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Lending Sis A Sore Bottom - Part 2Kelli Rae has gotten herself into a world of trouble and she's gonna have to borrow money again from her Big Brother, this time to the tune of $3,000! Big Bro is none too pleased with her request, he feels that she's irresponsible and much of that is based from her not getting enough corporal punishment before she left home a few years before. Sure, she took a few hard spankings at home, but more often she would start crying right away and she'd get out of the hard spankings that she deserved. And the lessons that she would have learned. Well, if Big Bro is going to lend Kelli that type of cash, she's going to have to take a thorough spanking that she remembers for a long time, and that's where our story starts, with Kelli taking a fast and furious hand spanking that has her struggling right from the start. Soon her fancy yoga pants come down and there she is, bare bottom in front of Big Bro, having to take an extremely embarrassing spanking so she can pay off her debts. To make matters worse, Kelli is made aware that Big Bro grabbed several implements from the home that they grew up in to put them to good use. Truly this will be a day that Kelli Rae never forgets! After the hand spanking, the heat gets turned up a notch as Kelli takes burning strokes from the riding crop, and then her butt gets sizzled with a split tailed leather strap! Next, a leather paddle is used on her glowing cheeks and then a billet strap that Big Bro found in the family barn is used to make a lasting impression on the wayward girl. Big Bro designed this negotiation to discourage Kelli from borrowing money again, that's why he also delivers a paddling with a lexan paddle, a strapping with a Canadian prison strap, and tear jerking licks with the rubber strap with holes. Her bottom hurt so much. To drive his point home, Kelli also has to endure swats with a lexan paddle with holes as well as swats with a hard wooden paddle. Kelli is left with a sore, swollen, and welted bottom thanks to her Big Bro, and despite the painful spanking that she was subjected to, she still loved him. After all, that's her Big Bro. Look for a Bonus Scene that features six of the hardest strokes that we've ever given with the rubber strap as you can clearly see the impressions left on the bare behind of Kelli Rae.
I'm A Naughty Brat - Bare Bottom BlisteringBottom bared over her stepsisters knee, Troublemaker has her cheeks blistered. The LEXAN Paddle packs a wallop, flattening each bouncing cheek. Splotchy bruises cover her round cheeks with each swat. Swollen and blistered, she counts off the final swats and admits to being a naughty little brat who needs to sore bottom. Not finished, Stevie threatens her with the strap their stepdad uses when they are in trouble.
Real Spankings - Exclusive Updates - Part 40
I Punish Myself Just For You - Part 1Louise Weston is a great young girl who has found the allure of the live webcam too much for her to resist. She is a girl who loves pain and now wants to show everyone just how much. She had arranged with Sarah to use her webcam and a selection of some of the hardest implements. She wanted to be naked but for her high heeled shoes as she starts off describing the implements she wants to use on herself. She then works her way through a selection of these implements beating her bottom just as hard as you would do it, in fact, maybe harder. She uses paddles, straps that soon have her bottom marked. A large hair brush really gives her some hard swats as this amazing girl gives herself a real punishment.
Take Thy Punishment - Part 3Throughout history the church has been known for many things, and one of them is the long standing support of spanking. The idea that the rod should never be spared has echoed throughout auditoriums for centuries inspiring countless bare bottoms to be blazed for even the smallest of infractions, but often to the delight of the ones instructing that spankings be given. Still to this day, in sects around the world, those who follow will carry out stern punishment (often eagerly) to the dismay of girls instructed to bend over for their own well being. Here we get an inside look at a small church, almost a cult some would say,...that rules over the girls with a stern hand! Claire (Shy Sky) has grown up in this church and corporal punishment has always been the way of life. On any given Sunday she could find herself chastised by one of the teachers, an usher, or any adult for that matter instructing her to accept the harsh discipline that the Lord requires as penance. In this particular instance, Claire is missing during play practice, and with a performance just a day away, the Pastor goes searching all around the church to find her. After great distress and scouring the entire building, the Pastor makes a shocking discovery in an old storage closet deep in the church basement, he finds Claire surrounded by sexual toys and other instruments of seduction and passion! The Pastor feels that he must respond to this situation with a swiftness and has Claire kneel in her costume for a hand spanking that immediately begins to color her skin. Next, Pastor peels off the leather belt that he's used for a couple of decades to whip a girl in peril, applying a discomforting heat that Claire has become accustomed to when she strays from the path of righteousness. The leather paddle is then firmly applied, making Claire want to cry out, but she fights to hold her composure, not wanting to give any satisfaction to the man applying the burn to her bare flesh, even as he applies an old split tailed leather strap! The carpet beater, a rubber strap with holes, and a thin wooden stick are all applied to the posterior of Claire by her determined Pastor, he will not give in and accept that her wayward ways will determine her destiny. Claire, now stripped and naked, is not only made to agree to even more strict and frequent spankings, she is also given a butt clenching paddling with a lexan paddle with holes. It's this implement that she hates the most because it always has the effect of making her want to submit to the ways of the cult. It's tough to say where Claire goes to from here, her discoveries of pleasure are now battling head on with the traditions of pain that have been instilled in her fertile mind.
