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Cheshire Smiles

Free Spanking Videos and Galleries with Cheshire Smiles. We have previews with Cheshire Smiles from Universal Spanking Punishments.

Burning Her Bridges - Part 3Cheshire Smiles doesn't know it yet, but soon she will go through the most painful and humiliating experience of her life. You see, she loves being the popular girl, the one who buys all of the drinks, the one being adored at the club on a Saturday nights. Unfortunately for her though, her desire to be the coolest girl in the room left her with large and unpaid tab. As we see here, there comes a time to pay, and if Cheshire doesn't produce the money that she owes she's going to have to pay another way! Sure enough, Cheshire has burned many bridges and has been spending money wildly, there seems to be no one to borrow from during a time when she needs the help the most. There's no way out of this situation, Cheshire is going to have to take hard spankings from club management!! She never saw her irresponsible and partying ways leading to this, then again she didn't ever tend to look that far ahead. Cheshire's debt begins to be repaid when she is laid across a spanking horse and her bottom is furiously spanked over her short and sexy club dress. Soon her dress is lifted and the corporal punishment continues, stinging her bare cheeks with only a little thong providing any modesty. Next, a rough piece of long leather is applied to Cheshire's bottom and she begins to cry out, unfortunately for her this is just the beginning and she's going to be required to pay her debt in full. A reformatory strap is then used, followed by the strokes of a thick billet strap, she can feel her bottom swelling up, and there's simply nothing that she can do other than to take the licks! The worst is yet to come though as Cheshire is stripped fully naked, her sore and sizzling hot bottom exposed for further punishment. A heavy three fingered strap is used to elicit genuine pleading along with a prison strap, but her cries fall on deaf ears. Finally, a long lexan paddle with holes and a solid jokari paddle with holes are applied to Cheshire's bare bottom. She had heard about swats before, but never experienced them, too bad for her as a few swats growing up for discipline may have prevented her being in this situation. The paddling turned this hard partier into a remorseful and tearful girl, we can only hope that she becomes more responsible after this and that she doesn't start a new tab!Burning Her Bridges - Part 2Cheshire Smiles doesn't know it yet, but soon she will go through the most painful and humiliating experience of her life. You see, she loves being the popular girl, the one who buys all of the drinks, the one being adored at the club on a Saturday nights. Unfortunately for her though, her desire to be the coolest girl in the room left her with large and unpaid tab. As we see here, there comes a time to pay, and if Cheshire doesn't produce the money that she owes she's going to have to pay another way! Sure enough, Cheshire has burned many bridges and has been spending money wildly, there seems to be no one to borrow from during a time when she needs the help the most. There's no way out of this situation, Cheshire is going to have to take hard spankings from club management!! She never saw her irresponsible and partying ways leading to this, then again she didn't ever tend to look that far ahead. Cheshire's debt begins to be repaid when she is laid across a spanking horse and her bottom is furiously spanked over her short and sexy club dress. Soon her dress is lifted and the corporal punishment continues, stinging her bare cheeks with only a little thong providing any modesty. Next, a rough piece of long leather is applied to Cheshire's bottom and she begins to cry out, unfortunately for her this is just the beginning and she's going to be required to pay her debt in full. A reformatory strap is then used, followed by the strokes of a thick billet strap, she can feel her bottom swelling up, and there's simply nothing that she can do other than to take the licks! The worst is yet to come though as Cheshire is stripped fully naked, her sore and sizzling hot bottom exposed for further punishment. A heavy three fingered strap is used to elicit genuine pleading along with a prison strap, but her cries fall on deaf ears. Finally, a long lexan paddle with holes and a solid jokari paddle with holes are applied to Cheshire's bare bottom. She had heard about swats before, but never experienced them. Too bad for her as a few swats growing up for discipline may have prevented her being in this situation. The paddling turned this hard partier into a remorseful and tearful girl, we can only hope that she becomes more responsible after this and that she doesn't start a new tab!Burning Her Bridges - Part 1Cheshire Smiles doesn't know it yet, but soon she will go through the most painful and humiliating experience of her life. You see, she loves being the popular girl, the one who buys all of the drinks, the one being adored at the club on a Saturday nights. Unfortunately for her though, her desire to be the coolest girl in the room left her with large and unpaid tab. As we see here, there comes a time to pay, and if Cheshire doesn't produce the money that she owes she's going to have to pay another way! Sure enough, Cheshire has burned many bridges and has been spending money wildly, there seems to be no one to borrow from during a time when she needs the help the most. There's no way out of this situation, Cheshire is going to have to take hard spankings from club management!! She never saw her irresponsible and partying ways leading to this, then again she didn't ever tend to look that far ahead. Cheshire's debt begins to be repaid when she is laid across a spanking horse and her bottom is furiously spanked over her short and sexy club dress. Soon her dress is lifted and the corporal punishment continues, stinging her bare cheeks with only a little thong providing any modesty. Next, a rough piece of long leather is applied to Cheshire's bottom and she begins to