. She is allowed no access to her phone, social media, TV, or anything equally distracting... so she has time to reflect on her poor behavior. Her parents also want to go out for the evening so have asked a reliable babysitter (Tiana Irie) to look after their 'precious' little girl. She has permission to spank Sunny if she plays up, with bratting or breaking the rules. Sunny is bored and doesn't behave, naturally... so Tiana feels she has no choice but to spank the brat in her room. This is no ordinary spanking as Sunny soon finds this embarrassing. Tiana only spanks girls on the bare cheeks and the PJ bottoms are soon removed, along with her panties as she is given a harder hand spanking over the babysitter seems to be doing the trick until Sunny misbehaves further. She has a surprise in-store for the brat... a hairbrush spanking! This really stings and the naughty girl yelps, squirms, and struggles to take her punishment. As Tiana is about to leave, Sunny answers back and is given yet another spanking on her already sore buttocks over the bed... finally the grounded brat learns her lesson and promises to be quiet and behave! This is a hot spanking punishment film between 2 amazing performers we love very much!
Andy Moon Is Faking ItHaving failed to finish her homework in time, Andy decides to fake an illness to avoid going to school. Alex is not so easily fooled and produces a thermometer to prove or disprove a fever. Having comprehensively disproved it, Andy is in for a spanking. And then she is still going to school to explain both her hr uncompleted homework, and her lateness.
Portia's Bedtime SpankingPortia was spanked at school for playing truant and missing history class. Her excuse is that it was boring. Mommy is very upset and a rule in the house is a spanking at school means a spanking at home. That evening, Portia waits contritely for mommy. After a stern talking to, she goes over the maternal lap for another spanking on her sore spanked bottom. She is very sorry and promises not to skip class again. She is spanked with hand and hairbrush then left in her bed rubbing her red bottom.
DemolitionChristmas is a time for families to be together. There are exceptions though and these two sisters, Ami and Alex, appear to be one such. If the Christmas spirit is comprised of violent destruction and painful retribution, these two are full of it and I would not want to be around when they are opening their presents! Personally, I blame the parents...!
Audrey's Hard Bare Bottom SpankingAudrey knows the rules in this house; A spanking at school means a spanking at home. She is dreading the return of Daddy as he has been told about the incident which led to her punishment earlier that day. She is ready for bed, dressed in her cute PJs, but he is not fooled by his precious little girl's pleas for clemency. After a quick scolding, she is taken over his lap for a hard long spanking that has her yelping out loud and gasping as she feels his firm, mean paternal hand across her extra sore bare seat. This is a no-nonsense hard OTK hand spanking and we promise that you will not be able to take your eyes off Audrey's jiggling bare buttocks as she is given a proper old-fashioned punishment at home.
Sarah's Bedtime PunishmentSarah has been called into her Mistress's bedroom before bed. She isn't happy that Sarah has been rude, demanding, and having a bad attitude all day. She plans to deal with her naughty submissive before early bedtime so they can start afresh the next day. Sarah sits next to Mistress looking sorry for herself and unable to come up with any excuses for her bad behavior. She must accept the consequences of her punishment. After a stern scolding, she is taken across her Mistress's lap for a deserved hand spanking. It stings when the skin is stretched and her sit spots are exposed getting spanked over and over until they are pink as her pajamas. Sarah is then bent over the bed for the next part of her punishment, a bare bottom strapping on her already sore throbbing bottom. After a thorough leather strapping, she is given 20 hard mean strokes of the cane which produce real tears of remorse and shame. Sarah is left alone to contemplate her bad behavior as she gently rubs her poor aching sore bottom better.
Real Spankings - Exclusive Updates - Part 26
Strictmoor Presents Annie And Janets Discipline - Annie's SpankingWe see Annie Patterson arrive to the home of Mrs. Frobisher. She is sent upstairs to unpack, she notices the disciplinary record book as well as a cane and hairbrush. She opens the book to read some of the entries and gets nervous as she knows she too will be in for some more punishment at the hands of Mrs. Frobisher. She returns to the dining room as the letter of her misbehavior is discussed. After a a discussion of what is to come, she is made to ask for a spanking and sent upstairs to change into a punishment outfit. Shortly after, the good lady enters the bedroom. Annie is scolded some more, made to look in the mirror at her naughty face. She is then taken over the knee for some good old fashioned over the knee bare bottom correction. Of course at Strictmoor, a spanking in the day means a spanking at bedtime so she returns that evening for more bare bottom correction. She is humiliated as she is told to look at herself in the mirror while being punished. This is just the beginning of her week at the home of strict Mrs. Frobisher.
