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Yasmeena's Bare Ass Whipping At Prison
Blood and WaterPrisoner Natasha Byrne is bent over a trestle - her short tunic has ridden up her back to reveal a black knickered clad bottom. The cell door opens and a shadow falls over her - it's the Governor of Bars and Stripes Prison. He has a problem that needs sorting immediately. It is now common knowledge that Prisoner Natasha Byrne and one of his trainee Prison Officers, Zoe Harrison are sisters. As he explains to Natasha, this situation could make it a conflict of interests for Prison Officer Zoe Harrison, who has already proved herself to be a very good Prison Officer - but he has arranged a test for her. The Governor tells Zoe that in order to prove that Natasha being her sister is not going to interfere with her carrying out her duties as a prison officer - she will have to cane Natasha. The Governor refers to Natasha as a scumbag drug dealer. Zoe is eager to prove her allegiance to the Governor and her fellow prison officers. However, as she hasn't actually caned anyone before, the Governor demonstrates the use of the cane. She is quick to learn and gives her younger sister a caning that turns her bottom bright red. Eventually the Governor feels she has proved her worth and leaves her to unfasten the straps that are tying Natasha to the trestle and escort her back to her cell.
Spanking in PrisonAfter spanking each other, they were both taken to Punishment Room 2 where they both had to lay over the Punishment Table to have their allready sore bare bottoms soundly strapped by the Warden.
A Stinging OTK Spanking For Sissy
Spanking in PrisonPrison Spanking Video Previews for: Toilet Duty, Part 2. Strapped for Knicker Smuggling. Cheyenne and Julie, Part 2. The complete Bars & Stripes Collection at Spanked in Uniform.
Silent WitnessPrisoner Lilly Lovell is escorted into her temporary new home by Prison Officer Stephen Lewis and Matron. Lying on her bunk is Prisoner Kami Robertson. She's not too happy about having a cellmate, but Officer Lewis and Matron leave the two girls to get acquainted. Robertson climbs down from the top bunk and sits on the lower bunk in an effort to get to know her new playmate. She has a motive for her friendliness and this motive soon becomes apparent. Her ears prick up on hearing that Lovell is due to be released from prison in two days, having served two years and some time off for good behavior. As she quietly talks to Lilly - her hands are stroking the other girl's leg - up and down her thigh - turning her on big time. She explains that she is in prison for the rest of her life, but someone like Lilly could do all the prisoners a big service - by writing up about the conditions in Bars and Stripes Prison and especially about the physical punishments the girls have to endure on a daily basis. At first Lilly is afraid to do anything that might jeopardize her imminent release from prison - but the flesh is weak when she is methodically being worked over by an experienced worker. It doesn't take long for the two girls to take turns at undressing the other. Bare tits are kissed and sucked and when Robertson goes down on Lovell - then the poor girl is really lost and starts to reciprocate. The two girls are well away, and are startled when the cell door is pushed roughly open and Prisoner Officer Lewis and Matron rush in. They are disgusted at such behavior - two girls being sexually turned on by another member of the same sex. Although they know Lilly would not have instigated this behavior - and pile the full blame onto Kami Robertson. Matron helps Lilly to get dressed, talking soothingly to her. Kami is then put on the receiving end of a severe hand spanking, followed by the use of a leather paddle. Lilly Lovell cowers on the lower bunk watching with horror the happenings. When the two girls are left alone, clever Kami carries on persuading the other girl to do the writing for her. Oh dear, will Lilly Lovell blot her copybook and end up behind bars again?
Spanking in PrisonYou may find it hard to believe, but corporal punishment of young girls in prisons still take place, all over the world! And if you think that this practice only occurs in remote countries far from where you live, then you are seriously mistaken! It's a fact, corporal punishments in women's prisons - mostly in the form of severe beatings on the bare bottom - could even be taking place in YOUR OWN country, even if you live in a cultured and civilized area. Of course, if you try to find or even speak with victims of these practices, you will never hear the plain truth.
Ella's Intake and First Day in CellAfter her first spanking the Governor made Ella lay over the desk and her bare bottom received a sound thrashing with the Governer's strap. Then she had to change into her prison uniform. Officer Zoe Page took inmate Ella to her cell and told her to make her bed. Ella stubornly refused and she was spanked and spanked untill she learned that Officer Zoe does NOT brook any nonsense!
Bedroom games at the halfway house - Part 1When Zoe Page showed Aleesha Fox to her room. She found Amelia Jane Rutherford stretched out on the bed reading a book. It is her day off was her excuse. After Zoe spanked Amelia's bottom she was sent on her way. Zoe then told Aleesha to change her outfit and she had some fun with her on the bed which involved her hand and Aleesha's bottom.
Judicial PunishmentPrison Officers Paul Kennedy and Stephen Lewis are in a meeting with the Governor of Bars and Stripes Prison. The subject of their discussion is once again Prisoner Rutherford. She is the most arrogant prisoner in the prison. Despite several attempts to rehabilitate her in the past, she is still a problem to the prison staff. Now at this meeting it has been decided to give her a judicial punishment. She is led into a stark room - with bare walls and an uncarpeted floor. Standing against the wall - as arrogant as ever, she has her arms folded across her chest. Then she is ordered to undress completely. She's spread-eagled across the cross trestle and her wrists and ankles are securely bound. There is to be no escape for her. Prison Officers Kennedy and Lewis are carrying out the punishment. She is to receive initially twenty-five strokes of the strap. While one of the officers administers the strap - the other one keeps count. As each stroke leaves its mark across her tender cheeks she screams and struggles to escape from her bonds. The twenty-fifth stroke lands and she gives a long drawn out sigh of relief - but it is premature as the punishment is not over yet. Punishment Part Two is her having to endure another twenty-five strokes of the flogger. Then there is a third and final part to the judicial punishment. For this part the Governor himself is to be the one to swing his right arm and give her twelve strokes of the cane. As the final stroke of the cane falls, apart from her screams there is no arrogance. Have the Officers and Governor of Bars and Stripes Prison finally won?
Punished in PrisonPrison Spanking Video Previews for: Donna's Painful Contact. The Morning After. Clover's Interrogation. Spanked into Silence. The complete Bars & Stripes Collection at Spanked in Uniform.
Spanking in PrisonPrison Spanking Video Previews for: Kitchen Duty, Part 1. Language Lesson. Vanessa's Intake. The complete Bars & Stripes Collection at Spanked in Uniform.
Aleesha The VisitAleesha is alone in the flat she shares with her boyfriend Billy Smith. However, in actual fact she's not alone - she has a visitor. He creeps up behind her, putting his arm around her neck. Scared witless she tells him she has no money, but he tells her he's not after her money - he has a message for her to deliver to Billy. She says she doesn't know anything - how can she possibly help. He convinces her that it would be wise to take down his message word for word. Billy is trying to double cross the rest of the gang and they don't take kindly to that, so her visitor's mission is to give her some pain and in that way, Billy can expect to receive even more pain if he doesn't toe the line. She is lying flat on her back on the bed with this thug pinning her down. He orders her to turn over onto her tummy - then starts spanking her bottom. She wriggles and protests, but he holds her down with ease. As he spanks her, her bottom can be seen to be turning a dark red, but he still hasn't given her the full message yet. When he tells her to stand up she obeys immediately even though she doesn't know why. He drags her over his knee - so now she is quite sure what's going to happen next. As he carries on spanking her, her poor bottom is getting redder and sorer each time his hand makes contact with it. Eventually she convinces him that she will pass on the message to Billy. Pushing her off his knee - she finds herself sitting on the carpet, he towers over her - again she's scared - what's he going to do with her. Reaching down, he pulls her to her feet and flings her onto the bed. He leaves her, but not before he threatens her once more - he'll be back if she doesn't pass on his message.
Spanking in PrisonPrison Spanking Video Previews for: Party at the Halfway House, Part 2. Refusing to eat, Part 1. New Kid on the Block, Part 3. The complete Bars & Stripes Collection at Spanked in Uniform.
Intake Day Yasmin GarciaFor Prisoner Yasmin Garcia it's Intake Day at Bars and Stripes Prison. She is ushered into the interrogation room. Her attitude annoys Prison Officer O'Brien - as she strikes a pose with her hands on her hips and her clothing makes her look like a real tart. When questioned by Officer O'Brien she agrees that she's in prison doing a life sentence for poisoning her husband and she shows no remorse whatsoever, because he deserved it. This worries Officer O'Brien - it seems that if she doesn't like someone she's likely to poison them - and she certainly doesn't like the prison officers. So Prison Officer O'Brien knows that she has to show Yasmin who's in charge. Therefore, Yasmin is roughly pushed face down over the desk for a spanking. Firstly by hand then Officer O'Brien pulls her knickers down and uses a leather paddle on her bare bottom. When she starts wriggling about Officer O'Brien asks Prison Officer Stephen Lewis to hold her down - he so loves his job. After her poor bottom has been made red and very sore, Yasmin is allowed to stand up. Officer Lewis hands her her prison uniform and tells her to change. To the disgust of Prison Officers O'Brien and Lewis, she raises one long and slender leg and rolls her stocking down and removes it. They are so flabbergasted by her audacity they allow her to repeat the action with her other leg. She changes into the short red tunic and completes the ensemble with knee high white socks. Just as a reminder - she is pushed back over the desk for another spanking with the leather paddle. Now that she has been welcomed to Bars and Stripes Prison, she is taken to her cell.
Jenna Jay - Solitary Day OnePrisoner Jenna Jay is sitting on a rush rug in the corner of her cell. The only furniture she has is a wooden chair. Then Prison Officer Stephen Lewis comes in - he had told her to expect him, although he didn't tell her why. He asks her if she's enjoying her first day in solitary - and she nonchalantly tells him it's all right. The unoccupied chair is put in the centre of the cell and she is told to bend over it. She does exactly as she is told - this makes Officer Lewis suggest that she may be learning to enjoy it. But when he starts hand spanking her - she is soon pleading with him to stop. However, he carries on with the spanking. Cruelly, he tells her to ask him to stop convincingly and nicely. He tells her to say pretty please - and when she does he tells her no and carries on spanking her very hard on her bare bottom. Again, he asks her to say pretty please and when she does - he gives her another couple of spanks then tells her to stand up. He orders her to go back to sitting on the rush mat in the corner of the room - but not to pull up her knickers. She has got through her solitary day one and Officer Lewis has promised to come and see her again the next day. This gives her something to look forward to.
Another Warm WelcomeThe sound of raised voices and Prisoner Nikita Raffell realises that peace has been shattered. She had a cell all to herself and had wanted it to stay that way, but the Prison Officers had other ideas. Now here was this loud-mouthed girl who was to be her new cellmate, wisely she kept quiet - biding her time. Prison Officer Lewis and Prison Officer Bradley bring prisoner Woods into her new home - she is complaining loudly because she's been cooped up in a cattle truck for seven hours and desperately needs a piss. Unfortunately, the Prison Officers are unsympathetic. She has a plastic bag with her personal possessions but as is the rule in prison, her odds and ends must be checked. Prison Officer Bradley finds a bottle of perfume and confiscates it - prisoners are not allowed to have anything made of glass. The prison officers are fed up with her constant cheek and by mutual agreement decide a session of the cane may sort the problem. She's forced to bend over a chair, her black regulation prison knickers are pulled down to mid thigh and Prison Officer Bradley applies the thin whippy cane to her bare bottom. She is to receive twelve strokes. Then the prison officers agree that she should be grateful to them for taking the trouble to show her right from wrong - therefore, it would only be right if she was to thank them after each stroke of the cane. Her poor bottom is getting really sore so she understands that being loud and sarcastic is not in her best interest, so she temporarily obeys them without question. While all this is going on, Prisoner Raffell is lying on her bunk watching what is going on but saying nothing. Having made their point, the two prison officers leave the two girls together. Prisoner Woods has been allocated the top bunk - she climbs up to it, then leaning down she informs Prisoner Raffell that she is to be the boss in that cell and threatens to use violence if the other girl doesn't agree. Raffell is frightened and starts screaming for help. Prison Officers Bradley and Lewis come charging into the cell wondering what the commotion is about. However, because they already know it is just a ploy by Raffell to have a cell of her own they turn on her and it is now her turn to bend over the chair while Prison Officer Lewis uses a leather paddle to give her a very sore bottom. Punishment over, the two girls are left alone. They are told they will have to get on or else...
