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Free Spanking Videos and Galleries with Irelynn, also known as Irelynn Logeen. We have previews with Irelynn from 4 Premium Sites.

Northern Spanking Classics - Coach Caned Bus Blamed!Schoolgirl athlete Irelynn has just run a 20 mile race in record time. World record time. The Officials suspect foul play and investigate both her and her PE Teacher, Miss Defeu. Both girls receive an OTK spanking punishment first, followed by a bare bottom caning.NS Classics - Irelynn Logeen - The ViewingStephen and Irelynn are viewing a house for sale. Estate agent, Zille, is very keen to make a sale to this couple, but whilst they are supposed to be viewing the inside of the house, strange noises coming from the bedroom raise an eyebrow from Zille. And more than a little curiosity.NS Classics - The Lament Of The School BullyIrelynn has locked Gemma in the stationery cupboard and refuses to tell anyone where the key is. It appears Gemma had been subjecting poor Irelynn to a campaign of bullying and Irelynn has finally had enough. She remains obstinate as Stephen tries his best to whack it out of her!Painful SilencePrisoner Irelynn Logeen is accompanied by Prison Officers Zoe Harrison and Stephen Lewis - they have brought her to the punishment cell at Bars and Stripes Prison - with the intention of finding out some information from her. The punishment bench takes pride of place in the centre of the stark cell. Somebody has already very thoughtfully placed a blanket over the bench; They can't have the prisoners being in pain while they're being punished. Before she is strapped to the bench she is asked if she's going to give them the information they are desperately seeking. Her silence is taken as a no. Officer Stephen Lewis bares her bottom and starts strapping her. Irelynn makes appropriate noises that indicate she's suffering - yet she still refuses to talk. Either Officer Lewis or Officer Harrison would every so often grab a hank of her hair and pull her head back - this meant they were making contact eyeball to eyeball. But poor Irelynn is obstinate and refuses to talk. All she has to do is tell them the name of the bank account and the numbers. The authorities believe she knows all these details. She won't even tell them who she's protecting and why she's protecting them. Officers Lewis and Harrison try various tactics to make her talk. They try sweet reason. They threaten her. Try to scare her. Nothing works. Frustrated, they have to give up for that day. They leave her still strapped to the punishment bent, promising her that someone might come and release her and escort her to the Solitary Cell, where they tell her she will have to spend the next twelve years, with just spiders and rats for company.Logeen Solitary Day One'Here you are home sweet home,' Prison Officer Stephen Lewis says, leading her into a bare prison cell. Prisoner Irelynn Logeen looks around her - at the stark bare walls, bare floor and the other bare necessities - being a rush rug in the corner and a wooden kitchen chair. Her face shows no emotion. Officer Lewis pushes a flimsy white top at her, ordering her to put it on and he means right now. She gives a sigh and starts to undress. She hands him her black and white striped jumper followed by her jeans and socks. She puts on the flimsy white top. Her fingers fumble as she hurriedly tries to fasten the fiddly buttons. Sitting down on the wooden chair, Officer Lewis beckons to her to get over his knee. He now proceeds to spank her. First one cheek then the other. Her bottom is soon looking very red and sore. However, except for an occasional moan she is quiet and still. He stops spanking her for a moment, just long enough to pull her knickers down to mid thigh - his hand makes contact with her bare bottom - harder and faster - now she starts to squeal and wriggle about. The decision of when to stop is his alone - certainly not because she begs him to. He tells her to stand up and go back into her corner and sit down. She hurries to obey and sits on the rough rush rug. He leaves her sitting there, rubbing her sore bottom.Irelynn Logeen - Intake DayIt's Intake Day for Prisoner Irelynn Logeen Number 4235. Prison Officer Harrison brings her into the interrogation room. She stands in front of Prison Officer Lewis's Desk, her wrists handcuffed together behind her back. He explains to her that this get together is normal for all new prisoners - that it's necessary to tell her about the rules at Bars and Stripes Prison. That by keeping on the right side of these rules, her time spent in the prison will be a lot