Casey Deserves A Sore Bottom- Holiday Pajama Paddling And Belt Whipping- Casey CalvertCasey knows she deserves a very sore bottom, and loves being put in her place over of his lap. For punishment pedal is thick and heavy, cracking down with a force that burns right through her thin pajamas. Alternating between her bouncing cheeks, methodical swats fall relentlessly. Casey gasps and moans as her bottom is paddled blazing under the heavy paddle. The splat of the thick wood flattening her perfect round bottom. Standing to position her over the bed, daddy's belt whips down hard before her pajamas are pulled down…
Dirty Defiler DisciplinedThis is another in our excellent 'Catholic Discipline' series of films where strict religious educational establishments deal with the wayward young girls in their care. Lily Swan has been confined to her room after being punished earlier that day and she is bored and annoyed that the only sounds she can hear are the continual singing of the nuns at choir practice. It's not long before other noises are heard, but of ecstatic moaning coming from Lily's room... and she is caught by Mr. Osborne with her pajama pants pulled down and her fingers dipping into her 'devil's gateway' reading what appears to be contraband and highly illicit BDSM literature! He is deeply ashamed of her and doesn't know where to look... but one thing is for certain, Miss Swan is to receive yet more punishment by his hand. He scolds her for her filthy ways as she is spanked over her pajamas then onto her bare bottom. The dirty girl isn't even wearing any regulation hessian panties (no doubt they itched too much). A passing nun, Sister Evans, is required to witness Lily's further punishments and asked to bring the prayer kneeler and some implements. Lily's now very red bare bottom is subjected to yet more punishments from a double leather strap, a stinging leather flapper and a nasty looking carpet beater which Sister Evans wanted to see used on this troublesome girl's behind. Lily is embarrassed as she takes her position on the kneeler with Sister Evans watching piously and remarking on the unfolding discipline. Each implement is used, saving the carpet beater until last. By now, Lily is one sorry looking sobbing girl, she is told to remain on the kneeler facing the wall as both Sister Evans and Mr. Osborne find more staff to search this dirty defiler's room more thoroughly for any filthy contraband literature that may be hidden. May the Lord have mercy on her aching bottom as the nuns continue to praise him in song! For those that enjoy the catholic style discipline theme, this is a must-have to add to an ever-growing library of spanking erotica.
Co-Parenting CupcakeCupcake is caught trying to play her step-mom for a fool with a skimpy dress that both Alex and her school think she should not have. A phone call reveals Cupcake's deception and decides her punishment: A spanking from her step-mom and Alex's hairbrush applied hard to her naughty bottom.
Quiet Please - Part 1Harley has invited Alex, Linny and Maddy for a sleepover. When their games become too noisy, Paul steps in to restore order and send the girls to bed with very sore bottoms. An amazing group punishment video from Northern Spanking.
Bedtime AuthorityHaving disregarded her bedtime twice in a row this week, Cleo is in serious trouble. Not just a smacked bottom before bed but a thrashing with Daddy's belt awaits this naughty, disobedient little girl! This is a lovely little ageplay film, we hope you enjoy it!
Ella - Spanked In Her BedroomElla is taken OTK in her bedroom, given a spanking on her bare bottom. After changing into her pj's, she prepares herself for the 2nd part of her punishment. A furious Mr. M is strapping her sore buttocks. Once finished, Ella is given permission to go to sleep, though with her red bottom exposed, so her roommates can see what has just happened.
It's For Your Own SafetyLita Baby has done something incredibly dangerous and it's time to teach her a lesson. Her bottom is now going to pay the price for her irresponsible behavior. Let's hope she's a fast learner and she won't have to go through this procedure too soon again.
GBS Classics - Cellphone Trouble For Roseanna
Amy's Long Overdue SpankingTensions rise when Amy's stepmother is forced to confront her stepdaughter about her increasingly defiant behavior. Amy, an 18-year-old with a penchant for staying up past her bedtime and avoiding her chores, has pushed the boundaries of discipline. Amy's father takes a lenient approach. When Amy's late-night habits lead to a series of consequences, including missed responsibilities, stepmommy decides it's time for a change. Determined to restore order and instill a sense of respect and responsibility in Amy, she takes the naughty defiant girl over her lap for a long overdue lesson the old fashioned way; with a hard hand and hairbrush spanking to teach this brat to follow the rules.