The Humiliation! Prison Officer Zoe Put Over An Inmate's Knee To Be Spanked!The relationship between prison officers and inmates is difficult, especially as Lucy Lauren has evidence of Zoe Page's indiscretions at the Correctional Institute. How else could she put Zoe over her knee for a sound spanking! Zoe knows she has no option but to suck up the humiliating punishment, as her bottom turns crimson. And Lucy's not done yet!
Pandora Blake - Painful DealPrisoner Pandora is is being caned by the prison governor. She bends over the desk with her skirt raised and panties lowered and the governor begins the caning. Pandora counts out the hard strokes as they're given in a measured rhythm. By the end of the caning her buttocks are marked with a neat row of red cane stripes.
Aleesha NickedAleesha is just going to settle down for the night, but before she does she makes an urgent phone call to her boyfriend Billy Smith. She warns him to stay away from her because they're on to him and are likely to come back to her place. She then gets into bed and settles down. The nightmare begins when her bedroom door is pushed open and two prison officers run in. Prison Officer Zoe Page and Prison Officer Dave Dodge drag her out of bed. They insist they need her to tell them where Billy Smith is. She insists that she does not know. For some reason they don't believe her. Her wrists are handcuffed together behind her back and she is flung face down on the bed. Officer Dodge brings a paddle out of his pocket and starts spanking her with it. All she has to do is tell him what he wants to know and the spanking will stop. She tells him that she can't tell him where Billy is, as she doesn't know. Officer Page is eager to have a go, so he hands the paddle to her. But still Aleesha repeats again and again that she doesn't know. Therefore, the two prison officers are enjoying spanking her and causing her pain - so they take turns. Poor Aleesha's bottom is looking very sore. To add to her misery, she has to thank whoever is spanking her after each stroke. But all good things come to an end and when Officers Page and Dodge eventually realize the fun is over, they march her off for further interrogation.
The HumiliationMatron is in the Medical Centre - she is preparing for her next patient. When Officer Stephen Lewis comes in, he's brought the patient. She hasn't come willingly and is struggling, swearing and protesting. Matron tells her to strip and she refuses point blank. However, when Officer Lewis offers to help her, she feels humiliated and starts to remove her clothing. Taking off the red prison dress - she flings it at Matron. But Matron is having none of it and tells her to fold it up neatly. She does so with very bad grace, then adds the rest of her clothes to the pile. Now standing stark naked in front of Matron and Officer Lewis, she is feeling scared and vulnerable - although she tries not to show her fear. Matron wastes no time in telling her why she is in this position - as a journalist she has managed to get into the prison and has been busy taking notes while listening to the prisoners telling her about the conditions in prison - Kami Robertson intends to tell the world what happens behind the prison walls. Now, she is going to find out first hand. Matron wants to give her a medical examination and tells her to lie on the bed. Kami Robertson doesn't make it easy - not for Matron or Officer Lewis and definitely not for herself. Officer Lewis has to forcefully hold her down during the physical examination, including holding her ankles and spreading her legs wide. Under threat of having various body parts broken, she has no choice but to allow the examination to take place. She swears but under her breath - Matron has very sharp hearing and uses a cane on her poor bottom. The cane keeps making contact with her wriggling bottom until she says sorry. However, both Matron and Officer Lewis suddenly become deaf and say they can't hear her, so she has to keep repeating it. When Matron and Officer Lewis become tired of playing with her, she is told she is going to spend some time in a real prison cell. Matron tells her she's going to need something to wear during the night and searches in a cupboard until she finds a shapeless, drab grey garment and sniffs at it - deciding it smells too clean and fresh. So she stuffs it up her skirt and rubs it against her pussy. Now it's ready for Kami to put on and give a twirl. Beaten and humiliated she is led out of the Medical Centre to a prison cell.
Anus Caning For Vicky
Spanking in PrisonPrison Spanking Video Previews for: Birched for fighting. No Knickers, Part 1+2. The complete Bars & Stripes Collection at Spanked in Uniform.
Prison Inmate Lucy Lauren Feels The Discipline Of Zoe Page On Her Bare BottomAfter a sleepless night, pretty inmate Lucy Lauren is bent bare-bottomed over a chair for an extended spanking from Officer Page at Correctional Institute. This is no token spanking: Lucy kicks and protests as the tattoo of smacks is applied to her reddened rear. Calling the officer a bitch only deserves more punishment, as the story continues…
Pandora Blake - Intake DayPrison Officer Lewis escorts the latest prisoner into the Intake Office. New prisoners are introduced into prison life - it's called Intake Day and all prisoners have to go through with it. Today it's Pandora Blake's turn. Prison Officer Lewis brings her into the room with her wrists handcuffed behind her back. He tells Matron and Prison Officer Jean Bradley that this prisoner spells trouble - but he has other things to attend to and with his regret and apologies he leaves Pandora in the capable hands of Matron and Prison Officer Bradley. Unfortunately for her, Prisoner Blake believes that she will be all right and will be able to cope with prison life - after all it's only for a year. Her crime was theft from several department stores. It is explained to her by the two women - that while she's in prison she addresses male prison officers as sir and female prison officers as ma'am and matron as matron. Her efforts to be brave and tough it out don't go down well with her tormentors - who are cruel and sadistic - and soon have her writhing about being bent over the desk while she is initially hand spanked on her bare bottom by Prison Officer Bradley - who then changes to using a leather paddle to further redden her poor bottom. As the spanking continues, she starts crying and Matron and Prison Officer Bradley take great pleasure in goading her and laughing at her predicament. Eventually, her spirit broken, she appeases the two women by addressing them in the correct manner. Now she has to take off her own clothing and put on the prison uniform. The red tunic / dress is shorter than normal due to her height. But as Prison Officer Bradley points out - it will be easier to get to her bottom whenever punishment is necessary - which will be a daily occurrence for the full 365 days she will be in prison.
Polished CheeksThe Governor of Bars and Stripes Prison had arranged a meeting with some of the Prison Officers - it was in order to discuss the progress or non-progress of one particular prisoner - Prisoner Amelia Jane Rutherford. He explains in detail what happened recently when she was supposed to be cleaning his office. Returning to his office to collect a file, he finds her asleep at his desk - an open file lying on it. He crept up to the sleeping girl and shouted down her ear; She woke up with a scream. She is full of excuses as to why she was sleeping at his desk, but he's having none of it, especially as the file that was lying open on his desk just happened to be hers. She's indignant at the thought that he believed she would do such a thing and denied it emphatically. So he puts her over his knee for a good old fashioned spanking. She protests, shouts, screams, wriggles about and point blank refuses to admit that she was prying. Having resorted to threats about reporting his behavior to a journalist then refusing to name a particular one - he renews his efforts at spanking her, with vigour. He keeps on spanking her until she finally apologizes to him in a civil tone of voice. Telling her to stand up, the spanking is over. Standing there in front of him, she pulls her knickers back up, so he tells her to take them off completely and then gives her a few more spanks on her bare bottom. Now he's going to leave her to do the job she was supposed to be doing before she fell asleep at his desk. And he expects his office to be spotless by the time he comes back. And to further humiliate her, she is to do the cleaning with her bare bottom on display. Left alone she swears and curses but she gets on with liberally spraying polish around. Her discarded knickers, she picks them up and files them neatly away in a drawer in his desk. The prison officers agree with him that in the case of Prisoner Amelia Jane Rutherford - her rehabilitation is at a standstill, as she is making no progress at all.
Kami Robertson - The Night NursePrisoner Kami Robertson is curled up on the lower bunk in her prison cell - sleeping but restless in her sleep. When her cell door is opened it startles her, but she has no time to rub the sleep from her eyes - as she is pulled roughly out of her bed by Matron and Prison Officer Kennedy. They have come to put her through yet another inquisition. Matron's hands are all over her body - squeezing her tits and poking her fat fingers into the poor girl's pussy. When she protests, matron reminds her that she can do whatever she sees fit and as she was not wearing the regulation nightdress - it just makes it easier for Matron to get to her various body parts. Both Matron and Prison Officer Kennedy have no respect for Kami, this is because of her job as a journalist - she came into the Bars and Stripes Prison of her own freewill - poking and prying into how the prisoners are treated while in prison. So, she was now a prisoner and learning first hand what goes on behind the locked doors. Now, because of not giving the right answers and swearing and cussing at Matron and Officer Kennedy, she is subjected to a flogging by matron. This is followed by an over the knee hand spanking by Officer Kennedy. She is crouching on the floor and Matron insists that she shows Officer Kennedy some respect by apologizing to him. Only when she apologizes to him - calls him 'Sir' and has no sarcasm in her voice is she allowed to put on her nightdress and get into bed. However as it is 4 o'clock in the morning - she is only going to get two more hours sleep at the most.
Backfire Part 2Prisoner Niki Flynn - Number 4222 knocks timidly on the office door of the Governor of Bars and Stripes Prison. When he shouts, 'enter,' she sidles in. He has summonsed her to his office - she has caused him and the prison staff some aggro and he intends to make her pay for it. On his desk he has as he refers to it - set out his stall. There is an assortment of implements that he intends to use on her bottom. He tells her that he intends to punish her himself, in his own way - in his own time. At first he has her bent over his desk for a hand spanking on her bare bottom. Once her bottom is a deep rosy red, he starts methodically using the various instruments of pain and torture. Niki tries her best to be brave and take her punishment without fuss, but as the pain builds up she finds herself pleading for it to stop. However, the Governor of Bars and Stripes Prison has no intention of stopping the spanking / flogging / strapping until he thinks she has had enough. He's in his element - he's enjoying himself, so why should he stop? But, he eventually does stop - after all he's not an evil man. He has her stand in a corner with her knickers pulled down to her knees - her bright red bottom is on display. He sits at his desk ignoring her while getting on with some paperwork.
Brush StrokesPrisoner Pandora Blake was ineffectually pushing a brush around the office floor - she was not exactly thrilled with her job. So she decides it's time for a break and brings a cigarette out of her pocket, lights it and takes a satisfying deep breath. Suddenly she is no longer alone with her sweeping brush. Prison Officers Jean Bradley and Stephen Lewis have come to join the party. The cigarette was immediately confiscated by Prison Officer Bradley. How dared she smoke when she's supposed to be working - and who gave her the cigarette? Pandora had no intention of snitching on anyone so she kept silent. This particularly riled Prison Officer Bradley who tucking Pandora's head under her arm, starts spanking her. Despite her bottom looking very sore, she still keeps quiet. Then the questions changed. Now she was being asked if she was enjoying her job of sweeping the floor. Her immediate although rather unwise answer is to say it is boring. The spanking continues until she changes her opinion of the job and says it's a wonderful job. But still the prison officers are not satisfied with her answers - so Officer Stephen Lewis takes over from Office Bradley - he pulls her over his knee and spanks her long and hard. Eventually the spanking stops and Pandora is allowed to stand up. Then left alone again, she carries on sweeping the floor.