10x10 - A Painful Spanking - Part 2'10 X 10': A Painful Spanking' is a straight forward and red hot spanking video that features the lovely Samantha Storm taking 10 licks each with 10 different implements! It's 100 swatsstrokes total and her bottom gets fired right up, this is indeed a painful session that she's never going to forget! The spanking starts off with the thick leather billet strap being firmly applied to the cute bottom of Samantha, and her beautiful buns are only covered by a very thin pair of panties. Next, a stiff leather paddle is used and followed by a stingy split tailed leather strap! A wooden paddle is then applied to further heat up Samantha's behind, followed by a thin leather strap. Things intensify for the next five implements and the final 50 licks, and a bigger leather paddle come out and blasts Samantha's bare bottom as her panties have now been pulled down, exposing her naked cheeks. Next, a painful leather tawse is used and Samantha really begins to struggle, but who could blame her? The tawse is followed up by swats with a heavy plastic paddle, swats are never easy and that proves true in this situation. The last two implements are certainly the worst, truly Samantha has been through a lot and to have to take 10 each with the rubber strap with holes and the lexan paddle with holes is most difficult! This session truly sizzled Samantha's bare bottom, but it inspired her to keep up with her regular maintenance punishments. Also, stay tuned for a bonus scene where Samantha takes an excellent switching with a hemp stick!
'Please Sir, Can I Cum?' - Chrissy MariePushing her ass high in the air, Chrissy is given control of the vibrator applying directly to her clit. He continues to spank her bottom hot and pink and she works towards release. Turning it on HIGH, he applies the lexan paddle to her oiled cheeks. Given permission to cum, she has a thundering orgasm as she is paddled. A finally volley of hard paddling on her swollen bottom leaves her extra sensitive.
Spanked To Orgasm - Troublemaker Earns Her CumSpread over his knee, the clear Lexan splats across her voluptuous cheeks. Jiggling flattening flashing red, his hand inspects her throbbing cheeks trailing between her legs. Returning with the Hitachi, her comment is tantalized as her spanking intensifies. Bringing her to the edge of orgasm, from swats push her over the edge as she surrenders. Quivering, moaning, she begins to tremble, overcome with ecstasy. A few more well-placed Paddle swats leave her sore and satisfied.
Interview With PeachesPeaches is being interviewed at Real Spankings about her experiences in spanking and corporal punishments. Throughout the interview she is being spanked every few minutes on her jeans shorts and and on her bare bottom, with various implements such as the strap, the bathbrush and the Lexan Paddle.
Bullying At School Costs Brat Lola Sanders A Sound Bare Bottom PaddlingIn her school uniform of plaid skirt, white knee socks and panties, Lola Sanders doesn't look like a bully. She's already been spanked after being sent home from school in New Rules. Now it's time for 21 stinging, buttock-jiggling swats with a latex-dipped lexan paddle, producing distinctive bulls eye marks on her well-punished bottom.
Take Your Slut To Work Day - Nude PaddlingCasey is ordered to remover her blouse, bra, and skirt, Her panties are already around her ankles, leaving her naked in stockings and heels. The perfect office fantasy, she bends over the chair with her bottom thrust out for a stingy paddling. Nude punishment always puts her in the mood. Casey can barely wait for her paddling to be over to drop to her knees and show her Daddy what a good helper she can be around the office.
50 Painful Paddle SwatsWhen there needs to be punishment, it should be firm and effective! In this situation Sunny has earned punishment and it's going to be with 10 paddles, 5 swats each for a total of 50 paddle licks across her behind. It all starts with a hand spanking, but quickly moves right into the paddle punishment. A variety of paddles are used including plastic, lexan, wooden, and wooden with holes. Sunny genuinely struggles with this punishment as it wouldn't be easy for anyone, but perseveres right through the last swat, though it's obvious that her bottom has paid a price!