Dylan Learns RespectDylan has been such a disrespectful brat and her new stepmother has had enough of this behavior. She has permission from Dylan's father to take matters into her own hands and teach this naughty young lady some manners and respect the old fashioned way. Dylan is quickly turned over Stepmother's lap for a hand and hairbrush spanking that will soon teach this brat a lesson.
Lexi's Bedtime SpankingLexi has been warned several times that talking back will not be accepted. She just didn't get the message and did it again! Lexi is horrified, though probably not exactly surprised that her bedtime today will be associated with a long spanking on her bare bottom, including the dreaded family belt.
Taking Care Of BusinessAshley is having a sleepover at Casey's house and they decide to invite boys over and have some fun knowing that Casey's mom won't be home until late. Well, they did not expect that the nosey neighbor would spot this behavior and send texts to mom. When Momma Bernadette reads the texts and confirms this with Mrs. Whippy, she rushes home to confront the two naughty girls. She is angry and scolds them both but they act like it is not a big deal. That is a big mistake as she is going to show them just what a big deal it is over their bare bottoms. Both girls are taken over her lap, in turn, and spanked over their pajamas, their panties, and of course... on their bare reddening bottoms. How embarrassing it is to be spanked in front of each other in this fashion. After the hand spankings, they are each given a leather strapping across their bared sore bottoms over the bed to make sure that the lesson is learned. Ashley is then sent home in disgrace and a sorry looking Casey is left to spend the night alone... with lots to think about trying to sleep on her sore, aching behind.
Truth Or Dare, A Game With PainTamsin has her friend Alora for a sleep over and they are both in their night clothes supposed to be getting to sleep. Alora however is a bit of a bully and teases Tamsin about her cuddly toys and then gets her to play a game of truth or dare. This leads to Tamsin having to show her small breasts to Alora who then shows her larger ones. It's not long before Alora exerts her authority over Tamsin and starts to play with her breasts and then starts humping her and kissing her. Tamsin is not happy with this and then in comes Mommy Sarah. There is going to be trouble and both girls are going to get a spanking. They have to get on hands and knees and put their bottoms in the air for their smacks and then into the humiliating diaper position where they get a very hard spanking followed by a taste of Mommy Sarah's slipper.
Britney Spanked And Mouth SoapedOlder sister Britney has been really spiteful and mean to her younger sis, Ashleigh. That evening, mom has nervous Britney waiting for her punishment wearing just pajamas. Ashley is invited to watch what happens and is allowed to smile all she wants since Britney had been so awful to her. Britney is spanked over her pajama bottoms but nothing is private in this punishment and her jiggling, reddening bare bottom is revealed as the maternal hand spanking continues. Then mom announces that it is time for an 'Old fashioned bedtime slippering'... poor Britney is placed on all fours on her bed in front of smirking Ashleigh as the leather slipper slaps her sore buttocks. After the slipper has reddened Britney's bottomm, it is time to wash her mean mouth out with soap. All the horrible things she has called her little sis get washed out of her mouth with a thorough, super sudsy mouth soaping she won't forget! This is Britney Light's first ever mouth soaping recorded and it is a fitting finale to this film making this punishment rather special!
When Will Kiki LearnKiki was supposed to go to bed but instead she is just playing in the living room with her stuffies. Mommy is very upset with her naughty girl. Kiki continues to defy Mommy saying she doesn't want to go to bed. She will soon want to go to bed after she is given a good hard spanking. Mommy takes her naughty girl over the lap for a hard lesson which Kiki will learn. She is spanked with mom's hand and the wooden hairbrush. Kiki kicks and squeals in pain as the wood strikes her bare bottom. Kiki learns that when she doesn't go to bed when told to, there are consequences and those are a very hot sore bottom.
The Worst Day EverAlora has decided to take her mother's new vibrator and introduce it to her girlfriend, Essie. Upon coming home, Mother is less than pleased to find the two naughty girls up to no good with HER vibrator! She lectures them both sternly before deciding to give them a much-needed good old-fashioned punishment. If they are going to steal her belongings they deserve to be spanked. They are bent over the bed, side by side, for a bare bottom spanking with Mom's stinging hand. Both girls squeal in pain but that doesn't make Mommy stop the embarrassing discipline as they are spanked next to each other. However, this is far from over, as it is time for an even more humiliating punishment to teach these naughty slutty thieves a proper lesson. They are put on the bed in the diaper position with their legs spread wide like the little sluts they are and Mommy spanks them with the hairbrush to show them just how upset she is! From the earlier fun highs with Essie, poor Alora remarks that 'This is the worst day ever!'