easier than if she breaks the rules - then the prison officers will break her. When he asks her has he made himself clear, she answers 'yes sir,' but he's not convinced that she is sincere and Officer Harrison agrees with him. Therefore, Officer Lewis is going to teach her a lesson. Still handcuffed she's pushed face down over the desk and he gives her a thrashing with a leather strap. It's Officer Harrison who suggests that she might feel the strapping if her jeans are pulled down. So Officer Lewis gives her the job. Pushed back over the desk, the strapping continues and gives her an even sorer looking bottom. But when Irelynn makes a detrimental remark about Officer Harrison - Officer Lewis hands her the strap and allows her to carry on with the punishment. In the end Irelynn is verbally showing more respect, so she is helped to stand up by gentleman Stephen Lewis. He then asks Officer Harrison to take the cuffs off her, so that she can change into her prison uniform. Yet defiant to the end, Prisoner Logeen informs Officers Lewis and Harrison that she will not be giving them any information about her crime. They say she will. A battle of wills - which will win?Too Much CheekPrisoner Irelynn Logeen is escorted to her new cell by Prison Officers Stephen Lewis and Zoe Harrison. They leave her to settle in. She climbs up to the top bunk and lies down on it. Still on her exploration of her new home, she checks out the metal lockers that are meant to be wardrobes for her meagre clothing. She's not too impressed and again lies down on her chosen bunk. Then she hears a key scraping in the lock the door of the cell clangs open and Officer Lewis and Office Harrison come in. Their job is to check that she has not smuggled anything into the prison - that is not allowed. Being a gentleman, Officer Lewis tells Officer Harrison that she should search Prisoner Logeen - she is only too happy to oblige and runs her hands over Logeen's body. She is disappointed to not find anything. But Officer Lewis checks out the wardrobe, but again he disappointedly finds nothing - Prisoner Logeen chimes in with a possible reason - there is too much dust in there to keep clothing in it. However, Prison Officers Lewis and Harrison do not appreciate her helpful contribution to their discussion. In fact the prisoner voices several complaints about her living quarters. Therefore, she is labelled as a moaner and moaners are punished in Bars and Stripes Prison. Officer Lewis pulls Irelynn over his knee and gives her a hand spanking. He has to warn her several times to stop kicking, but she is unable to obey - it's a natural reaction to kick out after each slap on her poor bottom. Then he doesn't want Officer Harrison to feel left out so he suggests she takes over spanking Prisoner Logeen. They change places a couple of times, by which time poor Irelynn's bottom is very sore and mottled red. Eventually, she is coaxed to thank both the prison officers for being so kind as to give her such a warm welcome to her new life.Sentenced to be canedIrelynn enters Headmaster Tom's office, she has obviously forgotten something she should have learned yesterday. So he sends her out of the office to try again. There is a knock on his office door and he calls out, 'Come in Irelynn.'Timidly she comes in, however, what else has she forgotten from yesterday? He sends her back out of the office to get it right. Outside the office, she pulls down her jeans and knickers to mid thigh and knocks on the door. 'Enter Irelynn' he calls. He tells her to go over to the glass-topped coffee table and stand in front of it. She obediently shuffles across the room. 'What do you see on the coffee table?' he asks her. 'Two canes sir.' 'Pull your trousers up again and bend over the table.'She is so nervous her hands are shaking so she fumbles with the zip. Ordering her to go up on her tiptoes, he starts caning her. He gives her six strokes of the cane on her jeans covered bottom. 