Stripped Naked, Lucy Lauren Endures A Tough Spanking In PrisonStanding spectacularly nude shows off Lucy Lauren's athletic figure as prison officer Zoe Page ropes her wrists to a high beam at Correctional Institute. Lucy can see a wooden paddle waiting, but first she has to be spanked! Zoe doesn't pretend she's not enjoying this, as she provokes and teases poor Lucy before spanking her bare bottom - HARD.
Spanking in PrisonPrison Spanking Video Previews for: Masie feels the Whip, Part 1+2. The Cigarettes, Part 1. The complete Bars & Stripes Collection at Spanked in Uniform.
Four girls bend over for a spanking with their knickers around their ankles
ConfrontationPrisoner Xela Xesta is in her cell flicking through a magazine - when Prison Officer Zoe Page saunters in. Now there is a clash of personalities. Both Xela and Zoe have an attitude towards each other. Xela is almost twice Zoe's age and feels humiliated that this young person is able to punish her. So she is adamant that she will not let this young whippersnapper get the better of her. However, Zoe is also adamant that she's going to bring down this haughty prisoner. At first the two women fling verbal abuse at each other - but then it becomes physical with Zoe slapping Xela around. When she brings out a leather paddle and insists that Xela kisses it - again there is a battle of wills when poor Xela refuses to do so. Eventually Xela gives in and is over Zoe's knee. Beginning with a hand spanking - followed by a bare bottom spanking. The whole scenario is over when Zoe gets bored and leaves Xela to her magazine and saunters out again. Leaving poor Xela - embarrassed and humiliated and with a very sore bottom.
Spanking in PrisonPrison Spanking Video Previews for: Unauthorized Break, Part 2. Jailed for Shoplifting, Part 1+2. The complete Bars & Stripes Collection at Spanked in Uniform.
Torture For TwoThere are screams and yelps in the punishment room at Bars and Stripes Prison. Added to the screams and yelps that are coming from Prisoner Kami Robertson - Matron's maniacal laugh echoes round the cell. Poor Kami, her wrists are bound together and she is being stretched upwards by a rope that is running through a ring hanging from the ceiling. Prison Officer Zoe Page is controlling the rope - sometimes allowing it to be slack - other times forcing Kami up on to her toes. Matron is swinging a flogger across Kami's body. As the poor girl in her agony moves in an effort to avoid the flogger, her body spins. Matron is in her element - deliberately concentrating on allowing the fronds of the flogger to strike poor Kami across her stomach and tits. The prison staff are trying to find out from Kami, how she got into Bars and Stripes Prison in the first place. Also, they want to find out from her, who is feeding her information about the conditions in the prison. But, stubbornly she refuses to tell them anything. Even when Matron grabs hold of her nipples and viciously pulls on them, she screams in agony but doesn't squeal. Then Prison Officer Lewis comes into the cell, bringing with him Prisoner Lilly Lovell. Because she had befriended Kami it was thought that she might be able to answer their questions. However, she too refuses to tell tales on her friend. Poor Lilly is horrified by what is happening to Kami - especially when she is threatened with the same if she doesn't spill the beans. She is forced to strip and once she is completely naked, she is bent over a bench and is flogged on her bottom. She admits under duress that Kami promised her money etc and agrees with the prison staff that it wasn't worth it - although she stops short of telling Matron and the Prison Officers what they really wanted to know. So it is decided that the torture will have to be continued another time. And the two girls are led back to their respective cells.
Rachel Lloyd Intake DayThe new prisoner Rachel Lloyd has only just arrived in the Bars and Stripes Prison. She's standing in front of the desk - at which Prison Officer Kennedy is sitting. She's wearing a halter neck top - looking more like she's ready for a day on the beach rather than being a prison inmate. Over her shoulder is a red bag - that she clings to possessively. He tells her to straighten herself up and stop slouching - sullenly she obeys. He asks her some routine questions, such as her name - she shrugs her shoulders and answers him. She agrees that she is in prison for two years for identity theft. Prison Officer Kennedy does not like her attitude and is quick to tell her so. He explains to her prison etiquette. Male prison officers are to be addressed as sir and female prison officers as ma'am. When he asks her if she understands she tells him yes, but has to be reminded to say 'Yes sir.' When he asks her to hand over her bag, she refuses to do so. He tells her she's not going to need it while she's in prison; However, she disagrees with him as it contains the tools of her trade. He sneeringly asks her what she intends to do with the 'tools of her trade' while she's in prison. He forcibly takes the bag from her. Then to her surprise she finds herself bending over his desk - receiving a hand spanking on top of her black bottom hugging trousers. She winces each time his hand makes contact with her bottom. She makes things worse for herself by questioning everything, when told to take off her trousers, she wants to know if she has to. Back bending over the desk, her red bottom is fully visible. As her spanking is not yet over, Prison Officer Kennedy now introduces her to a leather strap. Her poor bottom is very red and sore when he tells her to stand up. She straightens up immediately. Handing her a pile of clothing - her prison uniform, he tells her to put it on.
Rock SaltPrisoner Amy Hunter is not at all enthusiastic about the task Officer Stephen Lewis has set her. She is to move lumps of rock salt from one place to another. She dawdles, giving loud exaggerated sighs as she picks up each piece of rock salt and walks with it a couple of feet - depositing it in a neat pile. Officer Lewis is getting fed up with her constant whining and he reminds her that he's doing it for her own good. After all she's outdoors, not cooped up in her cell and she's getting some light exercise. And as she will be spending several years in prison - she stabbed some fella; She should appreciate breaking the monotony. Unfortunately, she doesn't agree with him and gets gobby and smart mouthed. So he orders her to stand between two wooden pillars, holding onto them while he goes off to get the flogger. When he returns he forces her head forward - so that her upper body is bent from the waist. Tucking her red prison uniform into the back of her black knickers - he starts flogging her. She groans loudly after each stroke. However, she is still bad-mouthing him and even has the audacity to suggest that he enjoys this part of his job. His response is to pull her knickers down to her mid-thigh - and continue flogging her bare bottom. As he pushes / drags her reluctant body back inside to her cell, she is still carrying on with her cheeky remarks.
Sound Strapping For Lucy As She Learns How Things Work In PrisonCorporal punishment is a regular feature for inmates at Correctional Institute, as pretty Lucy Lauren has learned the hard way. Disrespect or disobedience brings severe penalties from officer Zoe Page, who wields a mean leather strap across Lucy's bottom. It's not long before her clothes start to come off, and those panties will follow!
Spanking in PrisonPrison Spanking Video Previews for: The Cigarettes, Part 2+3. Caught in the Act, Part 1. The complete Bars & Stripes Collection at Spanked in Uniform.
Spanking in PrisonPrison Spanking Video Previews for: Caught with a Dildo, Part 2. Clean Your Cell, Part 1+2. The complete Bars & Stripes Collection at Spanked in Uniform.
Spanking in PrisonPrison Spanking Video Previews for: Prisoner Jenna Joy, Part 1+2. The Infirmary, Part 1. The complete Bars & Stripes Collection at Spanked in Uniform.
Severe Prison Caning For Foxy
Taming the BluePrison Officer Stephen Lewis is explaining the rules and regulations at Bars and Stripes Prison to new Prisoner Sascha Harvey. Things are going well, she agrees to behave and follow the rules etc. But - when he tells her she's going to be working in the laundry, Sascha rebels and tells him no way. Officer Lewis is a reasonable man and he patiently explains to her that she doesn't have a choice - all prisoners have to work and there is a vacancy in the laundry. She argues with him and hurls a mouthful of abuse at him. He realizes that she needs to learn some manners and he knows exactly how to accomplish this. He places a chair in front of his desk and sitting down on it he puts her over his knee. What follows is a long hard hand spanking that leaves her full of apologies. But he's still not convinced and brings out a leather paddle and continues with the spanking. Eventually he brings the spanking to a close. He tells her to go back to her cell and Officer Kennedy will come to escort her to the laundry.
Caroline Grey Intake DayCaroline Grey is standing in front of Officer Stephen Lewis's desk, while he is sitting facing her. It is Caroline Grey's Intake Day. Her wrists are handcuffed together behind her back. As she has only just arrived in the prison - she is still wearing her civvies. He is welcoming her to her new life - at least twelve years in prison. Although he has a file with her notes in it - he still prefers she should tell him her name and why she is in prison. He explains that he's her personal officer and from now on she does exactly what he tells her. However, she's a young lady with an attitude and Officer Stephen Lewis knows it - he's taking on the job of beating it out of her. She gives a wrong answer and he moves quickly - standing up and coming round to her side of the desk - picking up a leather paddle on his way round. Placing his big hand on the back of her neck, he pushes her face down over the desk. He spends the next few minutes using the leather paddle on her poor bottom that is seen to be getting more red and sore with each stroke of the paddle. He's taking his job of teaching her respect and manners very seriously. She's in prison for using creative book-keeping. She calls it embezzlement - he calls her a common thief. While she doesn't want him to think she's turning soft, she realizes that she will have to at least appear to be obedient, unless she fancies the idea of never being able to sit down again. He has a pile of clothing on his desk - it's her prison uniform, so he hands the pile to her and tells her to put it on. Once she has dressed in her new outfit, he pushes her out of his office and takes her to her new home for the duration - leaving behind her neatly folded outside clothing. Therefore, her new life is just beginning.
Spanking in PrisonPrison Spanking Video Previews for: The Board Room, Part 1+2. New Kid on the Block, Part 1. The complete Bars & Stripes Collection at Spanked in Uniform.
Jenna Jay - Solitary Day ThreePrisoner Jenna Jay Number 4242 is sat in solitary for the third day. The cell is bare - just a rough rush rug in the corner and a straight back chair. Her personal Prison Officer Stephen Lewis and the Governor of Bars and Stripes Prison join her. Always well mannered and polite Officer Lewis introduces her to the Governor - explaining to her that he is special. She wants to know what makes the Governor special. Well he's used to the prisoners showing him some respect. So she's off on the wrong foot right away. He tells her he's the Governor of Bars and Stripes Prison. Officer Lewis and all the other prison officers are under his jurisdiction and he trusts them absolutely - to care for the prisoners on a day-to-day basis. But he's taking a special interest in Jenna as she murdered her husband, who happened to be a very good prison officer - showing a lot of potential. She interrupts him - saying, 'he was not a good husband.' Now the Governor will not have anyone saying anything bad about his officers - so he takes it on himself to punish her himself. She is ordered to bend over the back of the chair. Her short prison tunic rides up her back to reveal a pair of black regulation prison knickers that he pulls down to mid thigh. Her bottom is still red and sore from the previous two days spankings. He doesn't bother with the usual warm up hand spanking but uses the cane immediately. As the cane bites into her tender flesh, she cries out - but her anguish is ignored - the cane continues to make angry stripes across her bottom. While the Governor is attending to her rear end, Officer Lewis is insisting that she holds her head up and looks at him. When she stubbornly refuses to obey him, he grabs hold of her hair and forces her to look at him. It takes a bit of friendly persuasion to get her to call the Governor -Governor, but with some patience she gets it right in the end. Caning over, she is ordered to go and sit in her corner on the rough rush rug again, but a disrespectful remark from her and she receives another three strokes of the cane. As the Governor and Prison Officer Lewis leave her - she is warned that she is going to be paying a visit to the punishment room. She sits in the corner, rubbing her sore bottom - it's so good to have something to look forward to.