Spank Me Spank YouThe girls sneak downstairs when everyone is asleep and when they decide nothing is worth watching on TV, they talk about spanking, the punishments and the fact that Harry's boyfriend likes to be playfully spanked. Chessie wants to know what that feels like as she is only ever punished so Harry shows her and then Chessie decides she's like to try for the first time too.
Naughty List Roommates - Holiday Spanking Reyna And Troublemaker - Part 1Reyna takes her naughty roommate Troublemaker across her knee under the glow of the Christmas tree. She has first-hand knowledge of exactly the amount of trouble she has gotten into over the year and wants to make sure she's not on the naughty list. OTK in Cozy pajama bottoms, her juicy bottom jiggles under Reyna's hand.
Mummy's Going To Slipper Your BottomSisters Willow & Holly are in trouble and know that one of them is going to be punished and punished hard. They have been very cheeky with the lady who lives next door but which girl is the guilty one? It's up to mummy to find out and so when they are in their pyjamas she goes to their room and has it out with them. Willow ends up over her knees getting her bottom spanked and then slippered but is she the guilty one.
Vandal Spanked By SecurityRaven has been caught by campus security on CCTV vandalizing school property as part of a freshman hazing. He comes to Raven's dorm room, confronting her about the recent unsavory incidents. At first, she lies but that only makes things worse when she realizes that there is footage to prove that she is the perpetrator. So Raven must decide if it is worth getting kicked out of school or spanked for her actions. She chooses the spanking punishment. Security officer Justin takes the naughty girl over his lap using his heavy hand to smack her bottom without mercy. To emphasize his point, he also uses a hairbrush found next to the bed across her round, bare quivering buttocks until he is satisfied that this naughty miscreant has learned her lesson.
Adriana's Bedtime PunishmentAfter changing into her drop seat pj's, Adriana prepares for her spanking by getting into the diaper position and waiting. She takes a long and hard handspanking and is then put into the corner so her bottom can cool off and prepare herself for the second part of her punishment.
Mommy's HomeAdriana has her best friend, Maddy, over to spend the night while the two girls babysit her little sister, Dorothy. Their mother is working an overnight shift at her office, and all three girls have gotten in their pajamas but made no motion towards going to bed. This is still the case when mom, Kelley May, arrives six in the morning! Kelley is thoroughly unimpressed. Adriana was supposed to be responsible enough to watch her sister and she let her stay up all night, Dorothy should have known better than to let her sister lead her astray and Maddy is a guest in their home who should not be participating in this disobedience, either. No-nonsense Kelley lines all three girls up and pulls their pajamas and panties right down. Then, one by one, each girl goes over her knee for a hard, embarrassing bare bottom spanking, made worse by having two observers! Adriana and Maddy are humiliated to be being spanked at their age, and little Dorothy is distressed to be in trouble. But all three are soundly punished, then they are lined up together on the couch to be spanked together: only appropriate since they all got into trouble together. When Kelley is convinced that the girls have learned a lesson, they are sent off to bed. She is going to have to hire a babysitter next time!
Maggy in MisunderstandingsIt's morning and Maggy is still in bed in a deep sleep. Alex wakes her up and asks why she is still in bed and not in school. Being a little bit at a loss for words, she says that there is no school that morning, not knowing that her teacher has already called Alex. Furious about her laziness and lying as well, he immediately puts her over his knee for a long hard spanking with his hand. During her cornertime after the spanking, the silly girl calls Alex a 'tosser', which leads to a further caning on her bared bottom. Poor Maggy, will she never learn?
Amber's hairbrush spankingAmber pleaded one final time not to be punished before bedtime but it was too late for negotiating now. She knew the score but tried anyway and for that she then had two brushes to contend with instead of one for her impertinence. These were the wooden hairbrush AND the hated bathbrush (which she knew would mean an uncomfortable night's sleep) which got used on her bare exposed bottom after a quick hand spanking over his knee! This film is almost POV in style, Amber pleaded to the camera to start with... There was no dialog or voice interaction from her spanker at all, just gestures and there were some extremely close up shots of poor Amber's bottom whacked with the wooden implements in a traditional OTK position. A very good, short sharp shock film.