The Dreaded Plexiglass Paddle Warms Up Kaylee Robinson's Bare BottomLegs straight, high above her head, Kaylee Robinson has already felt a leather strap across her bare cheeks as Alison Miller punishes her for theft in Room-mate from Hell. Now she brings out the dreaded plexiglass paddle dipped in red latex for added burn and booty bounce. See Kaylee's buttocks ripple and bounce in amazing slow-motion replays!
I Punish Myself Just For You - Part 2Louise Weston is giving herself one hell of a beating on her webcam. Why? Well she is an exhibitionist and loves pain and wanted to see if she could inflict as much pain to her own body as she could get from someone else. In the first part of this film she used a wide variety of implements on her bottom, and now she wants more and she wants the assurance that she is doing things as hard as she can. She is now joined by Sarah who wants to see just how hard she has been beating herself and she is surprised by the self inflicted marks on her body but then goes on to reuse some of the implements. Sarah shows her no mercy at all and swats her marked and painful bottom with a variety of paddles before taking her cane and as Louise puts her bottom up for each stroke she gives her the caning she needs.
Alora Lux Self Punishment - Part 2We were asked to make a series of custom films of girls dressed only in high heels spanking and otherwise punishing themselves. Here we have the most amazing Alora Lux. Now she is a girl who will admit to liking pain but would she be able to inflict it on herself? The answer is a most certainly as witnessed by her red and marked bottom at the end of this film. In the second part she is now well into the pain that she is getting and finds new ways, including the diaper position to inflict the pain on herself with swats and strokes from the straps and paddles. Her inner thighs and her pussy both get their fair share of the pain. It is just against all natural tendencies to inflict pain on your own body but Alora is a rather special girl who just loves pain and will go to almost any length to get it. When we offered her the chance to make this film she jumped at it as we knew she would. The result is pretty amazing. Look out for the other parts or the full collection.
Milla - A Terrible PunishmentThis is the continued story of Milla's stay at the dreaded House Of Correction and her run in with the very strict lady who is responsible for the welfare and good behavior of the inmates. She has already received a very hard paddling from this lady but because of the seriousness of the situation she is involved in further punishment is deemed necessary. It is not generally know but a lexan paddle can be one of the most painful of all spanking implements and when applied by an expert in its use it gives excruciating pain. Milla must now endure this nasty punishment on her bare bottom.
Rachel's Fitness Goals - Wheelbarrow Paddling In SpandexRachel has been falling behind with her fitness goals, consumed with work and over scheduling herself. She will be held accountable and motivated to get back on track after she straddles his lap in wheelbarrow position for a painful spanking and paddling. Her pretty round bottom is clearly outlined and accentuated by formfitting spandex as his hand smacks down on her bouncing bottom. Picking up a clear Lexan paddle, the burn builds right through the thin fabric of her yoga pants.
Nurse In Disgrace - Serious PunishmentLayla is caught late at night when she should be in her bed, in the kitchen eating and drinking. This is against the strict rules that Sarah has given to Layla and which are there to guide her behavior. For this she is placed over the knee and given a spanking with the hand and then with a leather slipper and warned that there will be a knickers inspection later. The inspection turns up soiled and dirty knickers, this is a serious infringement of the rules and severe punishment will follow. Layla is sent to bed where her temperature is taken rectal. She is ordered to put on her little girls school uniform and report for punishment. The first part of her punishment is a spanking over school knickers an then on the bare bottom. Next Layla has to kneel on the punishment stool, bottom well in the air, as Sarah swats her bare bottom with a lexan paddle. This is hellishly painful and leaves Layla with a very bruised and marked bottom which she has to stand in the window and display. A very painful punishment for this mature lady who has never been punished this way before.
Spanking Rewards - Swats And Cum For Naughty Babysitter Cara DayCara's delectable bottom is finally too much to resist, putting her in a very compromising position spread over his lap. Shamefully she confesses her desire for him, his hands slathers her with oil and pets her pussy. Cara moans under his touch, gently rocking back, grinding with encouragement. Rhythmically spanking her pussy, before rubbing her clit as he picks up a paddle. Replacing his fingers with a vibrator, Cara is expertly worked to orgasm as he continues to spank her oiled hot cheeks. She can't wait for this new working arrangement to unfold.