'Trousers down!' he barks at her, 'and get back in position'. The cane strikes her knickered bottom several times. When he pulls her knickers down, she protests, but is told to shut up.Poor Little Liar'Come in' Headmaster Tom calls when there is a knock on his office door. A beautiful red headed girl enters. She asks if it's Girls Boarding School and HM Tom says it is. She has a letter and seems to be rather puzzled as to why she received it. It's addressed to someone called Irelynn but that's not her name. After some questions from HM Tom, he seems to be as perplexed as she is. He was expecting Irelynn, so if this young lady isn't her, he phones her to see what's happened to her. Surprise, surprise, this mystery young lady's mobile is ringing out insistently. So this is Irelynn. The poor little liar obviously didn't fancy being a student at GBS. HM Tom believes there is no time like the present. Here is a young lady in need of corporal punishment, so he tells her to put herself over his knee. She tells him it's the first time she's had an otk spanking. Poor Irelynn, it's the first of many as she has been sent to GBS to be straightened out. After being caught stealing three cars. He spanks her on top of her trousers, then she is told to take them down. Stubbornly she refuses to do so. But HM Tom doesn't budge an inch. He's determined to teach this girl obedience. He hand spanks her for ten minutes and warns her that at GBS she will be receiving a spanking every day for one reason or another for the six months she will be at the school. Punishment over for that day, he leaves her standing in the corner, reflecting on her bad behaviour, with her bright red bottom fully exposed, her trousers and knickers round her ankles. The next day she can look forward to receiving her first caning.Red Red RedIrelynn was hardly believing her eyes when she was reading the punishment note some days ago: a bruised bottom for 2 weeks! In other words: bottom control every evening and a corporal punishment brush-up every few days for keeping her bottom in a well bruised shape! So too bad today when she entered the Headmaster's office, with her trouser already down to the ankles, knowing that it's yet only the 3rd day of these 2 weeks and that her bottom is no longer bruised at all. So does she know, so does Headmaster Tom know! Solving the problem? Simple! The carpet beater and the cane, full force on her bared buttocks! When Irelynn is leaving the Headmaster's office in tears she at least leaves with the 'good' feeling that bruises are guaranteed at least for the next full week.New Resident Irelynn'Irelynn wake up it's Sunday morning.'Headmaster Tom has entered her room and he's there for a purpose. He's come to see if she has anything to report to him. She has been at Girls Boarding School for a week, surely she should have nothing to report. However, she has written the report up and she starts to read it to him. She was late for gym on Monday. He tells her that is not too serious, in fact she'd have got off with a warning, but more was to come. Wearing inappropriate clothing one day. Eating chocolate in bed. One of the house rules at GBS, beds are for sleeping in and only for sleeping in, not eating or drinking, not for watching TV and not for studying on. When she tells him how she threw a book after a teacher, he is not at all impressed with her. And finally, she accidentally lost her key. All that in a week. She must be punished, so it won't happen again. Putting her over his knee he gives her a hard hand spanking. That is only the beginning of her ordeal. She is asked to make an immediate decision, wooden or leather paddle? She chooses leather. So he brings the leather paddle down from its hook on the wall above her bed. Bending over the end of the bed, with her face in the mattress, her poor sore red bottom is made even more red and sore as the leather paddle makes contact with it. She then has to apologise for each broken rule and promise not to do it again. Still determined to really make her suffer, he strips her bedding off the bed. Now she must stay in bed for the next twelve hours. No going to the toilet, or eating. If there is an emergency she must call him. All she can do to pass the next twelve hours is to sleep.Curtains Closed, Bottoms Bared!John never liked having his girls round his place during schooltime, his apartment was too small and he was always busy. He didn't need school hassling him with a long list of their continual poor behaviour and rule infractions so when they brazenly walked past him, giggling & Texting whilst already being late for school, he felt he had no further option. John stopped the girls and closed the curtains, creating real privacy to spank some sense into this terrible twosome! They protested but it was far too late for crocodile tears as each girl was spanked in front of the other, first with their panties showing, then a harder more intense spanking on both their bare bottoms. In a final act of planned enbarrassment for the girls, John placed them in front of the open window, bottoms showing for all the world to see just what naughty young madams they had been! This is the last ever film featuring Leia Ann Woods & Irelynn Logeen together!

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