The AdjudicationThe Governor of Bars and Stripes Prison is having a discussion with two of his Prison Officers. Talk in general soon came around to Naughty Amelia Jane. Prisoner Rutherford is completely oblivious to the rules and regulations in place at Bars and Stripes Prison - as Prison Officer Kennedy found out while attempting to assess her. She's rude and arrogant and has an answer for everything. So Officer Kennedy tells the Governor and Officer Lewis about the assessment and how and why he had to spank her. She was sat in a chair while being questioned by Officer Kennedy. After a particularly arrogant remark he moved in to spank her. But she jumped up off her chair - telling him she didn't want him looming over her. When he orders her to sit down again, she refuses and keeps dodging out of his way. So they end up playing musical chairs, until he catches up with her and pushes her face downwards over his desk. As she is a tall girl, her prison tunic barely covers her bottom. So he doesn't have to pull up her skirt as it has already ridden up her back. He hand spanks her while she keeps up a tirade of abuse towards him. Eventually, she cleverly turns things around so that she is assessing him. But he's been on an anger management course and manages to keep his anger in check. When she insists that she wants to complain to the Governor about the way he's treating her, Officer Kennedy tells her the Governor's internal phone number. She dials the number. She explains to the Governor what's been happening to her at the hands of fucking Officer Kennedy. Instead of getting sympathy he speaks to Officer Kennedy and encourages him to carry on with the spanking. Poor Amelia realizes that she has no friends from the prison staff. Now the Governor and his officers are aware that Prisoner Rutherford is receiving some information from a journalist who has managed to get herself into the prison on a daily basis. It's now their mission to investigate the matter further.
Gregorys FloggingPrisoner Sarah Gregory is lying spread-eagled on the flogging bench. Prison Officer Zoe Page is securing her wrists and ankles to the cross bars - they don't want her interfering with the punishment she is about to receive. When Prison Officer Paul Kennedy comes into the punishment room, Zoe had just put the finishing touches to the leather bounds. Officer Kennedy praises her for her zealous way of carrying out her duties with such care and attention. Officer Kennedy explains to Sarah why she's in the position she's in and how she can save herself a great deal of pain and suffering by telling him who gave her the gun that was used to shoot a sheriff. He's also rather peeved because she went to see the Governor of Bars and Stripes Prison behind his back. Unfortunately for her, her attempts to get round the governor only made matters worse for herself. So now she is being flogged by Officer Kennedy.
Matron's Bitch SlappedPrisoner Sarah Collins has returned from a mission. She's standing in the sick bay at Bars and Stripes Prison. Matron is sorting out some equipment and jumps slightly when she becomes aware that she is not alone. She welcomes Sarah back and asks her if everything went according to plan. Prisoner Collins nods her head and then shakes it. So Matron demands to know the full details. Hesitantly Sarah tells her how she was just about to find out how the drugs were being smuggled into the prison - when one of the prison officers interrupted her and the other prisoner who was the informant. Therefore, the moment was gone. Matron is not at all happy with the pretty young girl who is standing before her. After all she and the senior officers - including the Governor had hatched this plan to find out how and when drugs are being smuggled into the prison. They had all agreed that Prisoner Collins was a bright intelligent girl, who would have no problem carrying out the plan. Now here she was - she had failed because of another more junior officer who knew nothing about the plan and had interrupted the meeting of the two prisoners at the crucial moment. Matron is frustrated. She shows her disappointment by spanking Sarah. She then tells Sarah she will have to repeat the exercise and this time she must make a success of it. Sarah is allowed to get dressed but to leave her tunic open. Then she is told to lie on her back on the sick bay bed. There is a look of sheer terror on her face as Matron approaches her with an instrument of torture. At the moment this is a warning of what to expect if she fails again.
Jenna Jay - Intake DayPrisoner Jenna Jay has just been sentenced to ten years in prison.Now standing slouching in front of Prison Officer Stephen Lewis and Prison Officer Zoe Page, it doesn't take them long to realise that this young lady has a high opinion of herself. In fact she agrees with a remark that Officer Lewis makes that she knows she is special. She is off on the wrong foot from word go. She was found guilty of killing a man, who just happened to be a close personal friend of Officer Lewis's - therefore she's in trouble. Officers Lewis and Page decide to knock the cockiness out of her by giving her a sore bottom. Although she cries out each time Officer Page's hard hand makes contact with her rapidly reddening bottom, she denies that it is hurting her, even when Officer Page proudly shows Officer Lewis the bruising - she puts on a brave face. There is a short break from the spanking, when she is given her prison uniform and ordered to change into it immediately. Unfortunately, the zip on her prison uniform sticks and Officer Page has to help her sort it out. She has to stand with her arms spread while Prison Officer Page checks her new uniform for fit etc. A sarcastic remark from the feisty new prisoner results in her being bent over the desk for a further bottom warming. The two Prison Officers are convinced that she is challenging them. So they are determined to spank the cockiness out of her. However, a chance remark from the prisoner is that she enjoys being spanked - therefore, they decide to leave it for another day, as they have no intention of giving her pleasure. She is then taken to her cell - that is going to be her home for the next ten years.
Lazy JayPrison Officer Zoe Page has escorted Prisoner Jenna Jay to her cell in Bars and Stripes Prison. She tells Jenna to make up the bed and tidy up - she'll be back soon. So Jenna pulls a blanket up on the top bunk - then she lies down on the lower bunk and starts reading some magazines. When Officer Page returns she finds Jay asleep and gives her a rude awakening by slapping her on her bottom. She orders Jay to stand up and accuses her of being lazy. So she suggests that Jay makes up the bed properly this time - but again she makes a very poor job of it. Jay has made up her mind not to cooperate while in prison - she can't see any reason to follow rules. When Officer Page threatens her with punishment she more or less encourages her to do so. So that's how she ends up lying over Officer Page's knee. As the slaps rain down on her bottom she moans, surely she's in pain - but when Officer Page stops and she is asked if she wants some more - she says yes. The spanking continues. She is inclined to make some cheeky remarks and Officer Page warns her that her mouth is going to get her into trouble. But the cheekiest part of all is - while she's being spanked, she's reading the magazines - that are on the floor. The spanking continues for some while, until she agrees with Officer Page that being punished is not enjoyable. Then she is left alone to settle into her new home.
The Waiting RoomPrisoners Rachel Lloyd and Leia Ann Woods are sitting in the waiting room at Bars and Stripes Prison - they are excited at the thought of having visitors. Matron comes in and starts searching Rachel including her knickers and this causes Leia to make a cheeky remark. Then Prison Officer Kennedy comes into the waiting room and pulling matron aside he whispers in her ear. Now the information he has just imparted to matron is music to her ears and she loves the idea of being able to burst the two girls bubbles. Their visitors have not turned up - and she takes great pleasure in goading them about it. Bitterly disappointed, Leia lashes out, accusing Matron of making it up and moves in to physically attack her. Prison Officer Kennedy goes to the aid of matron, while Rachel joins in by defending her mate. Both girls are overcome and find themselves being paddled. Matron is paddling Leia and Officer Kennedy is paddling Rachel. There is a right cacophony of sound as the leather paddles being applied to bare bottoms echoes around the waiting room. Leia is in even more trouble when matron notices that she's not wearing regulation prison knickers. Then to further humiliate them, they are given over the knee spankings. Matron tells them they are being treated like silly little girls. By the end of the spanking session both Rachel and Leia have very sore red bottoms. Rachel is allowed to pull up her knickers - while Leia has to remove hers and hand them over, as they are not regulation knickers. When Matron gleefully tells them that because of their bad behavior they will not be allowed any visitors for the next three months. And when they open their mouths to protest - they are stopped in their tracks - being warned that it would be six months if they don't keep their mouths shut. They are then led back to their cells.
Spanking in PrisonPrison Spanking Video Previews for: Missing a Parole Hearing. Refusing to eat, Part 2. Paddled in the Woods. The complete Bars & Stripes Collection at Spanked in Uniform.
Stripped Naked, Tied Up And Paddled: Zoe Page Gets Tough JusticeMonths of abusing her authority with inmate Lucy Lauren catches up with prison officer Zoe Page in Correctional Institute. She's stripped nude and tied to a roof beam, arms stretched above her head, while Lucy applies a leather paddle to her jutting bare bottom. Spectacular reaction cam and slow-motion cheek-jiggling replays capture every moment.
Irelynn Logeen - Intake DayIt's Intake Day for Prisoner Irelynn Logeen Number 4235. Prison Officer Harrison brings her into the interrogation room. She stands in front of Prison Officer Lewis's Desk, her wrists handcuffed together behind her back. He explains to her that this get together is normal for all new prisoners - that it's necessary to tell her about the rules at Bars and Stripes Prison. That by keeping on the right side of these rules, her time spent in the prison will be a lot easier than if she breaks the rules - then the prison officers will break her. When he asks her has he made himself clear, she answers 'yes sir,' but he's not convinced that she is sincere and Officer Harrison agrees with him. Therefore, Officer Lewis is going to teach her a lesson. Still handcuffed she's pushed face down over the desk and he gives her a thrashing with a leather strap. It's Officer Harrison who suggests that she might feel the strapping if her jeans are pulled down. So Officer Lewis gives her the job. Pushed back over the desk, the strapping continues and gives her an even sorer looking bottom. But when Irelynn makes a detrimental remark about Officer Harrison - Officer Lewis hands her the strap and allows her to carry on with the punishment. In the end Irelynn is verbally showing more respect, so she is helped to stand up by gentleman Stephen Lewis. He then asks Officer Harrison to take the cuffs off her, so that she can change into her prison uniform. Yet defiant to the end, Prisoner Logeen informs Officers Lewis and Harrison that she will not be giving them any information about her crime. They say she will. A battle of wills - which will win?
Spanked in PrisonPrison Spanking Video Previews for: Donna Parker Midnight Message. Stinging seduction. Double paddling for Amelia Jane Rutherford. The complete Bars & Stripes Collection at Spanked in Uniform.
Judicial BeatingPrisoner Pandora Blake is led into the punishment room at Bars and Stripes Prison by Prison Officers Zoe Harrison and Stephen Lewis. She is ordered to strip and is forcibly assisted by the two prison officers. Once she is naked she has to lie on her tummy on the cross punishment bench. With a clanking of chains, her wrists and ankles are secured to the cross. Before her punishment is carried out, Prison Officer Stephen Lewis who loves his job takes great pleasure in explaining to her what is going to happen to her and why. For various reasons, including stealing, being uncooperative and rude to the prison officers and having a sharp object about her person - that is forbidden - she is to receive a judicial beating, consisting of forty strokes of the flogger. This sentence has been passed by a meeting of the senior prison staff. Pandora is also told that there will be no letting her off - she will receive the full forty strokes immediately. The poor girl has no choice but to agree to it. While Officer Lewis wields the flogger - Officer Harrison counts the strokes aloud. Pandora screams each time the flogger makes contact with her sore bottom - but she knows pleading for mercy will not help her in any way, because it's just not going to happen. By the time the fortieth stroke has found its target, it's not only her bottom that is red raw - but also her back. She's taken back to her cell. Her judicial punishment is over.