Alison Miller Meets Her Plastic Nemesis: A Lexan Paddle. 'i Hated It!'Hands on the wall, amazing bare bubble butt stuck out, Alison Miller is punished for flirting with a client in Secretarial Challenge. 'I'd forgotten how much a lexan plastic paddle stings!' she complained. 'I'm more used to the school paddle, but this was a bitch too.' Exclusive behind the scenes explanation of why Alison's booty is marking up so much!
The Kinky TherapistAlora's master has asked Alora along to see Sarah Stern and this time her girlfriend Essie has also come along. Sarah believes in the pleasure pain concept so she is not very happy to find that the girls have already began to pleasure themselves. It is explained that they must do exactly as they are told and both agree. Alora and Essie are then given examinations. Mouth, breasts, vagina are checked before Alora has her temperature taken anally. Both girls are slapped hard around the face before being placed over the knee together and spanked hard. They are dressed in sexy lingerie and wearing collar and cuffs. Both feel very submissive and are eager to please Sarah and do whatever is instructed. Sarah decides to increase the pain by administering the cane to both girls. They are made to bend over and take the hard painful strokes. Both girls soon have deep welts. In the last part of the story Alora and Essie take punishment to their breasts and hands. They also receive further punishment on their bottoms with the nasty Lexan paddle and other harsh implements. A butt plug is inserted into Alora and Essie puts on some painful nipple clamps. The session finishes with the girls bringing each other to a shuddering orgasm.
Burning Her Bridges - Part 3Cheshire Smiles doesn't know it yet, but soon she will go through the most painful and humiliating experience of her life. You see, she loves being the popular girl, the one who buys all of the drinks, the one being adored at the club on a Saturday nights. Unfortunately for her though, her desire to be the coolest girl in the room left her with large and unpaid tab. As we see here, there comes a time to pay, and if Cheshire doesn't produce the money that she owes she's going to have to pay another way! Sure enough, Cheshire has burned many bridges and has been spending money wildly, there seems to be no one to borrow from during a time when she needs the help the most. There's no way out of this situation, Cheshire is going to have to take hard spankings from club management!! She never saw her irresponsible and partying ways leading to this, then again she didn't ever tend to look that far ahead. Cheshire's debt begins to be repaid when she is laid across a spanking horse and her bottom is furiously spanked over her short and sexy club dress. Soon her dress is lifted and the corporal punishment continues, stinging her bare cheeks with only a little thong providing any modesty. Next, a rough piece of long leather is applied to Cheshire's bottom and she begins to cry out, unfortunately for her this is just the beginning and she's going to be required to pay her debt in full. A reformatory strap is then used, followed by the strokes of a thick billet strap, she can feel her bottom swelling up, and there's simply nothing that she can do other than to take the licks! The worst is yet to come though as Cheshire is stripped fully naked, her sore and sizzling hot bottom exposed for further punishment. A heavy three fingered strap is used to elicit genuine pleading along with a prison strap, but her cries fall on deaf ears. Finally, a long lexan paddle with holes and a solid jokari paddle with holes are applied to Cheshire's bare bottom. She had heard about swats before, but never experienced them, too bad for her as a few swats growing up for discipline may have prevented her being in this situation. The paddling turned this hard partier into a remorseful and tearful girl, we can only hope that she becomes more responsible after this and that she doesn't start a new tab!
Ivy Sherwood Pleasure Swats Erotic SpankingIvy's cheeks are swollen and red from spanking as she pushes up to meet his hand. Slathered in oil, his hands caress, petting her pussy in between swats. She moans, crying out as he pushes her to an explosive orgasm. This is just the kind of spanking she likes. Untying her bikini top, her hand reaching between his legs. On her hands and knees, she is spanked and paddled on her oiled bottom, as she urges him on with her hand on his cock.
Alora Lux Self Punishment - HQ Photos PreviewWe were asked to make a series of custom films of girls dressed only in high heels spanking and otherwise punishing themselves. Here we have the most amazing Alora Lux. Now she is a girl who will admit to liking pain but would she be able to inflict it on herself? The answer is a most certainly as witnessed by her red and marked bottom at the end of this film and her request that Sarah come and join her to inflict even more pain. In the final part of this quite amazing and very erotic film Sarah comes in to watch and offer her advice. This includes demonstrating the best way to use the implements with some extra hard and cruel swats. The film comes to a close as Sarah canes Alora with full strength strokes, to our amazement she then asks for more strokes. The tears are rolling down her cheeks as she once again lays on the bed and punishes her poor nipples. Look out for the other parts of this film or the full collection.