cry out, unfortunately for her this is just the beginning and she's going to be required to pay her debt in full. A reformatory strap is then used, followed by the strokes of a thick billet strap, she can feel her bottom swelling up, and there's simply nothing that she can do other than to take the licks! The worst is yet to come though as Cheshire is stripped fully naked, her sore and sizzling hot bottom exposed for further punishment. A heavy three fingered strap is used to elicit genuine pleading along with a prison strap, but her cries fall on deaf ears. Finally, a long lexan paddle with holes and a solid jokari paddle with holes are applied to Cheshire's bare bottom. She had heard about swats before, but never experienced them. Too bad for her as a few swats growing up for discipline may have prevented her being in this situation. The paddling turned this hard partier into a remorseful and tearful girl, we can only hope that she becomes more responsible after this and that she doesn't start a new tab!Desire - Part 3In the finale of 'Desire: A Spanking Trilogy', Cheshire is discovered on the phone planning for a party surrounded by booze and party lights. Clearly, she is planning for a wild night, and her Exchange Daddy decides enough is enough. Cheshire is given a choice, she can take a hard paddling from two wooden paddles, or her father can be called and surely she would be sent home and punished there as well. The behavior of this exchange student has been totally unacceptable upon arrival, and not surprisingly, she chooses to take the bare bottom swats with the paddles! She is bent over and her Exchange Daddy lands swat after swat on her beautiful bottom, applying the board as any man who cares about good behavior would. Sure, she struggles to make it through, but when a paddling is deserved, a disciplinarian must follow through. Seemingly, Cheshire is a poorly behaved girl that unfortunately has to be spanked due to her uncontrollable behavior, but could there be more to this cute and sore student?Desire - Part 2In Part Two of 'Desire: A Spanking Trilogy', Cheshire is caught cheating on the first day of school! She's known to be a very bright Exchange Student so the situation is more than concerning. As soon as Cheshire arrives home she is confronted and corporal punishment is administered. First, a thin wooden paint stick paddle is applied hard to her jeans covered bottom and it breaks due to the hard strokes. Next, a stiff leather tawse is applied to her bottom, and even though her bottom is burning, the Exchange Daddy wants to make sure that this girl learns a lesson she won't forget! Soon after the tawse, a long and thick strap is applied repeatedly to her buns, first on the jeans and then on the bare as Cheshire is stripped naked! Finally, she is given several swats with a wooden paddle that scorch her naked behind. Be forewarned, if Cheshire gets in trouble a third time she will have to bend over for swats from two large wooden paddles, let's hope that she behaves from here on out.Desire - Part 1In the first part of 'Desire: A Spanking Trilogy' we meet Cheshire, a precocious girl who's part of the student exchange program. Her host family is excited to have her visit, but it's a home that values the benefits of spanking and corporal punishment! On her first night there, Cheshire disobeys direct instructions to go to bed early after a long flight. Unfortunately for her, there are no second chances and she'll learn the hard way that obedient actions will benefit her behind! She is instructed to assume a compromising position on all fours for a hand spanking. Her rebellious nature has her squirming and her Exchange Daddy grips her tight as he deals out the licks. Next, Cheshire must take hard strap strokes from several mean straps including the Canadian Prison Strap! The straps are painful and her behind is sizzling hot, but the punishment isn't over yet! To drive the lesson home, she's taken over the knee and given a bare bottom spanking with a wooden hairbrush. Every single smack with the brush hurts worse than the one before. Cheshire is warned that the next time she gets into trouble, she'll be getting a paddling!Justice Is Served - Part 5When a girl becomes a young woman there are certain things that she anticipates. She might assume that she'll find a job, maybe fall in love, and certainly that her days of being spanked are over, and usually that's the case. However, when laws are broken and jails are full sometimes a young woman can be presented with another option, she may be given the choice to accept judicial punishment. It has to be a terrible and humiliating feeling to know that you're going to have to appear before a punishment administrator and strip naked for painful naked spankings! In this case, and in the first of our 'Justice is Served' judicial spanking series, Cheshire Smiles and Caroline Adams (Shy Sky) are faced with having to endure 50 full force strokes with the Canadian Prison Strap while they are tied over a table! They both arrive knowing that they deserve the embarrassing punishment (for stealing from vulnerable adults) that they will have to bend over for and accept. The local newspaper is also present to take pictures of their bare red bottoms so they can be published for everyone to see in the hopes that others will be discouraged from committing similar crimes. The blistering hard strap strokes are jarring for the girls and tears flow just as they should, but with crime down after the judicial punishment program was instituted, the local residents have supported a return to traditional values and the use of corporal punishment. With the strapping complete the girls make the careless mistake of revealing that the court did not make them return the money that they stole. The Punishment Administrator calls them back in and makes it clear that they will return the money, and that they'll also each get an additional 20 swats with the wooden paddle across their already sore and naked cheeks for the deception! Was this punishment extremely painful and humiliating for a young woman to have to take. Yes it was, but in the quest