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Free Spanking Videos and Galleries with Vanja. We have previews with Vanja from Girls Boarding School.

GBS Classics - New Resident VanjaMichael a master at Girls Boarding School finds Vanja a new resident at Girls Boarding School - kneeling on a wooden stool, her long blonde hair tied in two plaits and her hands are on her head. He asks her why she is in that position - her reply is cheeky, disrespectful and flippant, when she tells him she can't keep to the stupid rules. Asking her the same question three times, he gets the same response. Michael realizes he has a challenge here and it is his job to change her attitude. She has been disruptive in class and rude and disobedient to her teachers. Now Michael is going to have to do something about this new girl's attitude, so he orders her to bend over the stool that she had been kneeling on. Then telling her to stay in that position until he returns, he leaves her. On his return he finds her in the same position that he had left her in. He has brought with him a carpet beater and it soon becomes clear that he intends to use it on her bottom. He is shocked when he flips up her school skirt to reveal an already bare bottom. He lectures her about the need to wear regulation school knickers - while punctuating each word with a swipe of the carpet beater on her rapidly reddening bottom. Also, he remarks on the fact that she's not wearing a bra either. She makes a lame excuse that there wasn't a bra in her size. Michael tells her that's nonsense as Girls Boarding School caters for all shapes and sizes. Beating out a rapid tattoo on her sore bottom, that has become red and blotchy with definite signs of bruising, she has stopped being rude and stroppy. He tells her that he's going to give her a final six strokes with the carpet beater. She is to count each stroke and thank him for it - plus asking for his forgiveness. Obediently, she does exactly what he has told her to do and say. Telling her to stay in position for a few minutes while reflecting on what has just happened - she should then return to her class.GBS Classics - New Resident Vanja - HQ Photos PreviewMichael a master at Girls Boarding School finds Vanja a new resident at Girls Boarding School, kneeling on a wooden stool, her long blonde hair tied in two plaits and her hands are on her head. He asks her why she is in that position, her reply is cheeky, disrespectful and flippant, when she tells him she can't keep to the stupid rules. Asking her the same question three times, he gets the same response. Michael realizes he has a challenge here and it is his job to change her attitude. She has been disruptive in class and rude and disobedient to her teachers. Now Michael is going to have to do something about this new girl's attitude, so he orders her to bend over the stool that she had been kneeling on. Then telling her to stay in that position until he returns, he leaves her. On his return he finds her in the same position that he had left her in. He has brought with him a carpet beater and it soon becomes clear that he intends to use it on her bottom. He is shocked when he flips up her school skirt to reveal an already bare bottom. He lectures her about the need to wear regulation school knickers, while punctuating each word with a swipe of the carpet beater on her rapidly reddening bottom. Also, he remarks on the fact that she's not wearing a bra either. She makes a lame excuse that there wasn?t a bra in her size. Michael tells her that's nonsense as Girls Boarding School caters for all shapes and sizes. Beating out a rapid tattoo on her sore bottom, that has become red and blotchy with definite signs of bruising, she has stopped being rude and stroppy. He tells her that he's going to give her a final six strokes with the carpet beater. She is to count each stroke and thank him for it, plus asking for his forgiveness. Obediently, she does exactly what he has told her to do and say. Telling her to stay in position for a few minutes while reflecting on what has just happened, she should then return to her class.

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