Caroline Grey - InterrogationIt is Grey's Interrogation. Caroline Grey - Prisoner 4237 is not sitting comfortably on a chair. She's sitting bolt upright, with her wrists handcuffed together behind her back. Both Warden Lewis and the Governor of the prison have joined forces in an effort to make her spill the beans about the Internet banking fraud that she's involved in. But she either doesn't answer their questions or her answer is - 'I don't know.' As she sits in the chair, Officer Lewis places one hand on the back of her neck and the other hand on the front of her neck, under her chin - forcing her head up and looking at him. He then puts his face down and shouts at her - she shudders because his breath smells foul. But all Officer Lewis is trying to do is teach her manners. It's common courtesy to answer when the Governor asks a question. It's obvious the line of questioning they are using is a waste of time, so the Governor suggests to Officer Lewis that they stretch her a bit. So she is standing now with her wrists fastened to a pulley above her head. She is pulled up so that she is on tiptoe. Her arms are taking the strain. As questioning her is not working - the Governor has a paddle and uses it on her bottom. But when questioned again, her answer is always 'I don't know.' The Governor speaks softly to her and gently pushes a wisp of hair out of her eyes. Then he smoothes out her top that has loosened - so revealing some of her feminine charms. But even that doesn't work. So losing patience he tugs her knickers down to her knees - as he does so she suggests that - that is his favourite part. He doesn't like being thought of as a pervert so he spanks her even harder. However, so far Grey's Interrogation is not going too well. So it is mutually agreed between the Governor and Officer Lewis, that a spell in solitary confinement might loosen her tongue. Officer Lewis leads her away.
A Wooden Paddle Meets Lucy Lauren's Bouncing Bottom In PrisonCalling your guard at Correctional Institute a whore when you're already on minimum rations and sleep-deprived can only lead to one thing - corporal punishment. Lucy Lauren dreads a visit from guard Zoe Page but, even when she sees the wooden paddle, she can't keep her mouth shut. There are painful, bottom-quivering consequences. Ouchie!
Kami Robertson - Medical MayhemZoe Page Medical Assistant pushes and drags Prisoners Kami Robertson and Lilly Lovell into the examination room at Bars and Stripes Prison. Prisoner Robertson is about to cause medical mayhem. One of the many rules at Bars and Stripes Prison is that after a punishment they are physically examined by the matron of sickbay. Matron takes her job very seriously. She orders Prisoner Robertson to lie on her back on the examination couch. She's looking for any lasting damage that may have been done during the punishment the previous day. However, when Matron inserts a probing finger into Robertson's vagina she starts squirming about and has to be restrained by the Medical Assistant. Meanwhile, Prisoner Lilly Lovell watches the proceedings - cowering against the wall, chewing on her fingers. Robertson is still writhing about on the examination couch and being orally abusive. This earns her a spanking with a leather strap administered by Matron. With a very sore red bottom she is dragged off the couch and Prisoner Lilly Lovell is told to take her place on the couch. After witnessing what her friend went through, Lovell takes the easy option and allows Matron to examine her without protest. Therefore, her examination is soon over and she has just been told she can stand up - when Robertson calls Matron a pervert. Robertson is grabbed and thrown face down over the examination couch. Lovell is still sitting on the couch and clambers to the furthest end - out of the way of kicking legs and flailing arms. What follows is a very irate matron strapping Robertson's previously reddened bottom until it is a deep red with signs of bruising. She keeps on swinging her arm until Prisoner Robertson finally gives in and apologises for calling Matron a pervert. When Officer Lewis comes to take the two girls back to their cells, Matron and her assistant are getting quite close. Maybe the medical mayhem turned them both on.
Wrong Time And PlaceNew prisoner Sarah Collins has come out of her own cell and wandered into Prisoner Leia Ann Woods cell. She introduces herself and tells Leia about her problem - she's been put into a very small dark cell and suffering from claustrophobia - being in the cell is agony for her. Leia is sympathetic and promises to do her best to get some help for her. As a token of friendship, Sarah gives Leia a packet of cigarettes that she puts in her tunic pocket - just in time because Prison Officer El Diablo comes into the cell. He orders poor Sarah to go back to her own cell immediately, but she attempts to explain to him about her claustrophobia - how she feels like the walls are closing in on her. However, he takes her delay in obeying him and answering back as insubordination. So he pulls her over his knee and despite her protests and struggling, he gives poor Sarah a prolonged hand spanking, first on top of her black regulation prison knickers then on her bare bottom. He totally ignores her polite requests for him to stop spanking her - instead he brings a leather strap out of his pocket and uses that on her very sore red bottom. Even Leia tries to reason with him but he's an unreasonable man and threatens to give her some of the same if she doesn't shut up. Only when he decides that Sarah has had enough does he escort her back to her pokey little cell.
Natasha Byrne IntakeNatasha Byrne is standing in front of Prison Officer Stephen Lewis's desk. She makes a very sorrowful figure. She's wearing a full-length coat with a hood that completely covers her head and face. This is her first few minutes of being a prisoner at Bars and Stripes Prison and she has already rubbed Prison Officer Lewis up the wrong way. He doesn't like her attitude, her wearing apparel and he is a man on a mission - a mission to make this object standing in front of him into a model prisoner. He has a rant about the kind of upbringing she has had and it is no wonder she has turned out like she has. Police Officer Zoe Harrison has a secret but she's not about to tell him this secret - but it's obvious that she is not comfortable with it. As she is a trainee prison officer, Officer Lewis suggests she gets in some spanking practice on the wretch fidgeting about in front of him. However, she is reluctant to spank Natasha and makes an excuse about needing to see again how it's done. So Officer Lewis takes great pleasure in giving her a demonstration on poor Natasha's bottom, including the effective use of the strap. Eventually, after getting some polite answers from Natasha who has donned her prison uniform - he and Officer Harrison escort Natasha to her prison cell to start her five-year stint for drug dealing. Officer Zoe Harrison relaxes - knowing that for now her secret is safe.
A Cell Too ManyPrisoner Amelia Jane Rutherford is waiting outside the Governor's Office - she has requested an interview with him. Meanwhile, she makes a frantic phone call to someone outside the prison, demanding some immediate help from him. However, she has to cut the call short as the Governor has come out of his office to greet her. One of the many rules at Bars and Stripes Prison is that prisoners are not allowed cell phones. She had somehow smuggled the phone into the prison among her personal bits and pieces. Her reason for wanting to see him is to request some protection from him as her cellmate is threatening her and so making her feel vulnerable. Prisoner Rutherford is asking to be placed in solitary. Being her usual arrogant - hoity-toity self, the Governor makes it clear that he's not impressed with her - and tells her she needs a lesson in humility. So he sits on the chair and puts her over his knee. He spanks her hard - the sound of his hand making contact with her bottom echoes round the room. She begs him to stop spanking her, even using please. But while she is constantly wriggling about while over his knee, he tells her he intends to carry on spanking her hard until he believes she has learned her lesson. Therefore, she has a very sore red bottom by the time Prison Officer Lewis arrives to take her away from the Governor's Office. The Governor suggests to Officer Lewis that as she so badly wants to be put in solitary - she should have her wish granted. So Officer Lewis pulls her to her feet by her hair and takes her away.
Too Much CheekPrisoner Irelynn Logeen is escorted to her new cell by Prison Officers Stephen Lewis and Zoe Harrison. They leave her to settle in. She climbs up to the top bunk and lies down on it. Still on her exploration of her new home, she checks out the metal lockers that are meant to be wardrobes for her meagre clothing. She's not too impressed and again lies down on her chosen bunk. Then she hears a key scraping in the lock the door of the cell clangs open and Officer Lewis and Office Harrison come in. Their job is to check that she has not smuggled anything into the prison - that is not allowed. Being a gentleman, Officer Lewis tells Officer Harrison that she should search Prisoner Logeen - she is only too happy to oblige and runs her hands over Logeen's body. She is disappointed to not find anything. But Officer Lewis checks out the wardrobe, but again he disappointedly finds nothing - Prisoner Logeen chimes in with a possible reason - there is too much dust in there to keep clothing in it. However, Prison Officers Lewis and Harrison do not appreciate her helpful contribution to their discussion. In fact the prisoner voices several complaints about her living quarters. Therefore, she is labelled as a moaner and moaners are punished in Bars and Stripes Prison. Officer Lewis pulls Irelynn over his knee and gives her a hand spanking. He has to warn her several times to stop kicking, but she is unable to obey - it's a natural reaction to kick out after each slap on her poor bottom. Then he doesn't want Officer Harrison to feel left out so he suggests she takes over spanking Prisoner Logeen. They change places a couple of times, by which time poor Irelynn's bottom is very sore and mottled red. Eventually, she is coaxed to thank both the prison officers for being so kind as to give her such a warm welcome to her new life.
Spanking in PrisonPrison Spanking Video Previews for: Kitchen Duty, Part 2. Caught in the Act, Part 2. Jentina's Intake, Part 1. The complete Bars & Stripes Collection at Spanked in Uniform.
Lipsticks And Big SticksPrisoner Pandora Blake is lying face down on the top bunk in her prison cell. Officers Stephen Lewis and Jean Bradley come in unannounced and order her to come down and stand on the floor at the side of the bunk beds. She demands to know why they are treating her in this way. But they are quick to point out - as a prisoner of the state, she has no rights. Then the truth comes out - one of the other prisoners has had some makeup stolen and as nothing has ever gone missing before she arrived, the finger of suspicion points at her. She protests loudly, but her pleas of being innocent, fall on deaf ears. Still struggling and protesting, she is forced to bend over the top bunk - her hands are held tightly by Officer Lewis, while Officer Bradley uses a big leather paddle on her bare bottom. Unfortunately, because Officer Bradley is striking out at her so vehemently - the paddle breaks, this upsets her assailant, who mourns the loss of her favourite paddle. Yet, Officer Lewis like a good boy scout has another instrument of torture, just in case. Eventually, she admits that she did steal the makeup - anything to stop the torture on her poor bottom. She is led away into solitary confinement - tears of distress meandering down her face. Poor Pandora - what else is she going to have to endure while serving her prison sentence?
Lucy's Revenge Turns Up The Heat With A Nude Caning For Zoe Page!Stripped naked and touching her toes, prison officer Zoe Page is totally humiliated at the mercy of inmate Lucy Lauren at Correctional Institute. Her creamy smooth buttocks are soon marked by Lucy's cane as she exacts revenge: 12 strokes is just the first part of a cheek rippling punishment. Zoe's round target looks awesome in slow-motion highlights.
American BratGovernor Stamp is sat at his desk - dealing with some paperwork, there is a knock on his door and he shouts come in. In comes a human tornado in the shape of Prisoner Knightley - Number 4231. She comes right to the point - leaning across the desk, with her face close to his, she demands to know what he's doing about her extradition order. He doesn't like her attitude at all and tries to warn her that she is getting deeper into trouble with every word she says, but she is in no mood for reasoning and continues shouting at him. Telling her to remove her hands from his desk and move back a few paces, for a moment she looks a little bit unsure of herself then wisely obeys him. She's adamant that as an American citizen she should be sent back to America and so be dealt with there. Governor Stamp keeps his cool although it's obvious that she is getting him all het up. He points out to her that as she committed the offense in the UK and was tried in the UK, therefore, she was sentenced to three years in an English prison. She still has plenty of fight in her and he's had enough of her nonsense. Telling her to raise her tunic - after a delay in her obeying him, she does so. He comes round his desk and sits down on the chaise lounge, pulling her over his knee for a good old fashioned spanking. She's indignant, protesting that he can't do that to her. However, she soon finds out that he can and does spank her. A few minutes later she is allowed to stand up. By now her face is as red as her poor bottom. Telling her to get out of his office, she hurries to obey him with her knickers still down at mid thigh. Governor Stamp then settles down to writing out a report about her visit to his office.