Violet's Bedtime PunishmentViolet has been spanked at school for using foul language. That evening she knows that she will be spanked again as 'a spanking at school means a spanking at home'. Violet is very sorry already but that is not good enough. Mommy takes the naughty girl over her lap for a hard hand spanking on her bare, exposed bottom. Violet kicks and squirms until Mommy has to put her into a leg lock and then continues to spank her with the hairbrush. After Violet's bottom is very red and sore, she is taken by the ear to the bathroom for a wicked, mouth soaping. Mommy scrubs the filthy tongue and the inside of her foul-mouthed girl.
Regression For Willow And EssieWillow was known as a sexual predator at work but now that Sarah has shown her the error of her ways, she claims into have changed and is now a model employee. Sarah is not so sure so decides to set up a sting operation. Sadly, it seems that not only is Willow still up to her old tricks, but that Essie is very receptive to her advances! This will not be tolerated and so both girls find themselves taking a turn over Step Mommy Sarah's knee for a hard bare bottom spanking. After Willow and Essie are spanked, they are made to stand with their hands on their heads and await Sarah's return. She brings with her some punishment pads. They are the perfect size for a spanked bottom and the spikes certainly add to the discomfort. The girls must sit on them for a prolonged period and Essie loses her right to dress like a grown woman. As she has been silly and deceitful, you can dress the same as Willow and wear school uniform. Step Mommy Sarah believes further punishment is in order so sits herself down on the wooden stool and places each school uniform clad girl over her knee and spanks their bare bottoms hard. Both girls are then stood in the corner. Step Mommy Sarah has a rule. If you are spanked during the day then you get a further spanking before bed. Essie and Willow know this but would do anything to get out of having a further painful punishment. Sarah pretends to consider not going ahead with the punishment and the girls are both willing to avoid it. They massage her back and her breasts but are soon dismayed to realize that Sarah was merely toying with them. Both are spanked on their pyjamas and then on the bare bottom with the slipper.
A Rude Wakeup For Sissi - Bare Bottom Punishment With A Strap To Get The Day Started
The Four O'clock Phone Call - SerenitySerenity couldn't sleep and she could not help herself from calling her best friend at 4am to tell her of her amazing date that night. Her loud chatter brought her father into the living room. Speaking or texting on her phone at that hour was strictly forbidden by her father. Additionally, she was not permitted to date without her father's permission. When confronted by her father, she decided to be brave and sass her father. Before long she found herself over daddy's lap yet still persisted in giving her father lip despite the hard spanks that landed upon her seat of her pajamas. Her attitude changed rapidly when her PJ bottoms were taken down and her spanking continued upon her now bared bottom
Number One PriorityReturning late, having allowed her phone to die, Kitty discovers that being a number one priority carries both responsibility and consequences. The consequences on this occasion are a smacked bottom before bed, no way around.
Anabelle Gets A SpankingA traditional bedtime story! One where Anabelle has been a very rude and disrespectful young lady. Sent to bed to await a stern punishment and a telling off. A good smacked bottom should drive the lesson home.
A Wooden Paddle, A Bare Bottom And A Protesting, Wailing Amelia RutherfordPrivate University isn't what Amelia Rutherford wanted - or expected. Discovering that Prof Johnson prefers corporal punishment as a method of discipline, she's horrified to be told to bend over for a paddling after sleeping, instead of writing an essay. See how she reacts to a wooden paddle across her bottom in PJ's, before those creamy buttocks are bared!
A Long DriveAlex is on a long road trip with Amy, her college age step-daughter. At the start of the journey they agreed to switch places driving every couple of hours. When its Amy's turn to drive, she sees that Alex is sleeping peacefully and decides not to disturb her. 5 hours later, having arrived safely at their overnight hotel, a very tired Amy is having a pre-bedtime discussion with her step-mother, about the soundness of her decision making. A discussion that results in the not-so-grown up, with her days-of-the-week panties, Amy, wriggling and crying across Alex's lap, her bottom being thoroughly warmed by her the back of her step-mother's wooden hairbrush.
Selfish Brats SpankedRachel and Luci are having a sleepover at Luci's house. They have been asked repeatedly to keep the noise down since dad is downstairs with company. They ignore him since they want to have fun and pillow fight. This is very selfish behavior on their part and they will soon pay the price. Dad comes up and asks 'what part of keep it down don't you understand?' They soon find themselves getting spankings over his lap followed by a belting. They are left with very sore red bottoms and a new attitude.