for a crime free world it only makes sense to apply hard corporal punishment for long lasting and respectable results.Attitude Adjustment #3 – Cheshire Smiles - Part 1This is the third video in the 'Attitude Adjustment' series and features Cheshire Smiles who can be seen in some of our previous features ('Justice is Served' and the 'Desire' trilogy). The 'Attitude Adjustment' series is all about the spanking,...hard licks without any stories, just beautiful bottoms taking corporal punishment, often to the point of tears! Cheshire knows all about tears and crying, and who can blame her,...she was spanked hard and most girls would shed a tear or two if they had to take a spanking like Cheshire did. Her adjustment starts out with repeated strokes with the belt, followed by a strapping from a London Tanner strap and a prison strap! Her buns are on fire right from the start of this session and it only gets worse for Cheshire as things go along. Next, Cheshire feels the heat get turned up a notch when she struggles through the Canadian Prison Strap, followed up by swats with a long lexan paddle with holes that takes this beautiful girl to tears. Usually, tears happen near the end of a spanking, unfortunately for Cheshire she still had to endure more corporal punishment before this session was complete. The razor strap kept her bare bottom nice and hot and more swats with a second lexan paddle was almost too much for Cheshire! However, she was determined to better herself and accept the adjustment, though the smacks with the rubber strap with holes hurt severely! The hardest parts were yet to come as Cheshire stayed kneeling for the jokari paddle with holes and finally the cane. The combination of the wooden paddle slapping across her exposed cheeks along with the cruel cuts of the cane brought Cheshire to tears yet again. Thankfully for her the spanking did indeed adjust her attitude and the session was a success!Justice Is Served - Part 2When a girl becomes a young woman there are certain things that she anticipates. She might assume that she'll find a job, maybe fall in love, and certainly that her days of being spanked are over,...and usually that's the case. However, when laws are broken and jails are full sometimes a young woman can be presented with another option, she may be given the choice to accept judicial punishment. It has to be a terrible and humiliating feeling to know that you're going to have to appear before a punishment administrator and strip naked for painful naked spankings! In this case, and in the first of our 'Justice is Served' judicial spanking series, Cheshire Smiles and Caroline Adams (Shy Sky) are faced with having to endure 50 full force strokes with the Canadian Prison Strap while they are tied over a table! They both arrive knowing that they deserve the embarrassing punishment (for stealing from vulnerable adults) that they will have to bend over for and accept. The local newspaper is also present to take pictures of their bare red bottoms so they can be published for everyone to see in the hopes that others will be discouraged from committing similar crimes. The blistering hard strap strokes are jarring for the girls and tears flow just as they should, but with crime down after the judicial punishment program was instituted, the local residents have supported a return to traditional values and the use of corporal punishment. With the strapping complete the girls make the careless mistake of revealing that the court did not make them return the money that they stole. The Punishment Administrator calls them back in and makes it clear that they will return the money, and that they'll also each get an additional 20 swats with the wooden paddle across their already sore and naked cheeks for the deception! Was this punishment extremely painful and humiliating for a young woman to have to take. Yes it was, but in the quest for a crime free world it only makes sense to apply hard corporal punishment for long lasting and respectable results.Justice Is Served - Part 1When a girl becomes a young woman there are certain things that she anticipates. She might assume that she'll find a job, maybe fall in love, and certainly that her days of being spanked are over. And usually that's the case. However, when laws are broken and jails are full sometimes a young woman can be presented with another option, she may be given the choice to accept judicial punishment. It has to be a terrible and humiliating feeling to know that you're going to have to appear before a punishment administrator and strip naked for painful naked spankings! In this case, and in the first of our 'Justice is Served' judicial spanking series, Cheshire Smiles and Caroline Adams (Shy Sky) are faced with having to endure 50 full force strokes with the Canadian Prison Strap while they are tied over a table! They both arrive knowing that they deserve the embarrassing punishment (for stealing from vulnerable adults) that they will have to bend over for and accept. The local newspaper is also present to take pictures of their bare red bottoms so they can be published for everyone to see in the hopes that others will be discouraged from committing similar crimes. The blistering hard strap strokes are jarring for the girls and tears flow just as they should, but with crime down after the judicial punishment program was instituted, the local residents have supported a return to traditional values and the use of corporal punishment. With the strapping complete the girls make the careless mistake of revealing that the court did not make them return the money that they stole. The Punishment Administrator calls them back in and makes it clear that they will return the money, and that they'll also each get an additional 20 swats with the wooden paddle across their already sore and naked cheeks for the deception! Was this punishment extremely painful and humiliating for a young woman to have to take. Yes it was, but in the quest for a crime free world it only makes sense to apply hard corporal punishment for long lasting and respectable results.

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