The Flogging of BlakePrisoner Pandora Blake has been sentenced by the Governor of Bars and Stripes Prison to receive a flogging. In the punishment room the cross frame is waiting for her. Prison Officer Jean Bradley has been given the privilege of administering the flogging. The first order she barks at Pandora is to strip. So the poor girl obeys immediately. Then she fastens Pandora's wrists and ankles to the cross - after checking to ensure that the buckles are securely buckled. Now the flogging starts. The multi leather fronds of the flogger snake across the frightened girls bottom, causing her to scream loudly. Again and again the flogger elicit screams from her. What's happening? The flogging has stopped. But if Pandora thinks it is all over she is mistaken. Officer Bradley releases her from the bonds and tells her to turn round. Her wrists and ankles are once again strapped to the cross - but this time her breasts are the target. Officer Bradley kindly suggests that she holds her head up. The flogger strikes her naked breasts and her screams of pain echo around the punishment room. When Officer Bradley eventually stops the thrashing - she leaves poor Pandora still secured to the cross - telling her she should think about what has just happened and why.
Caught With A DildoDuring the last Inspection, there was a life-like Dildo found in inmates Jentina's cell. She was sent to the Warden who scolded her severely and bent her over his desk tawsing her soundly while she was forced to suck that dildo. Then she was sent to the corner, bottom ablaze. In part two inmate Jentina has to write punishment lines on the board in the nude while her, already sore, bare bottom feels the sting of the Slipper. That is how she learns that what she writes, makes her bottom red and sore.
Cleaner SpankingPrisoner Alesha Fox is cleaning her cell when Officer Zoe Page and Officer Stephen Lewis pay her a little visit. Alesha doesn't feel the need to be sociable so that when questions are fired at her she either doesn't answer or just mumbles a reply. The two prison officers tell her she should have more respect for them - but she hasn't any respect so why should she bother? Officer Lewis encourages Officer Page to give her a sharp lesson in showing respect. So with a smirk on her face, Officer Page places a chair in the middle of the cell and pulls Prisoner Fox over her knee. Poor Alesha then has a long hand spanking - that only stops when Officer Page tires. By now, Officer Lewis's hand is itching to spank this troublesome young lady, so he offers to take over - giving Officer Page a well-deserved rest. The few minutes break has done Officer Page the world of good so again with a nasty smirk on her face she takes over spanking Prisoner Fox. Poor Alesha realizes that her having a battle of wills against Officer Lewis and Officer Page isn't really helping her so reluctantly she outwardly gives in - letting them believe that she has respect for them. The two self-satisfied Prison Officers leave her to carry on cleaning up her cell.
Rosie's Punishment LinesInmate Rosie Ann Was called in by the Governor to write a report but instead of writing, she doodled. The Governor soon noticed and told her to write 50 punishment lines while he strapped her insolent 18 year old bottom.
Intake Day Sascha Harvey 4226Sascha Harvey has arrived at Bars and Stripes Prison - having been sentenced to twelve months for being in possession of cocaine. Prison Officer Stephen Lewis brings her into the interrogation room - where Matron is waiting to welcome her to her new home. However, Sascha is full of indignation at the way she is being treated - like a common prisoner. She demands that she be allowed to see her father - he will sort things out and get her out of Bars and Stripes Prison. Both Matron and Prison Officer Lewis have quickly come to the conclusion that this new prisoner spells trouble. Matron puts her face close up to Sascha's and screams at her that the prison rules are simple - just two of them; To do as she is told and to do it immediately. Sascha is not used to being treated in this way and protests. Officer Lewis decides to give her a demonstration of what will happen if she does not follow the rules of the prison - he pushes her so that she falls over the desk - matron prevents her from getting up by holding onto her wrists. The spanking she receives is hard and fast. She carries on protesting and arguing, resulting in an even more severe punishment. By the time her pristine white knickers are pulled down to mid thigh, her bottom is already very red and sore.
Yasmeena Caned In Diaper Position At The Police Station
Fox Solitary Day TwoPrisoner Aleesha Fox is ready bound to a stool - black knickered bottom stuck out ready for whatever punishment Prison Officer Lewis deems fit to give her. He comes into the solitary cell carrying a supple leather strap. She shudders when she sees it and knows it's going to hurt, but she's unable to do anything about it. As the leather strap strikes her poor defenceless bottom she moans and grits her teeth. But Officer Lewis carries on strapping her. Conversationally he tells her that Prison Officer Dodge - a junior officer had mentioned that she had good oral skills. But her response to this piece of information was not complimentary regarding Officer Dodge. Unfortunately, saying anything derogatory about the members of staff at Bars and Stripes Prison results in even more strokes of the strap. Officer Lewis pulls down her knickers in order to deliver them. By the time he decides she's had enough for that day, her bottom is looking very sore. Being the perfect gentleman that he is - Officer Lewis pulls her knickers back up - smoothing them out over her sore bottom. Then he leaves her alone - still bound to the spanking stool. She looks apprehensive, not knowing how long she's going to be left like that.
Sibling RivalryPrison Officer Zoe Harrison comes into the prison cell where Prisoner Natasha Byrne is cleaning up. She tells Natasha to put the brush down, as she wants to talk to her. Obediently Natasha does as she's told. She sits on the lower bunk and Zoe Harrison sits next to her. She makes it clear to the prisoner - that as her sister she can make life much easier for her - the easiest jobs etc. But in return, if she could just give her some much needed information about her cell mate Logeen then in return she'd have an easy life while she's in prison. However, Natasha refuses to tell tales on her friend. Now the two sisters are glaring at each other. It's stalemate between them. With an exaggerated sigh, Prison Officer Harrison orders Prisoner Byrne to bend over a chair. Then lifting Natasha's short tunic away from her bottom, revealing two already sore red cheeks, the result of a previous spanking. Now with a leather paddle she adds to the soreness, yet Natasha still stubbornly refuses to give her the information she needs. Prison Officer Lewis comes in and is disappointed that she is not talking. So he takes over with the paddle. Being a big man, he can hit harder. But still Natasha keeps silent. He grabs hold of a clump of Natasha's hair and pulls her upright. However, she still says nothing. He's ready to shake her - as he's getting exasperated with her. It is then she drops a bombshell. She tells him she has got some information for him. Officer Harrison is her sister. He's horrified at this piece of news and realizes it must not get out, so Natasha would have to go into solitary.
Bedroom games at the halfway house - Part 2Zoe soon picked up her red leather paddle and told Aleesha to lay flat on the bed. She then proceeded to paddle Aleesha's bare bottom untill it was red and sore. Zoe finished off the session with a sound hand spanking and when her bottom was a fiery red, Zoe fetched some soothing lotion and lovingly rubbed it into Aleesha's well spanked bottom.
Kate Anus Caning
Caroline Grey - Caning GreyPrisoner 4237 has been sentenced to twelve years in prison - for her part in a robbery. Now Warden Lewis is about to start caning Grey. She is in position - wrists and ankles strapped to a spanking trestle. Her skirt has been removed. While, her bottom is protected by a skimpy pair of black knickers. She has been allowed to keep on her red prison top. Trying to twist her head round - she's not too sure what to expect. She flexes her muscles in a vain attempt to break free from her bonds. Heavy footsteps get closer. 'Right Grey are you ready to give us the information we need yet?' Warden Lewis grabs hold of her hair and yanks her head up - putting his face close to hers. 'No,' she said. 'Oh dear, you are a foolish and stubborn girl,' letting go of her, her head lolls down. He asks her for bank account numbers etc but she doesn't answer. So he starts caning Grey. Her bottom is soon looking red and blotchy - with stripes and bruises. He reminds her that this punishment would stop - all she has to do is tell them what they want to know. When Governor Stamp arrives he takes over from Warden Lewis. He uses a special cane on her - a whippy cane that he draws out of a scabbard like a sword. However, despite the pain she must be in she still obstinately refuses to talk. Eventually he gives in for that day, telling her that the caning will continue the next day - unless of course she wants to talk.
Clovers AdjudicationOfficer Lewis and Officer Page are in discussion prior to Clover's Adjudication. They are both in agreement about the anticipated outcome of this interview, when Prisoner Clover Paisley arrives. She is disappointed to find Officer Lewis there as she thought she would be able to manipulate Officer Page if there was just the two of them. The whole interview starts off badly as she makes some insinuations about Officer Lewis being gay, but she reassures him that it's not a problem - it's okay with her. He comes around the desk and stands in front of her, looking down at her. She looks up at him defiantly. Roughly, he grabs hold of the back of her neck, pushing her face down over the desk. His big heavy hand comes down on her squirming bottom and he administers a dozen stinging spanks to it. However, Prisoner Paisley has no intention of cooperating and carries on giving backchat. As using his hand doesn't seem to be making any impression on her, he uses the leather paddle Officer Page hands to him. When Clover partially gives in or seems to do so she is told to sit down on a wooden chair and the interview starts. Officer Page explains to her that if she has any problems or grievances of any kind, she Officer Page is the first go to person. This doesn't make sense to Clover. She feels she is being treated unfairly by Officer Lewis and Officer Page and says she wants to make a complaint about them to the Governor. Then Officer Page speaks slowly to her, reminding her that she is the first go to person if she has a problem. Now it becomes clear what this adjudication is all about - they want her to come clean about her part in the embezzlement of millions of dollars. She tells them she has no idea where the money is now - adding that if she did she still wouldn't tell them. They resort to spanking her again - but stubbornly she is not telling them. She has a very sore bottom, before they realize that she's not going to tell them anything. Therefore, Officer Lewis none too gently escorts her back to her cell. Clover's Adjudication is over for the day.
Bare Bottom Paddling For Zoe Page, Cheeks Bouncing From Lucy's SwatsThe crack of a black wooden paddle across prison officer Zoe Page's cheeks gets her yelping as inmate Lucy Lauren turns the tables on her tormentor with a bottom-reddening spanking. Correctional Institute is tough, especially when the prisoners have the advantage! See Zoe's buns bounce in slow-motion in stunning, teeth-gritting replays!
Logeen Solitary Day One'Here you are home sweet home,' Prison Officer Stephen Lewis says, leading her into a bare prison cell. Prisoner Irelynn Logeen looks around her - at the stark bare walls, bare floor and the other bare necessities - being a rush rug in the corner and a wooden kitchen chair. Her face shows no emotion. Officer Lewis pushes a flimsy white top at her, ordering her to put it on and he means right now. She gives a sigh and starts to undress. She hands him her black and white striped jumper followed by her jeans and socks. She puts on the flimsy white top. Her fingers fumble as she hurriedly tries to fasten the fiddly buttons. Sitting down on the wooden chair, Officer Lewis beckons to her to get over his knee. He now proceeds to spank her. First one cheek then the other. Her bottom is soon looking very red and sore. However, except for an occasional moan she is quiet and still. He stops spanking her for a moment, just long enough to pull her knickers down to mid thigh - his hand makes contact with her bare bottom - harder and faster - now she starts to squeal and wriggle about. The decision of when to stop is his alone - certainly not because she begs him to. He tells her to stand up and go back into her corner and sit down. She hurries to obey and sits on the rough rush rug. He leaves her sitting there, rubbing her sore bottom.