Betty Spanks Kiki Before BedMiss Betty uses the heavy belt on Kiki before bedtime. This is going to be a very uncomfortable nighttime for Kiki. It's unlikely she will get some sleep at all, with her swollen buttocks burning like fire.
Rachel Adams Not Making An EffortOnce a year the extended family gather to celebrate Thanksgiving, requiring forbearance on the part of all concerned. This year Rachel, now of an age to exist solely on social media via her phone, has most definitely not engaged as she should. Here we see the subsequent conversation Paul has with Rachel about her behavior, and the spanking she receives as a result.
Level Up In The MorningAllyson is on a trip with her Mom and has been given her own room for the first time. Feeling like a big girl, Allyson decides that she can disregard her Mom's instruction to go to bed, and instead spend two hours playing a game on her phone! Reconsidering her decision while scolding Allyson, Alex utters the words, 'I know what you need young lady'. And Allyson does indeed know. Those words mean a spanking! Surely she's too grown up for that? Apparently not as Ally is pulled over her Mom's lap to have her pajamas taken down and her bottom smacked.
Punished for DisrespectAn official visit at GBS from Mr. Peterson, for checking if everything is in order. And of course no reason for objection at all, everything is shipshape at GBS as always and as was expected. If there only wouldn't have been this one incident the evening before with Nicole, who obviously didn't want to give a hang about the importance of Mr. Peterson and the impact he is having on GBS as a board of control representative. A cheeky girl with no respect for his hard-earned reputation is certainly not what Mr. Peterson expected to find at GBS. Of course this was an embarrassing situation for Headmaster Tom on the one hand, as Mr. Peterson might receive a false impression about the efficiency of his hard work, keeping the girls well in line and under control. On the other hand, it's just an appropriate and welcome situation for a live demonstration to Mr. Peterson of how a corporal punishment can change a girl's questionable attitude within only 5 minutes. Watch Nicole being held in an embarrassing diaper position, for a strong punishment with the belt on her backside. Also don't miss the extra minutes at the end of this video, when Simone is putting lotion on the swollen bottom of her sobbing roommate.
Northern Spanking Classics - Sascha's SickieSascha is pretending to be unwell, and is found out... Obviously, her private teacher Paul Kennedy has no other change but to teach this young lady a lesson. There she goes across his lap, her pyjama trousers pulled down, for a painful and extensive spanking, first with his hand, then with the dreaded hairbrush.
Real Spankings - Exclusive Updates - Part 46
Andy's Long DayIn this special full length movie, Andy is about to face the longest day in her ultra-religious home. Her parents read from the Bible and quote scriptures to her... so when they find out she has failed miserably in mid-terms, no amount of searching for the appropriate scripture will help. In fact, they decide to go 'Old Testament' on their daughter and punish Andy the good old fashioned way. She is taken in turn by both mom and dad, scolded and spanked over their laps as her bare bottom is smacked hard with their hands. Her failure means they progress to the Compliance Discipline strap, taking turns to ensure that the leather stings and marks poor Andy's bottom. She is sent to bed early, where the next part of this movie takes place. She is caught by mother, masturbating in her pajamas and mom calls for Father to bring the canes. Their daughter is given a hard double caning in humiliating positions, and she is caned on both sides of her thighs as well as her bottom as a reminder of her shame. Andy's day is far from over, her language is foul, her grades have slipped and she has been self-defiling... she is taken to the bathroom for a horrific super sudsy mouth soaping she will not forget. Andy's day ends, her mouth, a drooling soaped filled mess, with the knowledge that her bottom and thighs are smarting from all the wrongs she has done!
Paddled For Not Coming Home 2It's one thing to get in trouble for not coming home, though it's another story entirely when it happens a second time! Alicia is is big trouble and she finds herself getting her bottom roasted with Daddy's paddle in her pajamas. In part 1 she was well spanked and one could assume that the lesson was learned, though Alicia attempted to sneak out of the house again. Daddy decides to apply the wooden paddle to her bare bottom even harder this time, showing little interest in her pleas. It would be fair to say that Alicia deserved each and every swat, and she takes a lot of swats in 'Paddled For Not Coming Home 2'.