Paddled On Her BirthdayShe adores having her juicy bottom marked, although the application often tests her resolve. She is allowed to pick the instruments to commemorate her special day, masochistically picking several large painful paddles. She will hate every swat, and relish the lingering burn and marks left for days. The Lexan paddle splats down without mercy. She cries out as bruises and blisters form. Each swat is applied for maximum impact and marks. A heavy prison Strop is a reprieve from the awful panel, swung heavy for maximum effect. She counts aloud as 31 licks of heavy leather blister her backside. Finally a 24 inch thick wood School paddle is positioned across her cheeks. Crisp, firm swats land with a resounding thud as bruises bloom across her pretty bottom. After the final swat she is gathered up in his arms for a reassuring hug. She will relish the throbbing reminder as she sits down for birthday celebration.
The Spanking Punishment Of Sienna Youngblood - On The FeetSienna Youngblood is a girl from North Dakota that we recently met at a spanking event on the road. Sienna had seen some of our spanking videos and she was curious to try a spanking punishment. We warned her that the spankings would be real and that many of the swats would be on her bare bottom. And, to make matters worse, we decided that she would be spanked on her feet as well! Sienna agreed to our terms and we lit her sexy butt up and made sure that she'd be remembering this spanking for a long time to come!!! First, we spanked Sienna over her very tight leggings. Those were quickly pulled down and she received a very long and hard hand spanking to her exposed cheeks that had her reacting to almost every smack, this truly was a painful spanking. Next, Sienna is given some painful lashings with a stiff strap and a split tailed leather strap, both of them stung and brought out real emotions in Sienna. A leather paddle is also applied and the swats hurt her welted bottom, but the pain of swats from a lexan paddle with holes was almost all she can stand to take! Each swat dug in deep, blistering her bottom and teaching her valuable lessons all at the same time. Finally, Sienna is forced to present her feet for bastinadofalaka. Foot punishment really hurts a girl, especially when it's never been done to her before. Sienna is spanked on her feet with the hand and then with a riding crop! Her desire to experience a punishment from us had her thinking twice, but she knew that a spanking would do her good, even if it was to her bare feet. The crop was also applied to the bare buns of Sienna, but the spanking punishment was only complete after she took more swats with the lexan paddle!!! This is a thorough and complete punishment, one that Sienna will remember and one that you will remember too.
Spanked On The Class Trip - Part 1 - Bare Ass BottomThis movie introduces Mimi (as Janet), a hard headed student that doesn't seem to care if she breaks the rules! As of recent, the formerly good student has been extremely defiant and associating with the wrong crowd. At school, she has bent over and touched her toes for traditional punishment with the paddle and the cane. Though, due to continued infractions and blatant disobedience, she has been elevated to the Advanced Corporal Punishment Program. This means that in light of the recent school board vote, she can now be given longer and more painful punishments when problematic situations occur. In this case, Janet is on a class trip to Chicago and she's been causing problems, among them she was experimenting with drugs. Her caring teacher on this trip has watched her fall from grace from the start as Janet was a promising student with excellent artistic abilities. It is decided that Janet will receive a painful and memorable spanking punishment that will involve the hand, a stinging riding crop, a firm leather paddle, and a host of other paddles including two butt blazing lexan paddles, one of which had holes! Janet struggles through the punishment as tough as she is, fighting off the tears that would expose her remorse. All in all, Janet had to endure the hardest spanking that she had ever taken and she is clearly warned that if there are any other mishaps the spanking with become even more embarrassing and severe!
Bare Bottom Swats And Cum Rewards - Wayward Housewife Arielle Lane - Part 5The cool air of the room hits her throbbing bottom and exposed cunt as his big hands pull her panties down. Sharp slaps of his big hand before he caresses and inspects her bottom. A heavy lexan paddle smacks down, crying out with short gasps with the impact. The pain of the paddle is replaced by the buzzing fo the vibrator. All of his attention has her close the edge, the vibrator on her cunt pushes her over easily. Grinding forward, she is desperate to cum, begging permission before she is overcome.
Bubble Butt Blistered Hard OTK Paddling - Swipe Right Slut 2Stripped out of her dress, Stevie has little doubt she is getting lucky on her spanking date. Bottom throbbing from his hand, she is delighted when he picks up a painful LEXAN paddle. His hands tease her pussy through her panties before hard swats fall. Her juicy cheeks flatten under the impact, crying out in pain as the burn builds. Gripping her firmly by the hair as she is paddled hard. Her hand reaches underneath to encourage him as he gives her the bottom blistering she has dreamed about.