Vicky's Bare Back Whipping In Prison
Cruel IntentionsPeace reigns in the cell Prisoners Sascha Harvey and Leia Ann Woods share in Bars and Stripes Prison. Well what's Leia up to? She lets herself down quietly from the top bunk and puts something on her sleeping cellmate's pillow. Prison Officer Stephen Lewis wakes up the two girls - he's all sweetness and light - it's obvious to everyone how much he enjoys his job. Then his beady eye sees something on Sascha's pillow and when he realises it's a packet of some drug substance, he comes to the conclusion that as it is on Sascha's pillow - therefore it follows that it must be hers. Poor Sascha denies it emphatically and suggests that Leia must have planted it there and Leia also denies having any knowledge of how it got there. As Officer Lewis doesn't know who to believe he thrashes both the girls - going from one bottom to the other. Both girls kept up a barrage of verbal abuse at each other. After a long hard thrashing he grabs both girls by their arms and drags them into the shower.
Imogen's IntakeImogen has been sent to prison for 3 years for perverting the cause of justice. During her intake she just wouldn't keep quiet while Miss Page finished her report with the result that she had her bottom spanked and paddled 7 times before the Governer arrived. Imogen was insolent towards Him with the result she was soon over his knee,.
Stripped Naked, Prison Officer Zoe Page Is Strapped As RevengeStatuesque beauty Zoe Page is humiliatingly strapped, totally nude, arms secured above her head, as prison inmate Lucy Lauren exacts revenge. Breasts and buttocks bouncing as she twists, bucks and squirms, Zoe has no option but to accept her 'punishment' from Lucy at Correctional Institute. But when Lucy strips off her top, things are about to heat up!
Spanking in PrisonPrison Spanking Video Previews for: Fighting in the Prison, Part 1+2. Unauthorized Break, Part 1. The complete Bars & Stripes Collection at Spanked in Uniform.
Target PracticeThe Governor of Bars and Stripes Prison is having a discussion with two of his Prison Officers. The subject of the discussion is none other than Prisoner Amelia Jane Rutherford - a constant thorn in the side of all the prison staff. The three men agree that she doesn't seem to realise why she's in prison. She's rude, arrogant, and believes herself to be better than both the other prisoners and the prison staff. It so happens that Matron has asked for someone to act as a subject to be used for demonstration purposes - for the benefit of a new Prison Officer Jessica Wood. As her personal officer, Stephen Lewis is appointed to escort her to the sick bay - then the demonstration can begin. Rutherford is completely uncooperative. No matter what she is asked to do she argues and or refuses to do it. Matron takes great pleasure in showing the new recruit Jessica Woods how to spank, strap and paddle disobedient prisoners like Amelia. Also, Amelia can't keep her mouth shut and is constantly giving her opinion about what's happening. So her knickers are pulled down and right off - and stuffed into her mouth to gag her, but she manages to spit them out and carry on with her tirade of abusive language. Eventually Matron feels that the new prison officer - Jessica Wood has proven that she is going to be an excellent disciplinarian. And the obstructive Prisoner Amelia Jane Rutherford is taken back to her cell, prior to having to go to the prison laundry to wash her soiled tunic.
Spanking in PrisonPrison Spanking Video Previews for: The Dirty Kitchen, Part 1+2. Toilet Duty, Part 1. The complete Bars & Stripes Collection at Spanked in Uniform.
Sarah Gregory - Intake DayPrison Officer Kennedy is sat at his desk in the interview room. He's waiting to welcome Bars and Stripes Prison's newest recruit. The door is roughly pushed open and Prison Officer Page drags in a struggling protesting Sarah Gregory. Sarah is protesting that there's been a mistake made - she's just an American tourist and she just doesn't know what happened and why is she in prison? Officer Page smirks smugly as Officer Kennedy patiently explains to Sarah that she is on remand until her actual trial date which could be in three to six months time - therefore meanwhile she is to be accommodated in Bars and Stripes Prison, reputed to be the best and most successful prison in the UK. Sarah insists that there has been a mistake made and she starts demanding that she be sent back to the States. Officer Kennedy is on a short fuse and it doesn't take long for him to lose patience with her. So he believes that there is no time like the present - and an introductory spanking is called for. Poor Sarah finds herself bent over the desk receiving a hand spanking. Her struggles and squeals of pain are ignored. Eventually she thinks its over - but it's not, it's just a change of spanker, as Officer Page takes over further reddening her bottom. Then before she is to be escorted to her room she has to change into her new outfit. Prison Officers Kennedy and Page laugh at her, when she quite innocently asks where the changing room is. And Officer Kennedy stops laughing to tell her her privacy was left outside the prison. So before an appreciative audience of two - she undresses and puts on her new clothes. As she takes off each item of her own clothing she throws it in Officer Kennedy's face. He doesn't say anything. When she removes her very expensive high-heeled shoes, Officer Page pounces on them. However, once she is fully dressed. The spanking starts again because in the few minutes she's been in the interview room and heard the rules and regulations of prison life explained to her, she's broken a total of fifteen of those rules. By the time Officer Page has delivered the final spanks to her sore bottom - she is subdued and no longer protesting. And she is dragged out of the interview room - heading for her own private suite.
A Double CaningPrison Officer Stephen Lewis is discussing with Matron McLean the sudden find of a file in Lilly Lovell's locker. They are laughing and joking about the poor English Grammar and badly spelled words. And as it's written in Prisoner Lovell's writing - they are wondering who put it in the locker. The office door is pushed open and Prison Officer Page roughly pushes Prisoners Robertson and Lovell into the room. The two girls stand mutely in front of the desk. Officer Lewis holds up the file and asks the two prisoners how it got into their locker. Matron has to tell them to answer Officer Lewis. But neither girl will admit to anything. Prison Officer Page is dismissed. Then a whispered discussion between matron and Stephen Lewis results in the decision to start spanking one of them - being Lilly Lovell - as the file was found in her locker. The hand spanking that Officer Lewis gives her has her kicking her legs and squealing after each spank. She has to be warned several times to 'put her legs down or ...' Stubbornly Lovell is still insisting that she knows nothing about the file or how it got into her locker. Matron points out to Officer Lewis that the two girls share a cell and are best mates - each protecting the other. Therefore, a change of tactics might help. The two girls are told to change places - now it's Kami Robertson who is bent over the desk and is being spanked on her bare bottom with a leather paddle. The reasoning behind this is that as friends Kami is the dominant one - so Lovell would not want her friend to suffer and would confess. The confession only happens after poor Kami has received a very painful caning by both Officer Lewis and Matron - each standing on either side of her, each wielding a cane. Then Lovell admitted she put the file in her locker. However, Kami denied it was Lovell but she did it. The mystery now was - who did do it?
Sister Sister, Solitary Day 1-3Prisoner Byrne is in solitary confinement, which gives her plenty of time to think about why she's in such a miserable situation. Officer Stephen Lewis visits her each day to punish her and persuade her to give loyalty to him and the other prison staff. She has been misguided in the past and showed her allegiance to some fellow prisoners instead. On day one, he orders her to crawl out of her cage and he pulls her knickers down to mid thigh and using his big hard hand he further reddens her already sore bottom. However, she obstinately refuses to give in - so he orders her to get back into her cage and the metal barred door clangs shut and she is left alone again. On day two, Officer Lewis again visits her. Once she is released from her cage - she is again spanked by him, but this time he uses a leather paddle on her sore bottom. On this day, he goads her. How come her sister has turned out such a fine upstanding citizen while she is just scum? She's unable to answer that question. Day three she has another visitor - Officer Zoe Harrison - her sister. Officer Harrison uses a riding crop to whip her sister's bottom. There is obviously no love lost between the two sisters. Poor prisoner Byrne has five years to endure of this torture. Will she give in and become a model prisoner?
The Cane For Vicky's Bare Bottom
Intruder SpankedAfter Lola was caught breaking into the prison Prison Officer Paul Kennedy decided to give the little madam a sound spanking. When her bottom was spanked red and sore, Miss Zoe Page showed up and She told Lola to strip naked. After which she was strip searched thoroughly.
Chelsy spanked OTK In Prison
Yas Hard TimesPrisoner Yasmin Garcia has a way of letting her tongue run away with her and she doesn't know when to stop. This leads her into a lot of trouble. And it is for this reason that Prison Officer Dublin O'Brien hustles her into a deserted locker room, where she intends to punish Yasmin and teach her a few manners. Officer O'Brien pulls the struggling girl over her knee and proceeds to give her a hard bare bottom hand spanking. However, Yasmin keeps up the protests despite her bottom becoming sorer with each spank that lands on it. When Officer O'Brien roughly pushes Yasmin off her knee, she scrambles to her feet. But that was only the warm up spanking. Now she receives the cane - this makes her poor bottom even more sore. Only when Officer O'Brien decides that the punishment is over, is when the punishment is over and she is dragged back to her cell.
Lucy Lauren Is Sent To Jail, Stripped And SpankedDiscipline-crazy prison officer Zoe Page turns inmate Lucy Lauren's life into a living hell when she's sent to Correctional Institute in this all-new series. Ordered to strip naked for examination, Lucy protests - and receives a hard, bare bottomed spanking bent over a desk. 'For the first spanking, it was intense,' admits Lucy, 'she set the bar at maximum!'
Humiliating Over-The-Knee Spanking For Lucy Lauren: Part Of Prison RulesBeing put over Officer Zoe Page's knee to have her bottom spanked wasn't what Lucy Lauren expected when she complained about her cell conditions in Correctional Institute. Her white cotton panties barely cover her wobbling cheeks as Zoe goes to work to remind her about respect and compliance in prison. This is no vacation!
Madam's CavityPrisoner Xela Chaste has arrived at Bars and Stripes Prison and as is the usual routine, she is having a medical examination by Matron. Xela does not make it easy for Matron to carry out her job and Prison Officer Jessica Wood has to step in and lend her a strong spanking hand. According to Xela, she has friends in high places and therefore she could get matron and Officer Wood in big trouble. These threats don't worry anyone, after all these so-called friends were non-existent at Xela's trial. Matron is very thorough in her examination of Xela, searching her inside and out and Prison Officer Wood puts her over her knee for a spanking, firstly by hand then with a leather strap. However, Xela struggles so much, Prison Officer Paul Kennedy has to come to the aid of Matron and Officer Wood. Between the three of them, they are determined to humiliate poor Xela and by the time they have finished with her, they have succeeded.
Lola Gets Her Well Deserved Spanking
Lucy Lauren Is Stripped And Spanked With A Yardstick, Which Has Her JumpingJumping and squirming, with her wrists tied to the prison bars, a beautifully naked Lucy Lauren has her butt tanned with a wooden yardstick at Correctional Institute. Office Zoe Page is ruthless and instantly strips Lucy before roping her up for punishment. The wooden implement has Lucy yelping and wriggling, but there's no escape...
OTK Spanking In Prison For Naomi
Donna Caned In Prison
Kami Robertson - The ConfessionKami Robertson is in real trouble. The Governor of Bars and Stripes Prison and two of his Prison Officers are trying to get a confession out of her. At first she was welcomed into the prison as a bone fide journalist. However, the prisoners she interviewed were anything but complimentary about how they are treated - in the best and most successful prison in the country - as is the opinion of the Governor and his officers. So as far as she is concerned, it's imperative that the truth is written and the public will know just what goes on behind bars. Unfortunately for her, hastily scribbled notes were found and confiscated. The last thing the Governor wants is for the public to find out. Now poor Kami is being kept a prisoner - but with even less rights than a real prisoner gets. She hasn't even got a number. The Governor and Prison Officers Kennedy and Lewis are hell bent on getting a confession from the terrified girl. And the only way they know of how to get that confession is to beat it out of her. She is strapped down to a spanking bench, by her wrists and ankles. A cane comes cracking down on her bare bottom, causing her to cry out at each stroke and try to break free from her bonds. They keep asking her to tell them who were the prisoners who fed her the lies about prison life. But she tells them through gritted teeth that she does not know. They don't believe her and so the caning and paddling continue. However, despite her loyalty to her informants, even the bravest person has a limit to just what they can endure. So she gives in and agrees to sign the confession. Her right hand is untied - allowing her to do the necessary writing. For the moment, her assailants are satisfied and she is freed from her restraints. But has she told the truth? Only time will tell.