GBS Classics - Annie - Sweet Caning
Daddy Spanks AriaAria has been nothing but trouble and Daddy has had enough. He makes arrangements to send her to a private school where they use corporal punishment as there seems to be no other way to handle this brat. The school suggests that the family use their form of discipline in the month leading up to classes starting to get her used to the kind of discipline. Aria is very sassy and rude to dad. He is going to follow the school's advice and start her discipline right now. He spanks her over her school uniform, then on her white cotton panties and finally on the bare bottom. She then gets 12 strokes with the cane. She is told to report back to the living room at bedtime for a hairbrush spanking. So, that evening daddy takes the wooden hairbrush hard to Aria's bare sore bottom until it is crimson red and stinging terribly and she wishes that she had been a bit more obedient.
Not Good EnoughMommy is beyond disappointed in her daughter Willow. A lot of money is spent to send her to the best private school and she has done poorly in all her classes. Willow is simply not trying hard enough and that is just not good enough for mommy. She is scolded firmly and told how disappointed both mommy and daddy are in her. The stern words hurt almost as much as the hard spanking. Mommy spanks her naughty girl with hand, paddle and hairbrush until her bottom is a deep burning crimson. Willow is sent to bed a sobbing mess to think about her wayward ways.
Ten's Tearful Bathbrush SpankingTen's misbehavior earlier in the day has earned her a stern punishment from her mother, Miss Elizabeth. As bedtime approaches, Ten is summoned to the living room for a hard lesson in obedience. The punishment begins with a firm hand spanking over her pajamas, followed by a series of sharp smacks on her panties. But it's not until her mother pulls down her pajamas and panties, exposing her bare bottom, that the real discipline begins. A hard bath brush spanking ensues, leaving Ten in tears. Her kicking legs and pitiful sobs are a testament to the severity of the punishment. This painful reminder of her misdeeds finally teaches Ten to behave.
I've Been A Very Naughty Girl This Year - Casey Calvert OTK Holiday SpankingCasey takes pride in her commitment to being a very naughty girl. Naughty girls are good for plenty of things and she's relishes being turned over daddy's knee to feel his big hand and mean toys. She eagerly takes her place, his hands begin a dance of pleasure and pain on her pajama bottoms. Leather paddle slaps her ripe little bottom, stinging through the thin fabric of her PJs. Her pretty face a mask of erotic pain and pleasure.
Spanked Over Santa's Knee - DebbieIn 'Over Santa's Knee: Debbie', Santa has made a deal to fulfill Debbie's parents wishes that their ward would stop flunking her classes and get a less irritable attitude for the upcoming year. They send Debbie to the North Pole on the Polar Express, but when she gets to Santa, the only present she finds out she is going to be getting is a bottom as red as Rudolph's nose! Santa spanks the naughty girl, telling her she wont be off the naughty list til her spanking is over! Again and again her bottom is struck by Santa's large hand, before he tells Debbie that he is pulling down her bottom flap on her PJs to spank her bare bottom! Debbie squirms as Santa Claws delivers a mighty jolly spanking to this naughty girl!
Amelia Jane Rutherford is Spanked and ShoweredJohn had always hated Halloween, to him it meant the coming of winter and the shorter days. Sarah loved this time of year, but then she loved any excuse to dress up and so she persuaded him to go to the party later that evening in animal 'onesies'. What that had to do with Halloween, he had no idea! John was clearly grumpy and was trying to stay upbeat but in the end he snapped and took her over his lap to start spanking her while they were both dressed up as a zebra and a monkey! He started to find this amusing, spanking his cheeky monkey... And he couldn't stay mad at Sarah for long as she pleaded and pouted seductively but he still decided to follow through with a good spanking as he had bared her bottom and he couldn't resist playing with her some more! This punishment spanking turned into something more intimate as he discovered looking at Sarah's obvious excitement!
A Double Belting For StevieStevie is called to the living room and spanked hard, bent over the couch, with the belt over her jeans. Stevie is well aware that this is only the first part of her punishment. Later this day Stevie nervously waits in her bedroom for Mr. M, for a further hard belting on her bare bottom.
The Step Mothers Story - Part 2 - The Tables TurnedThis continues the story of Violet and her wicked step-mother Kali. They are both instructed by Sarah to go to the bedroom and to dress in their little girl school uniforms. Kali has had to agree to be treated in just the same way Violet is, she does not like this but has no place else to live. Once dressed they report for knickers inspection and Kali is found to have dirty knickers, this brings an immediate over the knee spanking. They are both then sent to bed where they are spanked before bedtime, pyjama trousers pulled down. They are left alone and start fighting. Step Mommy Sarah burst into the room and now she is real mad. They are to be punished. Next day Violet tells Kali she has to clean the house, Kali is not happy with this and phones an old boyfriend begging him to give her a home. Violet overhears this and grabs a hold of her step Mom and drags her over her knees and gives her a real bare bottom spanking.
NS Classics - The Lament Of The School BullyIrelynn has locked Gemma in the stationery cupboard and refuses to tell anyone where the key is. It appears Gemma had been subjecting poor Irelynn to a campaign of bullying and Irelynn has finally had enough. She remains obstinate as Stephen tries his best to whack it out of her!
Lola Marie Spanked & SoapedLola Marie has really gone and done it this time, upsetting everyone at home with her rude behavior and foul potty mouth. Her fed-up stepdad has had enough of this and won't see his wife upset by Lola's antics anymore. She was warned of what could happen before with promises of an early bedtime punishment. Lola never thought he would follow through with such a mean and humiliating punishment in the bathroom... but she was wrong. She is over her stepdad's lap while he sits on the edge of the bath, receiving a scolding for her behavior as the spanking begins. Her pajama bottoms are pulled down revealing her increasingly sore bottom as the spanking increases in intensity. Once her cheeks are throbbing from the hard hand spanking, she knows what is next... and has never been mouth-soaped in her life - until now! He ensures she gets to taste every cleansing soap bubble, and every frothy sud as he works the soap bar in and around her mouth... coating her nasty tongue with excess soap. Lola Marie can hardly believe this is happening and this procedure is repeated 3 times, her mouth thoroughly soaped and rinsed each time. She is left alone to face herself in the mirror, one sorry-looking young lady who now has an embarrassingly early bedtime with a sore bottom and a soapy-tasting mouth as a reminder that there are consequences in this house for poor behavior!
Miss Zoe Punishes AvaIn this custom spanking and rectal temperature taking film, Ava is being lazy and laying in bed still in her pajamas. The Housemother and teacher, Miss Zoe, comes into the bedroom to see what is wrong with Ava. Ava says she is sick and not feeling well. Miss Zoe has a very humiliating way of getting to the truth as she knows this miscreant is telling fibs. She grabs the naughty girl by her ear and places the lazy brat over her waiting lap. Zoe pulls down Ava's pajamas so she can take her temperature the old-fashioned way, rectally! How humiliating for Ava. After discovering that this slacker is not actually sick and proves that she just wanted to get out of taking a test that morning, Miss Zoe knows exactly what to do! Ava is given a spanking on her bare exposed bottom. This is what happens to naughty girls who fake being sick. Next, Ava must meet down in the classroom... in her full school uniform as her punishment is far from over. Miss Zoe gives her another spanking on her already sore bottom, leg locking the lying brat, as she continues to use her hard hand across the schoolgirl's bared buttocks. Finally, for more added humiliation... she takes Ava's temperature once more in that most embarrassing of intimate places. Ava is left in shame, laid out over the teacher's table, with the thermometer stuck in her exposed bottom for all the other girls to witness when they will soon arrive to class.
Kajira's Second SpankingOn Cheerleader Spankings, in the film, 'No Cheer for No Panties' Kajira was spanked alongside her friend, Lily Swan for not wearing panties at cheer practice and being caught by coach. They were both thoroughly spanked by Mommy Katherine, but that wasn't enough. Another spanking that evening was promised to naughty Kajira and that is precisely what she gets. Kajira is taken over the maternal lap for a second spanking of the day on her already sore bottom with Mommy's hand and hairbrush. She is put to bed with a sore red bottom.
Gigi's Bedtime SpankingGigi had been spanked at school and a spanking at school in this house always means she gets one at home as well. On the bright Springtime evening, she is told to wait in her pajamas for an early bedtime punishment from dad. A very nervous girl anticipates what is to come as dad scolds her. She is taken over the paternal knee for a spanking on her already sore bottom. Her bare cheeks quickly redden with the evidence of her earlier discipline at school. Next, she is bent over the bed as the Family Strap, reserved for the harshest of discipline, is shown to her. Gigi's bottom is an inviting target for the following mean leather strapping which leaves her one sore, sorry-looking girl rubbing her aching cheeks. She is left to contemplate the consequences of her shameful behavior before being sent to bed early without any supper.