Spanking in PrisonPrison Spanking Video Previews for: Outside the rules, Part 1+2. Prisoner Ivey's Intake. The complete Bars & Stripes Collection at Spanked in Uniform.
Spanking in PrisonPrison Spanking Video Previews for: The Infirmary, Part 1. Smuggling Contraband, Part 1+2. The complete Bars & Stripes Collection at Spanked in Uniform.
Chessie's IntakeNew inmate Chessie Kay arrives at the prison. She has been sentenced to 18 months for soliciting. Officer Dodge is in charge of her intake and he soon has the cheeky litle madam over his desk spanking her cute tight little behind.
Vicky's Spanking At Prison
Rough TreatmentPrisoner Pandora Blake has sneaked into another prisoner's cell. She's looking for something specific. She looks under the mattresses on the bunk bed, inside the metal locker - on top and under it, but she can't find what she's looking for. However, inside the locker are the cell owner's spare tunics. She rummages through the pockets and eureka she's found what she was looking for - a razor. As she has discovered - other prisoners can endanger the lives of their fellow prisoners, so Pandora puts the razor she has found into her own pocket - just in case she might need it. Unfortunately, just as she's putting the razor into her pocket she has company - it's Prison Officer Zoe Page - who wants to know why Prisoner Pandora Blake is in another prisoner's cell - instead of being outside with all the other prisoners. And what was it she put in her pocket? Pandora tells Zoe that she felt lonely and was looking for someone to talk to. As Zoe doesn't trust Pandora - she's not buying that story. So she searches her. It doesn't take her long to find the razor. Having sharp objects is against the prison rules and Zoe grabs the opportunity to punish poor Pandora for a host of other offences both real and imaginary. Being a prison officer gives Zoe a chance to use her evil imagination and humiliate the prisoners in her care. For a start she has poor Pandora on her knees kissing her shoes. Then thinking ahead, she vandalizes the cell to make it look like Pandora has done it. And being a fair minded Prison Officer she has to punish Pandora for making a mess of another prisoner's cell. Therefore Pandora is subjected to a prolonged spanking that leaves her bottom red and swollen. In fact she's in so much pain and distress she admits to being guilty on several counts of misdemeanors, just to stop the attack on her bottom. Feeling pleased with herself - Zoe Page has once again reduced a prisoner to a gibbering mess - she sends Pandora to join her fellow prisoners outside. Yet she's still not finished with Pandora Blake - she carries on vandalizing the cell and makes a real mess of it. No doubt poor Pandora is going to be punished again for something she hasn't done.
Sarah Gregory - OTK RelayPrisoner Gregory Number 4240 has been dragged none too gently into her cell by Officer Kennedy, Harshly he tells her to tidy it up. She's about to find out how they play otk relay in prison. She tells him she doesn't understand why she's there and as she's innocent she won't be staying long - therefore tidying up would be a waste of time. Officer Kennedy doesn't like her attitude and decides to put a stop to it right from the start. Pulling a chair into the middle of the room, he pulls her protesting loudly over his knee. But she is still being gobby. As she finds out, he too can shout and spanks her bottom to make his point. He wants her to refer to him as sir, which she does, but the attitude is still very much there. He's had more than enough of her cheek and rudeness and pushes her off his knee so she lands on her sore bottom on the hard cell floor. She tells him he can't do that to her, but Officer Page has come into the cell and assures her that he most certainly can. Officer Kennedy leaves Prisoner Gregory to the gentler methods of Officer Page. So Officer Zoe Page sits down and tries using sweet reasoning to get the stubborn girl to spill the beans. But Gregory insists that she's innocent and has been framed and therefore she knows nothing. Unfortunately for Gregory, Officer Page also loses patience with her and pulls the naughty girl over her knee. Obstinately, she still insists that she knows nothing and so her bottom is getting redder each time Officer Page's hand makes contact with it. Even when she is warned that her being stubborn is going to get her a caning, she carries on with the attitude. Temporarily admitting defeat, Officer Page leaves her alone in her cell - rubbing her very sore red bottom. Now she knows how they play OTK Relay in prison, but will it mean she will give them the info they are asking her for?
Panties Pulled Down, Smart-Mouthed Lucy Lauren Is Paddled Bare BottomLife in Correctional Institute is a shock for Lucy Lauren as officer Zoe Page enjoys inflicting corporal punishment to her inmates. Panties pulled down for the rest of her discipline with a leather paddle, Lucy struggles to hold position with her hands and feet on the floor, butt up high as a perfect target. Reaction Cam and slow-motion show the true effect…
Kami Robertson - The WarningShe is sat at a desk, writing notes into a hard backed notebook. Suddenly, she is no longer alone - two masked men burst into the office and pull her out of the chair she is sitting on. She squeals and struggles to escape but she is soon overpowered by the two big brave men. They pin both her arms behind her back and put some black tape over her mouth - so preventing her from screaming - all she can do is grunt and moan. She's a journalist and writing a report about life in prison. She's been interviewing some of the prisoners, namely, Rutherford and Chaste. They have told her that the prison officers are sadists and that they treat the prisoners really badly. But the prison officers don't want the world to know what goes on inside the locked cells and they have to stop her in her tracks. Therefore, as a warning they push her face down over the desk and start to spank her - first on one cheek then on the other. To make sure that she can really feel it, they tug down her skimpy knickers and use a leather tawse to drive the lesson home. Her poor bottom is very red and sore but they carry on spanking her - until they are satisfied that she understands that in future she will only write what they tell her to write. What has just happened to her was just a warning.
Painful SilencePrisoner Irelynn Logeen is accompanied by Prison Officers Zoe Harrison and Stephen Lewis - they have brought her to the punishment cell at Bars and Stripes Prison - with the intention of finding out some information from her. The punishment bench takes pride of place in the centre of the stark cell. Somebody has already very thoughtfully placed a blanket over the bench; They can't have the prisoners being in pain while they're being punished. Before she is strapped to the bench she is asked if she's going to give them the information they are desperately seeking. Her silence is taken as a no. Officer Stephen Lewis bares her bottom and starts strapping her. Irelynn makes appropriate noises that indicate she's suffering - yet she still refuses to talk. Either Officer Lewis or Officer Harrison would every so often grab a hank of her hair and pull her head back - this meant they were making contact eyeball to eyeball. But poor Irelynn is obstinate and refuses to talk. All she has to do is tell them the name of the bank account and the numbers. The authorities believe she knows all these details. She won't even tell them who she's protecting and why she's protecting them. Officers Lewis and Harrison try various tactics to make her talk. They try sweet reason. They threaten her. Try to scare her. Nothing works. Frustrated, they have to give up for that day. They leave her still strapped to the punishment bent, promising her that someone might come and release her and escort her to the Solitary Cell, where they tell her she will have to spend the next twelve years, with just spiders and rats for company.
The Stinging Smack Of A Wooden Paddle On Zoe's Bare Bottom: Lucy's Revenge!The loud smack of a wooden paddle on prison officer Zoe Page's bouncing bare bottom is blissful revenge for inmate Lucy Lauren in Correctional Institute. Zoe's mistreatment of prisoners has been exposed by Lucy - now it's payback time, as Zoe is soundly paddled. There's worse to come. Amazing slow-motion cheek bouncing replay.
Spanking in PrisonPrison Spanking Video Previews for: Jentina's Intake, Part 2. Whipped for a Prison Riot, Part 1. Scarlet And Jentina, Part 1. The complete Bars & Stripes Collection at Spanked in Uniform.
Welcome back PandoraPrisoner Pandora Blake has returned to Bars and Stripes Prison and is now checking out her new cell. Examination of the bare brick walls and she's horrified to find mould. And ugh! There's straw on the floor. Checking out the locker, she finds a couple of tunics that belonged to the previous prisoner that called this hovel home. The only items she finds in the pockets that might be remotely of use are some hair-grips, so she transfers them to her pocket. So while Pandora is checking out the cell, Prison Officer Zoe Page comes in to check her out. Zoe is the queen of the T, T, T gang - Teasing, Tormenting and Torturing. She insists on searching Pandora and soon finds the hairgrips that end up in her pocket. However, because Zoe is a pervert she enjoys touching and teasing Pandora. But because Pandora objects and puts up some resistance she gets a spanking for her trouble. Zoe has already ignited a fire in Pandora's bottom when Prison Officer Paul Kennedy pops in to see how the girls are getting on. As far as the three 'T's goes he's as bad as Zoe - they feed off each other. He joins in the fun by letting Pandora be the first to have the privilege of having the new paddles used on her. Paul and Zoe have a paddle each; Sometimes they would hit her simultaneously - at other times alternately. Whichever, poor Pandora has a very sore bottom by the time they have decided that she's had enough for that day. They leave her alone to get further acquainted with her new accommodation. No doubt that is not the last she will see of them during the next two years.
Flat Over A Desk, Panties Pulled Down, Lucy Lauren's Finale Caning BeginsShe may be the prettiest inmate at Correctional Institute, but that doesn't stop stunning blonde Lucy Lauren having to submit to corporal punishment. Officer Page finishes her work with a bare bottom caning, bent over a desk. Impressive strokes are seen from two angles, then in remarkable slow-motion, capturing every ripple on the cane's impact.
The Lawyers FloggingPrisoner Amelia Jane Rutherford has been prepared in advance for her flogging. She's lying face down on a special flogging bench. Her beautiful naked body twists and turns in an effort escape. But escape is impossible. Her wrists and ankles have been strapped to the bench. The thought of the flogging she knows she is going to receive is bad enough - but the agony of waiting for it to happen is also scary. Police Officer Stephen Lewis comes into the cell where she is waiting. He has brought with him a flogger and a two-tailed leather tawse. He doesn't speak a word to her and she says nothing to him and if you have seen Amelia Jane Rutherford in other movies - you will know that she always has a lot to say for herself. Officer Lewis uses the flogger first. After each stroke lands on her bottom she screams and raises her head - her blonde ponytail swings from side to side. He straightens out the fronds of the flogger and brings it down hard on her poor bottom again and again. He stops and lays the flogger across her back while he examines her bottom. As there is no sign of breakage of the skin, he carries on. He then changes to using a two tailed leather tawse - this makes her screams even louder. She's humiliated and in pain. The flogging and tawsing are over, but she's not released from her bonds. Prison Officer Lewis leaves her bound to the flogging bench. The cell door clangs shut behind him.
Kate Caned By Police Officer
Naked High-Speed Paddling For Lucy Lauren On Tiptoe Has Her JumpingWrists secured above her head, totally nude, Lucy Lauren is ordered to stand on tiptoe for 10 licks of the paddle from prison officer Zoe Page. But she can't hold still, twisting to avoid the paddle, first with 2 swats, then 3, then another 3. Ms Page starts over each time until Lucy stands still for a full 10 swats with no stops. Total 18 swats, epic slowmo replay!